Jun 01, 2009 23:55
I haven't written for SO. god. DAMN. LOoooooooong. it's been almost half a year since my last entry. And upon logging into livejournal, here is a
saved draft that i wrote apparently before 2008 ended.
J typed with halting staccato, as he racked his brain to produce proper strings of words that describe his muddled thoughts. "Oh, how jaded I am," he laments to his bright computer monitor, a faithful companion of his. He was trying faithfully to update his online blog, which is mostly bare and empty, with occasional postings of uneventful events. With soft pop music crooning through the computer's speaker, he typed some and halt some; till a post completes itself. The year of 2008 is coming to a close. It was an eventful year for him, yet at the same time he felt like he was coasting through the coast of life without achieving anything significant. 31st of December is ten days away. Today he accompanied his complicated older boyfriend-or-date, R, to the church that they've attended together couple times before, a church that is inclusive of the LGBT community. He whipped on what he thought was a pretty nice gay outfit and set out to a special Christmas service day, although the real 25th December isn't until couple days away.
my english vocabulary is biting lots of dust and buried deep inside the moldy recesses of my brain. gosh. I read more lately tho, but wrote much much lesser. what's happening? the flurry of life here in singapore has sweep me off my feet. i rarely have much time for contemplation any longer. i do still have free time but it's used to surf the web and play games or read books or comics. i no longer draw as well. i'm sad that my artistic interest has wane into nihilism. on the other hand i picked up guitar again and been playing a little more each day. one baby step at a time.
i need to reignite my interest in my artistic endeavours; writing, drawing, fiddling, daydreaming.
i used to be so creative. so much ideas flying through myy brain at speed of light. i don't have to jot them down because i always have new fresh ideas. but lately, my creative juice has been iced. i'm not longer as nimble with my thoughts as i were once upon a time.
my latest obsession has been. sex with white men. gosh i'm such a slut. but i've tasted the exotic meat. so different, so enticing. and so much trouble.
getting into the huge L company made me over the moon. i was dating R at that time whom i consider my bf. i shared the news with him because he is the only special person i have (other than my close friends and family). however i fouund out later i was merely his date and has never has he elevate my status to boyfriend. however i'm still surviving in the L company. I hope to become excellent draftsman one day. and reigniting my interest in artistic endeavors will help.
writing in staccato has made me feel unhappy. i have to stop typing for today and practise writing in a blank piece of paper, let a torrent of wordy nonsense out of my mind. i need to get back my youth in writing. look i can't even be cohesive anymore.