-Announcer voice- Heeeere's Johnny. -Normal voice- Or Liz in my case.

Jun 24, 2006 16:01

Heya guys! God, it has been forever since I've been on here. I haven't even looked to see when I posted last but I know it was a long time ago. Now that I'm back, first order of business is to make a couple of announcements.

Announcement #1: My muse, evil little bint that she is, has gone on vacation without asking me again. Which also accounts for my long absence. But, there's some good news. She may be coming back soon. :crosses fingers: Let's hope it's really soon because I have a couple birthday prezzies to give out. :facepalm: Shite. I gotta check the birthday list thingie again. Meh. I'll check that later.

Announcement #2: From I think about July ninth through sixteenth, I won't be able to get to the internet. I probably won't have access to a computer through that time, either unless I get my laptop before I leave for Elgin with my Aunt. Which is where I'm going unless you didn't guess. But I have a slight problem. Mum doesn't really want me to go. I really, really wanna go spend some time with Auntie Nilsa and I haven't been as much as I should have, seeing as she's my god mother and all.

She said I could stay with her for a whole week and like on Wednesday of that week, we would go up to Wisconsin and go shopping, do some girly stuff and all that. I would normally say no, but I have had little to no contact with actual people outside of my family this summer and really want to go but I've got a couple problems. 1: Mum doesn't want to be by herself most of the time. Which she would because Ricky isn't around all that much when he's home and Daddy's usually working so we barely see him except for the weekends. 2: If I go, I won't be able to help around the house. Like help cook dinner so Mum can rest when she gets home from work or help Ricky get his chores done so Mum doesn't have to yell at him. :Sighs: I dunno if I should go or no. I wanna go so I can spend time with my family, but I don't want to leave Mum alone. I'm like her right hand and stuff. She depends on me because no one else helps her. If anyone has some suggestions that'd be great.

Now, on a slightly less depressing/confusing note, I downloaded a trial version of PaintShop couple nights ago and I was messing with it 'till like 4:30 this morning. I made a new icon and I'm really happy with this one because it's a whole heck of a lot less crappy than the other one's I've done.

Any feedback on that would be really awesome, too. Want. Have. Take. Just credit, okiday? Anyway, I gotta go because I have nursery duty at church tonight. :Huggles flist: I promise not to be gone so long next time!

spike/angel, my graphics, a:ts/btvs, personal shite

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