Goddamn chupacabras!

Feb 28, 2009 03:19

My weekend is so interesting. And it's only half over! Good times, good times.

So. Thursday after work, went out for drinks with Nicole. The drinks were way too strong and the service sucked, but drinking after work ftw. Did RP things, talked with people I hadn't talked with in a while.

Friday? Wrestled with my computer. A lot. The fan is trying to die, and I'm trying not to let it. And for the record, I'm not cool enough to take my laptop apart. It's time to recruit someone geekier than myself to open it up and figure out if the fan just needs cleaned or is actually dying. If it is, the replacement setup is about $70 - not that bad. However, the labor? $79 an hour. WTF. No. I have geek friends who I can bribe with alcohol and food.

And then tonight, a drunk friend called me. And was highly amusing. And actually pretty sweet, but exceptionally drunk. Going to see how much of that he remembers tomorrow.

AND THEN. Talked to my boy Matt, who is made of a zillion different kinds of win for sending me a bunch of PDFs of my favorite games. Oh, Exalted. How I've missed your geeky awesomeness! And Nobilis! Nobilis, how obscure and fucking awesome you are! Seriously, he's psychic. The Nobilis book was totally the one I was looking for and unable to find, and now I have this rockin' PDF that's been fully indexed and and and... yeah, I'm too excited over this scan. What's that, you say? You want to know more about my awesome Friday?

Me: I really like this song, Matty.
Matt: Like what?
Me: Audience with the Pope.
Matt: Grounds for Divorce is my favorite.
Me: I'll listen to that one next.
Matt: It's my fightan musik
Matt: If I was an action movie, Grounds for Divorce is my 'beating-up-the-extras' montage song
Me: Hahaha.
Matt: You know like, where I shoot a guy so hardcore style he flies back into the buffet and the bowl of punch.
Matt: Doves and shit, the ice sculpture is being chipped away by stray bullets.
Matt: I have sunglasses.
Me: Of course
Matt: Because this gunfight is happening at an outdoor wedding.
Me: Naturally.
Me: So you remade Heavens Breaking Prince?
Me: Who did I play with him?
Matt: Like that small god chick.
Matt: This one is much more ninja.
Me: Oh, right, right, the one with the wings.
Matt: And the tits.
Me: And the tits, yeah.
Matt: And the vajayjay.
Me: You're oversexed.
Matt: And the essence cannon.
Me: She didn't have an essence cannon!
Matt: Pff, not with that attitude.
Me: She was a small god, she didn't need an essence cannon.
Matt: Please.
Me: Bah.
Me: So do you want the small god chick back, or an actual Exalt?
Matt: Beats me.
Me: ...dude, I can totally see the action montage.
Matt: Right?
Matt: It's called Wedding Crasher.
Me: So very.
Matt: And at the end of my montage I say, "Anyone want to speak now?" (You know, 'cause the priest is like, "Speak now, or forever hold your peace" before BAM! I COME IN SHOOTING!)
Matt: Or something like that. I'm still working on it.
Me: So, who are you shooting at?
Matt: Terrorists.
Matt: And chupacabras.
Me: Wedding terrorists and chupacabras.
Matt: Yup.
Me: I see. All is clear, now.

So now, on the horizon? Nobilis, Exalted. Much good gaming. An abundance of it, if I don't have to kill my sister. Good conversation, lots of interesting phone calls.

And maybe an action montage with terrorists and chupacabras? Who knows.

good quotes

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