Hi, everyone! With the moving date only three days away, we figured it was about time to announce the new community name so that people can start joining up.
So, without further ado, please take a moment and join
damned_bulletin, and
damned_lounge with your character journals! There is also
damned_bedrooms, which is optional to join, of course.
Additionally, all NPC mods should join
damned_mods with their personal journals, please! Now is also a good time to drop out as an NPC mod if you need to.
We've decided to forgo the use of damned_cafe since we don't think that it gets enough posts to bother keeping around. From now on fanworks and other miscellaneous stuff will be able to go on the Lounge!
Community imports still aren't allowed for unpaid journals, so we'll have to keep waiting on that. Still, all the layouts have been moved over thanks to Maia (who is amazing and helped us even though she's no longer in the game), so Damned will be looking good again! We've also done a lot of work on transferring links and tweaking things, though there are still a few loose ends that need to be tied up. With any luck, that'll be taken care of by the 15th, when dayshift starts and the game moves.
One last note is that the dayshift plot post will be going up tomorrow, and it'll be on the Lounge over at Dreamwidth! So make sure to watch that space! We'll link over to it here on LJ as well.
Oh, and as for the donation post, as far as we're aware everyone who requested paid time for their journals has now received it. We wanted to thank all of those people who offered money from the bottom of our hearts for being so generous. ♥
That's all for now! If you haven't given us your dreamwidth information yet, make sure to do so over
here! (Though at this point there are only four people who haven't responded.) Keep it real, guys. \o/