I’ve Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity [9/]

Sep 12, 2010 04:58

Title: I’ve Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity
Author: damnedifidoyah
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
POV: 3rd Person
Summary: It all ended in a fight, Jack hurriedly pick up the car keys and went out, but wait.. It was made clear that Jack shouldn't drive.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, and this did not happen, title from the song High of the Speaks..
Author Notes: I tried, I really tried but this is all I came up with, don't hate me or w/e it's your choice.. xD

Oh, I've got Tumblr and formspring

It was still raining and the dark and gloomy weather outside mirrored what Alex is feeling right now. He feels he’s in the dark and it’s as if the weight of the world was in his shoulder, this heavy laden of guilt and doubt fill his entire being. Guilt because he knows that he should have told Jack the truth from the beginning, he should have been open to everything about his life, after all they have talked that there should be no secrets, and that they lay everything down, promising that whatever it may be, one will accept the other because their love is far more greater than any cracks they have in their being. Any flaw can be covered with the affection they have for each other, but here comes the doubt, the what ifs, the buts.

What if Jack judged him and them, what if he’s one of those people that would show contempt, knowing how conservative their community is. And how people are so overly stereo type and lives in the status quo. He knows that Jack is not that narrow minded, he’s one of the most reasonable person he had ever meet, but still he feared that everything will crumble down, which is the main reason why he hid it in the first place. It may be dumb for someone who lives in the open minded world but not in them, they have felt degraded and embarrassed by the people who knew, it was mainly the reason why their family moved from England in the first place.

He slept having the thought that tomorrow will be the end.


Alex was stirred off from sleep by a gentle shake in the shoulder. He muttered something but went back to sleep. He was shaken a little bit harder and that’s when he opened his eyes. He looked straight at the concerned eyes of Mommy Barakat.

“What’s wrong dear?” asked Mommy B seeing Alex’s tear stained face. “Why are you sleeping here in the couch?”

He sat up and hugged his knees to his chest. “It’s just,.. Jack and I, we kind of had an argument last night.” He’s not sure if it’s right to spill his guts to Mommy B first before talking to Jack, but he really needs someone to talk to and he knows that Mommy B is considerate enough to understand.

“Whatever did you have to argue about? I thought that Jack wanted to talk? I know he wants to know the details of how you’ve met. He’s been nagging me about it back in the hospital.”

“I, he uh, asked me about the dream he had.” Alex muttered in a low voice, he felt his throat dried up.

“What about this dream?”

“Well, he, uh, he said that it felt real, that it was more of a memory than a dream. And he asked me if it did happen. I didn’t have a chance to actually give him a response on that. That’s when you got out of the kitchen. So, he said that we’ll have to talk later.”
“Hmmm, well, did you two talked after the dinner?”

“We actually didn’t have the chance to talk about it because he said we can do it some other time, he was tired and he wanted to sleep and so we did.”

“So, what happened then? Why did you end up sleeping here outside?” Mommy B seemed a bit confused and Alex hasn’t still talked about what the dream was, like he’s avoiding the topic.

“Well, I got up to get some water and I, uh, someone called me and Jack heard it, and I,. I, he just… he” Alex can’t speak anymore, his tears just rolled down his cheeks and he’s shoulders shaking and he just can’t bear it anymore.

She hugged Alex close to her and the boy rest his head on her shoulders. “Shhh… Alex dear. I hope whatever it is, you’ll have to talk about it and fix things.” Mommy B didn’t push on the issue anymore seeing how distraught it makes Alex.

“Everything will be fine hon, don’t worry too much. Once you two have settled down and have a discussion about whatever it is, I’m sure you both will be fine.” Mommy B assured Alex, though she clearly had no idea what the two boys was on about.

Alex keep hearing Mommy B address their problem as ‘whatever it is’ felt more guilty than before, if that is even possible because he felt like shit already. But he’s not sure that it will be okay if he tell Mommy B first and he said so, “I’m sorry if you’re getting confused Mom, I just, I feel like I should tell Jack first.”

“Oh, hush Alex, I know that. I just want you boys to get better okay? I hate to see you like this.”

Alex sniffed, slightly nodded and muttered a ruffled “Yes Mom.”

Mommy B smiled at that, “Well then I better get going now, I made breakfast, when Jack wakes up you can heat it up in the microwave, okay. You’ll be fine dear.” She hugged Alex once more and felt like Alex didn’t want to let go.

“Alex, just talk to him, I’m sure he’ll listen.” Said Mommy B wanting to make Alex a little better because Alex looked like his on the verge of falling apart and their hug is the only thing that kept him together.

