Furuba / Fruits Basket

Nov 14, 2006 12:23

I was watching Furuba again the other day, and couldn't help but fall in love all over again with the Ryuu/Hebi pairing. There's just something so... sweet and tragic with their relationship (and as we all know sweet tragedy is my weakness), it almost never fails to make me cry! *sniffles*


The District Sleeps Alone
by R.C. McLachlan

[Hatori/Ayame :: Angst. Romance. :: PG-13 :: Shounen Ai, Yaoi, mild language]

It's not a preference bringing old loves into the picture, especially where this pairing is concerned, but somehow, the author made it work so well... with a little twist in the end that just made everything simply... fall into place. So Hatori, so totally Aya. It's what I enjoyed most about this pairing.

Link :: The District Sleeps Alone


A Passing Moment
by esrafil

[Hatori/Ayame :: Fluff. Romance. :: PG :: Shounen Ai]

Short drabble, but I loved the imagery. (I might ruin it if I say anything more.)

Link :: A Passing Moment

fluff, angst, shounen ai, fruits basket, romance

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