May 31, 2006 21:39
[Sometimes the roles are the same, sometimes they are versed]
[ People can't change who they are]
***BILL>As you know...
...l'm quite keen on comic books.
Especially the ones about superheroes.
I find the whole mythology
surrounding superheroes fascinating.
Take my favorite superhero, Superman.
Not a great comic book.
Not particularly well-drawn.
But the mythology...
The mythology is not only great,
it's unique.
Now, a staple of the superhero
mythology is,
there's the superhero
and there's the alter ego.
Batman is actually Bruce Wayne,
Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker.
When that character wakes up
in the morning, he's Peter Parker.
He has to put on a costume
to become Spider-Man.
And it is in that characteristic
Superman stands alone.
Superman didn't become Superman.
Superman was born Superman.
When Superman wakes up
in the morning, he's Superman.
His alter ego is Clark Kent.
His outfit with the big red "S" -
that's the blanket he was wrapped in
as a baby when the Kents found him.
Those are his clothes.
What Kent wears - the glasses,
the business suit - that's the costume.
That's the costume Superman wears
to blend in with us.
Clark Kent is how Superman views us.
And what are the characteristics
of Clark Kent?
He's weak...
...he's unsure of himself...
...he's a coward.
Clark Kent is Superman's critique
on the whole human race.
Sorta like Beatrix Kiddo
and Mrs. Tommy Plimpton.
The point emerges.
***BILL>You would've worn the costume
of Arlene Plimpton.
But you were born Beatrix Kiddo.
And every morning when you woke up,
you'd still be Beatrix Kiddo.
I'm calling you a killer.
A natural born killer.
You always have been,
and you always will be.
Moving to El Paso...
...working in a used record store...
...goin' to the movies with Tommy...
...clipping coupons.
That's you...
...trying to disguise yourself
as a worker bee.
That's you tryin' to blend in with the hive.
But you're not a worker bee.
You're a renegade killer bee.
And no matter how much beer you drank
or barbecue you ate
or how fat your ass got,
nothing in the world
would ever change that.
First question:
Did you really think your life in El Paso
was gonna work?
***BRIDE>No! But I would've had B.B.!
***BILL>When you never came back,
I naturally assumed Lisa Wong,
or somebody else, had killed you.
Oh! And for the record...
...letting somebody think somebody
they love is dead when they're not
is quite cruel.
I mourned you for three months.
And in the third month of mourning you...
...I tracked you down.
I wasn't tryin' to track you down.
I was tryin' to track down
the fucking assholes I thought killed you.
So I find you...
...and what do I find?
Not only are you not dead...'re getting married
to some fucking jerk.
And you're pregnant.
I overreacted.
***BRIDE>You overreacted? Is that your explanation?
[The unspoken void]
[Not in the movie but in an earlier script that should have been included]
***BILL>You know how proud I am of you, don't you?
***BILL> You know I was rooting for you, don't you?
***THE BRIDE> I figured.
***BILL>You know on that beach out there I want you to be the victor?
*She nods her head, yes.
[ The End]
***BILL>Why didn't you tell me?
***BRIDE>I don't know. Because I'm... ...a bad person.
***BILL>No. You're not a bad person.
You're a terrific person.
You're my favorite person.
But every once in a while... can be a real cunt.
How do I look?
***BRIDE>You look ready.