Alex let go of the loving missus and gave her a lopsided smile, not really knowing what message that would convey, but he’s too caught up with the things that roaming in his mind to even think about it.

Knowing that she couldn’t really do anything to make Alex feel better and that everything will go back to being fine when the boys have settled their issue, Mommy B decided to leave Alex and went to her office.

Alex was left alone in the living room, he’s mind flying somewhere. He thought of what will be the best way to tell Jack he’s complicated relationship with Rian. It pains him to even think of the possibilities of how their conversation will go. It’s either Jack will be too pissed and think of them as freaks like everyone who knew did, and their five year relationship will go down the sewers or Jack will totally understand and forgive him for hiding that important fact in his life.

His mind was pulled back to reality when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He sighed and waited for Jack.

As Jack took the final step he saw Alex looking at him, his tear strained face and red puffy eyes caused Jack’s heart to clenched and felt a tug of pain. He felt guilt crawling his spine for not talking to Alex last night, he knows for sure that Alex hadn’t slept well and was just probably crying all through sunrise. But he thought that it was for the best, he can’t talk to Alex at that moment, he felt betrayed and stabbed in the back. He thought Alex was his and only his. But then last night changed all that, remembering the said events caused rage to build back up in Jack’s heart and ignored Alex totally.

He went straight to the kitchen and looked for something to eat. He heard Alex coming so walked to the farthest side of the kitchen, Alex sighed when he caught Jack’s movement.

“Jack, do you want to eat first?” Stupid question, how can they even eat with the tension that hangs in the air, it can almost cut.
Jack just scoffed and took the seat in the other end of the table with a water bottle in hand. “I think its best that we talk about this Alex, the earlier we settled this, the better. Don’t you think?” Jack raised an eyebrow as he looked at Alex’s pathetic state. He looked like he’s about to burst to tears again. Jack got annoyed at this, “C’mon Alex, we can’t talk if you’ll just stand there and mope around.”

Alex clearly hurt of Jack’s words, slowly walked his way, settling himself next to Jack. Jack flinched, and Alex was kinda hesitant, he felt that Jack was even disgusted being just near him, it broke his already shredded heart.

After a moment of silence, Jack can’t take the anticipation anymore and spoke first,

“So, who’s Rian?”

He saw Alex gulped and had an horrified expression on his face. “Rian’s my, I , uh, I don’t even know what to call him Jack, but he’s a very important person in my life.”

“Don’t you think we already had that point across? You wouldn’t be talking to him in the middle of the night and telling him you love him instead of cuddling beside me if he’s not important right?” anger evident in his voice. He looked at Alex with intense stare that it digs hole through Alex’s soul.

“Jack, you don’t understand.” Was all Alex could say, he felt helpless. He really had no idea how to tell Jack about everything. Unlocking this part of his life was painful for him and it will open past wounds that he thought time already healed but he was wrong, having this conversation with Jack revealed that it only closed up a bit but the cut still lingers, this would uncover a dark secret, he’s not sure if he can take another big hit like that.

“Godammit Alex! How could I understand this whole fucking thing if you won’t talk?” Jack’s fuse literally broke and he’s now too angry to calm down.

“Jack please…”

“Please what Alex?! Can’t you be man enough to just shove it to my face if you’re having an affair?”

“Because I don’t Jack, you’re the only one I ever love. Rian’s, he’s…” Alex trailed off.

“What the hell Alex, if you won’t talk, I’ll prefer it that you’ll leave.” Jack said as he stood up from the chair but Alex grabbed his arm and gave him a pleading look. He glared at him but he did not take his hand away, damn! Even if his so angry he can’t deny the fact that just by simple touch like that, Alex could bring shivers to his spine. He sighed shoving the thought away. “What now, Alex?”

“If I’ll tell you everything, will you listen to me? Will you give me a chance to explain everything and let me finish and won’t judge me or us about it?” Alex said almost inaudible.

“That’s what I’ve been telling you from the start. I need explanations Alex, I need to know what the hell is happening. All I know is that I have no memory and my boyfriend just told another guy he loved him and told me that I don’t understand. Do you even know how that makes me feel? Do you have any idea how much it sucks that I don’t know a thing about you and yet you affect me so much? ” Jack complained clearly confused and at loss.

“Alex, I promise I will listen okay, and that I will let you finish whatever monologue you have to say. I just, I need to know what is going on. I just feel so stupid not having any memory of you and all these things that keep bubbling in my mind. I’m so confused.”
Alex looked at Jack with sad eyes, he knew that he owed Jack all the explanation that he needed, this was the first time that he even considered Jack’s emotion in all this, he felt he was selfish for only thinking about himself and how he thought that Jack’s being an ass when clearly the boy was as distraught as he was or probably even more, and now he felt like he’s ready to tell Jack everything.

