We're Diving In, There's Nothing Left To Lose one shot

Oct 13, 2010 15:09

Title: We're Diving In, There's Nothing Left To Lose
Author: damnedifidoyah
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
POV: 3rd Person
Summary: Jack just learned about Alex’s secret which concerns him in most every way.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, and this did not happen, title cred to ATL..
Author Notes: This idea came out when I was talking to Janet detourtoyou about her fic The Truth Is Hard To Swallow. And how I was telling her of my idea on how she should stop making Caleb so sweet and give me a Jalex action haha. And so here it goes.

Also thanks to Anna socornball for being my beta. :DD

Oh, I've got Tumblr and formspring

Jack just learned about Alex’s secret which concerns him in most every way. He hates it that people hide things from him, especially something as huge as this. He scans every classroom, every corridor, every hallway, and every fucking corner of their University, but there’s no Alex in sight. He huffs, knowing that he’ll get that boy and get him to confess even if hurting him is what it takes.

As Jack walks down the steps, he sees that familiar purple hoodie and well, it’s no other than the boy he’s looking for. His rage flickers as he walks up to him, grabbing his wrist and turning him around, which causes a gasp of terror from the younger one. Alex just stares at him terrified, but he’s got no room for sympathy right now.

“Come with me," he says harshly, and Alex has no choice because Jack is practically dragging him.

“What do you want Jack?” he asks a little inaudibly because he fears that Jack will yell at him or something. Jack doesn't mouth a word as he just keeps dragging Alex towards the parking lot, shoving him forcefully into his car. Alex just squirms, not knowing what to do. He wishes Caleb was here now, but to no avail, for the other boy is going to a different college.

Jack drives speedily towards the intersection and Alex is just wide eyed. He is afraid that they will accidentally get hit or smash into something, but he can't really voice his thoughts because Jack looks too angry and furious to be bothered while driving, and he can't really do that either. Alex doesn't want to take Jack’s attention from the road because only god knows what could happen.

When the car stops, Jack immediately gets out of the car and opens the passenger door, seeing that Alex is too stunned to move.

“Come on, Alex. Get out.” So he does. He looks at the all too familiar landscape of the house; this is Jack’s house. He only came here once, on a night which he wishes that he could just erase from his memory, if only that was possible. That night changed everything, that one night when he let himself go was the one night that caused him all this misery.

“What are we doing here, Jack?” Alex asks in a quiet shaky voice.

“To talk," Jack snickers at him.

There is a creepy cold and stillness that climbs up Alex's spine. What are they going to talk about? What’s with that unreadable glint in Jack’s eyes? Fuck! Does he know?

Still, Alex doesn't voice his thoughts, just follows behind the tall boy who is cursing and muttering things as he shuffles his key through the door.

Reluctantly, Alex follows inside the house and is just standing in the doorway while Jack starts to walk up the stairs. When he notices that Alex is still immobile, he says that he better follow him if he doesn't want his ass to be dragged up the stairs. So, the shaking boy does as he is told.

They enter that room - that room where it all happened. Alex gulps loudly, trying to get rid of the choking feeling he has.

“W-what do you want Jack?” Jack just eyes him thoughtfully but with anger clear in his eyes.

“Is it true?” he spats icily at him.

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alex says, all too confused about everything. Though he has an idea about it, he still shoves it away, sure that Jack knows nothing about it.

“Don’t play coy with me, Alex! You know exactly what the fuck I’m asking!” he screams, unable to suppress the anger and frustration.

“B-but I don-”

“You don’t?! Everyone knows Alex, every fucking person I know, knew about it but me! Don’t you think I have right to know this? You’re pregnant and I’m the fucking father god dammit!” he spills the beans, disbelieving that Alex can keep up his fucking façade.

“W-what? How did you… H-how did you know?!” he stammers, not knowing how to react because Jack clearly knows his secret. He is reacting just like almost everyone in the university did. Fuck Zack for being such a gossip!

Noticing the lack of denial Jack's shoulder fall. So it’s true; he's gonna be a father soon. He feels his chest swell up with a funny sensation - whatever it is, is beyond him - but he feels happy and excited to say the least. He looks up at Alex who is so engrossed with his own thoughts and looks as terrified as a kicked puppy.

Jack walks up to him and Alex flinches as he takes his hand and leads him to the bed.

“What are you doing Jack?” Alex asks, confused of the other boy’s motives. Jack pulls him onto his lap and puts his arms around Alex’s waist, settling his chin on his shoulder and humming quietly.

“Why didn’t you tell me Alex? I have all the right to know.” He says quietly, all anger gone and just replaced with sadness. He should have been the first person to know. He would have jumped and yelped with joy if Alex had just told him about it. But he can’t blame him really, because after what happened between them that night, he had been avoiding Alex because well, he was afraid to admit that he has feelings for the boy. Hell, why would he even sleep with him if he didn't love him, right?

“I... I don’t know what to say Jack," Alex says in all honesty. Everything just went from horrifying to this elated moment: he thought Jack would want nothing from him and wouldn’t care about the baby, but here he is on Jack’s lap, engulfed in a comforting hug.

“You can start by saying yes to being my boyfriend," Jack says, smiling.

“What?!” he asks, shocked. He spins around so that he is facing Jack, who is smiling sweetly at him. “What did you just say?”

Jack laughs a little and nudges Alex’s jaw with his nose, “I said if you’d say yes and be my boyfriend.”

“A-are you kidding me right now?!” Alex fights the happiness that floods all over him. He needs to make sure if this is true or if Jack is just tricking him or something so that he will be laughed at later.

“Why would I joke about this Alex? I love you, you fucker," Jack says, looking straight into the other boy's eyes, trying to elicit the feeling showing through them.

Alex just sits there looking at Jack and seeing all the love in his eyes that justifies his words. He can’t believe everything that’s happening and he can’t help but cry, not out of sadness or sorrow but the uplifting happiness that’s just too strong to handle.

Jack loves him, the boy who he’s been dreaming for months ever since he met him. The boy who makes his knees buckle with just a single glance and who manages to take his breath away with the sound of his laughter. This boy who will be the father of his child loves him, and that’s enough for Alex. He couldn’t ask for more.

Seeing the tears well up in Alex’s eyes makes Jack frown. He rubs his back and hushes him.

“What’s wrong babe? I don’t mean to upset you or anything.” He tries to console him though he’s not sure if what he said is wrong.

Alex smiles at Jack’s attempt, “I’m not upset, you silly. And I love you too.” With that, he captures Jack’s lips in a passionate kiss which takes Jack by surprise, but manages to kiss back just as passionately, trying to channel all the love he felt for the boy in his arms into the shared kiss.

All’s well that ends well they say.


Well, I hope that wasn't so bad..

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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