Hey, guys! I don't know if you've seen the ridiculously hot pictures Chris Pine had in Details. If not, for the sake of everything bunk-worthy, go check them out now. *fans self* As those of you who have seen them know, those photos are pretty flippin' inspiring. As for me... Well... I went a little icon crazy.
Here's some samples to tease you:
There are more beneath the cut 51 in all OMG. This is my first major icon post, so please, any and all concrit is welcome.
001 002 003
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Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble EDIT: Also, I firmly lay some of the blame for this craziness at
blcwriter's door. She posted up a link to the behind the scenes video of the shoot at her journal, I mentioned capping a couple of pictures from it, and she not so subtly hinted at wanting some leather pants icons. So... Partially her fault.
EDIT #2: So, Chris has fried my brains. So long staring at his various... attributes... made me forget a couple of things when posting. These icons are here to be shared, and I definitely encourage it. Snag them with credit, though. *stern look* I can get very snarky when people steal my stuff, so don't do it. I'm very sure you guys wouldn't just snag without leaving credit, but it never hurts to warn those who would. ^_^