Oh boy. Welllll....I have a bit to tell y'all.
Now! Before you all freak out, it's because of a couple reasons. I talked to my mum about it and she didn't flip like I thought she would, thank god, but she did point out a few things. For one, we're kinda hard up as far as money is concerned and I know going to Australia, even for that short amount of time, is not going to come cheap. I'd more than likely have the time to make the money, but there are a lot of uncertainties as far as next school year is concerned, though. I say this because we don't know which school I'm gonna go to: either the one in town or the one in Rockton. That, however is a horse of a different color and I can't say too much about it.
Okay, now, on the 10th, I went to the new doctor's for a new patient check-up type thingie and I was kinda nervous because I'm not a big fan of doctors. Mostly because I feel stupid around them and because I have trust issues, but I digress. I haven't been to a competant doctor who stayed in the room for more than five minutes in a while so I was quite surprised when Dr. Guffey actually did talk to Mum and I. I have been getting migraines since about the seventh grade and they've been getting steadily worse and I told her about it and so she put me on a prescription. But the thing was...it's a blood pressure pill. I gave her a look like "WTF?" and she smiled and said that it was a very low dosage and that it was a good idea my old doctor had tried to put me on it. I must have looked confused again because she explained that when you get a migraine, it's usually triggered by the blood vessels in your brain spasming and the pills I'm on now will dilate the blood vessels so they don't spasm and that should 86 my headaches, if not make them more bearable.
Another problem I've had is that since I first got my period when I was about 10 or 11 (I'm 15 now), I have never known when it will come, how long I will have it or how much I'll bleed. Usually I'll bleed a lot and the longest time one of my periods lasted was about three weeks of pure hell. Mum and I have talked about putting me on 'the pill' as we call it around here because of all of my problems, but I've been a little freaked about doing it because risks for heart attack and stroke run in my family. I told Dr. Guffey about that and she put me on Yasmin which is supposed to have the least amount of hormones in it and (bonus!) is one of the birth control pills that doesn't cause migraines. When I heard that could be a side-effect to most b-c pills, I'm like, "Well, crap." But anyway, yeah, Dr. Guffey made sure I knew what was going on about the different pills I now have to take. I started the blood pressure ones today and the other ones I'm starting on Sunday. I also have to go in to the hospital today to get some blood work done to check my cholesterol (sp?) and blood sugar because both high cholesterol and diabetes run in my family and to see if I'm anemic because of my rather unfortunate problem with blood I'd mentioned before.
Ah! Right. I have a few things I wanna get out very soon. I'm signed up for three challenges in three seperate communities with three different pairings. (Aren't I just special?) And guess what? I'm cracking my mold a little because none of the pairings are Spike/Angel. I'm signed up at
1sentence for fifty sentences with Spike/Giles,
hpfanfic10x10 with Severus/Harry, and
10_hurt_comfort with Spike/Wes. (Seems I like Watchers...Hm. And I seem to have a thing for walls, but too is a horse of a different color.) Anyway, I have a couple more things to get out, Chapter four of Starting Over, which is being a total bitch to write and a couple other things I can't talk about or else my muse won't let me write them. If I talk about them she goes grr and storms off so mum's the word on my other projects so I can keep my fickle muse a happy little inspiration.
I think that's pretty much it as far as updates are concerned in this crazy life I've landed myself with (which I wouldn't trade for anyone else's, not even to save my life/soul) and so I'll bid you all adieu. Oh, before I go, though, I have one more update which is kinda random, but I hope to get some photo evidence to back it up soon. Back in July...I got my hair cut! Wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that I was grousing about it because I hate getting my hair cut, but I actually like it. Also, the amazing thing about it is that my hair was down to the small of my back when it was straight but now when it's straight, it's only a few inches below my collar bone. So, yeah, I think this concludes the random updates. Tune in next time for another interesting episode of "Liz's Loony Life!"
(I just had to. You could sue me, but you won't get much!)