Maybe I should go to medical school....

Apr 21, 2004 18:30

Since taking office in January 2001, George W. Bush has led a steady and unrelenting attack on freedom of choice and the right to privacy, using all the powers of his presidency. In late 2003, Bush signed the first ever federal ban on abortion. Attorney General John Ashcroft then went on a fishing expedition through women’s private medical records, arguing that “individuals no longer possess a reasonable expectation their histories will remain completely confidential.” Bush has also worked to pack the federal courts with anti-choice judicial activists - including one who called Roe v. Wade an “abominable decision.”

You want to take away my privacy and my right to choose? Fine. If I had an abortion I would loudly and proudly tell you. But I am not going to let you take away my right to puruse happiness. And having a child is not in my line of vision for happiness. You have a choice to have all the kids you want (and get paid for it to boot) but if you make me have a kid YOU are taking care of it. In my usual, over the top way, I purpose that unwanted children are left at the Whitehouse's front gate and that the president rear all of them. That way, we keep producing, the goverment foots the bill (they do anyway),they can ensure that the next generation "votes bush", and we live our lives in a scream free zone. Everybody wins.

I have a clothes hanger and I know how to use it.
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