He gave him a small smile and gestured for Jack to sit down.

“Jack, I really don’t know how to begin this, but Rian and I, what we have is special.” Hurt crossed Jack’s features so Alex squeezed his hands and told him that “It’s not what you think babe, I don’t know what to call our relationship, but one thing I can say is that Rian is family Jack.”

“What do you mean?” Jack frowned.

Alex thought that this was it, he don’t care anymore if he spilled his guts to Jack and opened up this dark secret of his family, all he knew is that he owed him this.

He sighed and stared straight to Jack’s eyes as he began his monologue, according to Jack.

“Rian is my Dad’s son Jack.”

“So he’s your brother?” Jack interrupted.

“I don’t know Jack, yes, or not. Let me finish please and don’t interrupt. I’m having a hard time here.” He can’t help but let a small laugh escaped his lips as he said that, he felt ridiculous.

Jack scowled but let him continue.

“He’s my Dad’s son and his mother is my Dad’s cousin. My Aunt Martha.” He heard Jack gasped but he continued, not having the courage to stop, not now that he already blurted out the scandalous truth.

“Dad met her when he’s studying for college. They fell in love and you know, they did things.” He blushed at that.

“They had no idea that they were relatives. They only found out about it when Dad went home and he brought Aunt Martha with him, he’s excited to introduce her to the family and that’s when the revelation broke their world and their hearts. My aunt was already four months pregnant with Rian, and though our family is conservative they decided that she kept the baby but everything else should be hidden, no one else should know about it.”

“But I guess all secrets are revealed in their own time. People started to mock my Dad’s family, they call him a freak and maniac, any profanity you can think of, they shove it up my Dad’s face. They made my father’s life miserable. Of course my Aunt wasn’t there anymore, she was brought to Alaska because the family has a farm there and no one really knew anyone nor people cared about what others are up to, so it was safe.”

“To escape more embarrassment and people’s rage my grandparents decided to leave England and just let a family friend took care of the house. They made a new life here and that’s when Dad met my Mom, and well, life happened and they had me.”

“I was about 12 years old when they decided to visit England because my Mom wanted to. My Dad thought that it was okay because it was a long time ago but sadly he was wrong. People are mean, they only remember bad things about you and forget about the rest, they called my father names and my Mom was confused and disturbed. That’s when my Dad told her everything and they started arguing, I really thought that my family will fall apart Jack.” His voice croaked and he can’t help a tear that escaped his eyes.

“They’ve argued for hours and my Mom wanted us to leave and just abandon Dad, I was really confused because I don’t know what to do, it was horrible hearing those people mock my Dad and what’s worse was that my family was tearing apart because of their stupidity. I can’t even bear the pain that this has brought back. I’m just glad that things turned out differently as I’ve expected it.”
Alex had made his piece, he gathered all of his courage to look up at Jack. Jack was somewhat inquisitive and thoughtful with a little frown covering his beautiful face.

“So, what made you thought that I would not understand?” was just his simple question that taken Alex by surprise.

“What?! I mean, you don’t care? ‘Cause that’s not exactly how I thought you’d react about this.” Alex said feeling guilty all over again, how can he even manage to think that Jack would judge him?

Jack just sighed and connected their fingers, he gave a little squeeze to Alex’s hand and gave him an assuring smile.

“Alex, whatever it is, it really has nothing to do with us. I am with you not with your family, I mean I know they’re important, but it’s you I’m with. It is you that’s important and relevant to my life, I do hope you realize that.”

Alex was dumbfounded, “I just, oh, wow. All this time I thought, I just, ha ha, I’m sorry Jack, I, I thought you would rea--”

Jack hushed Alex’s babbling by pressing their lips together. It was a soft passionate kiss at first but the tension that had built up between them in the past couple of days was just too much for Jack to not take the next necessary steps. He stood up and pulled Alex with him, Alex immediately put his hands on Jack’s neck urging him closer and deepening the kiss. Jack leaned down and carried Alex not even breaking the kiss.

Alex smiled in their kiss as he saw Jack climbed the steps carefully. When they reached Jack’s bedroom he put Alex down the bed and walked back to the door.

“Ah, Jack. What are we doing?”

“You’ll see sweetcakes.”

He locked the door with a wicked smile plastered on his face.


A/N: So yeah, sorry if this was just it, ugh! I told you I'm not a good writer and definitely not good with drama or smut, what's my life? But thanks to everyone who bothered to read this and even left comments.

Now you're thinking this is the last chapter, nah, it still has two chaps to go. I'm so shameless that I'd prolonged it a bit. :)

alex gaskarth, jalex, jack barakat

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