If you read this... You MUST post a memory you have of me. It can be good or bad. Just so long as it happened. Then add this to your journal page, and see what people remember about you.
I remeber the first night we ended up working together, and you were having big issues with a customer who wouldent behave and you looked like you were gonna cut him, this is when i decided it would be benificial to be your friend. lol
lol that ruins my reply to the comment above. come on now, i'm trying to prove that i'm nice. there were so many asshole customers, do you remember what that one was doing that made me look like i was going to cut him?
ah one of those, yeah. i was actually staring at him in a vain attempt of mutating his head by the power of my will but it didn't work...cutting him would have worked better :x
We each do what we can, dont blame yourself for lacking the power to make his head explode, plus that would just be a mess we would have to clean up, and I dont want to imagine how hard it would be to get face chunks out of the keyboard
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