Doyleton (Town) Descriptions

Jul 10, 2007 00:15

Magus Park

A beautifully sculpted park, Magus has a picnic area with grills, a playground complete with swings, a slide, a sandbox and monkey bars, and a beautiful pond bordered by weeping willows and wooden benches. Truly a relaxing spot - and a favorite of young lovers.

Black Rock Inn

On the outskirts of town, the Black Rock is a modest brick building boasting various suites and single rooms for all needs. The grounds have a pool, a dining room and offer a continental breakfast every morning. The decor is plush and comfortable, with a crackling fireplace in the lobby and dark green chairs and couches for patrons to relax on and visit with one another. There's a full bar, as well as a tennis court, to accommodate everyone's needs.

The Pet Supply Place

Carrying all the food and supplies you need to care for anything from a fish to a horse, The Pet Supply Place caters to every animal need. With a veterinary clinic in the back and a grooming parlor out front, they have every base covered. Family run by the Prucells, who have owned and raised livestock for seven generations, The Pet Supply Place is a large building at the end of *** street, near the residential section. It's easily recognizable by the bright red roof and the corral off to one side, which is home to one aging brown mare - and sometimes the larger animals that are visiting the vet clinic.

Mountain Antiques

Promoting itself as an 'antiques warehouse', Mountain Antiques is a favorite shopping spot for practically everyone. Full of knickknacks and rare finds, the three room shop is packed to the gills with all manner of antiques. And if you see something you like, you'd better get it fast! Nothing stays there for long - save for the stuffed tiger that stands beside the counter. Legend has it, the stuffed creature has been in the owner's family for seven generations, a reminder of days long past. The owner herself is a large, buxom woman named Hattie Fellows who's always happy to haggle over her prices and always has a story to tell - usually about one of her ancestors.

Hal’s Used Cars

Come on down to Hal's for the deal of a lifetime! Everyone knows Hal, who's as trustworthy as a used car salesman can be. While his cars may not be all he promises and you can't get the latest models, they run and he's happy to offer discount coupons to the local auto repair shop. And with no other car dealerships and Hal's seven kids to feed, folks are happy to buy their cars from his lot - plus his open ended credit policy isn't anything to sneeze at, as his signs proudly proclaim. The cars themselves range from 20 year old trucks to sports cars only five years old. If you need a car, you can get it at Hal's.

The Twin Pine Restaurant

Owned and operated by the Peterson family, Twin Pines serves up the best down home, hearty American fare in four counties. Its famous country fried steak has been written up in several local and state newspapers, and each article has been lovingly laminated and taped to the inside of the store front window, right next to the large, blue “A” awarded to them by the County Health Department. Almost as famous as the steak are the two teenaged Peterson girls, who work as waitresses after school and on weekends. Both sisters are very popular with the boys in town…thought it’s rumored that seventeen year old Jackie may have gotten into a little bit of trouble after Homecoming.

Monkey Wrench Auto Repairs

No one remembers that the owner’s full name is Joseph A. Wilder. Everyone in town just calls him Joe. In his younger years, Joe had been a racecar mechanic, but an accidental explosion cost him an arm and his job. Seeking to prove that he could do better with one hand than other men could with two, Joe moved back to his hometown and opened Monkey Wrench…and he’s been there ever since. Joe can repair just about anything, from big tractors to the delicate engines of fancy European sports cars (though he is rarely given an opportunity to practice THAT skill).

The Bookworm

Tucked into a small niche, it's easy to overlook the town's bookstore. The selection is mostly used, divided up into all the various sections one would expect in a bookstore. Romance, fantasy, mystery, fiction, non-fiction, self-help, religion, etc. Oddly enough, there's no history section. Books are piled haphazardly on the shelves, and the shelves themselves are wedged so close together it's difficult to navigate. Most often the counter is manned by an elderly woman and her college-aged counterpart, both dressed in brilliant clashing colors and often gossiping about the goings on in the town.

Lil’ Tyke Toys

“Lil’ Tyke Toys” has been an institution in town for almost as long as anyone can remember-at least fifty years or so. It has changed ownership twice, but the quality of the products it sells has not changed. It stocks just about everything-from the garishly colored toys advertised on television to antique dolls that are meant to be displayed, not played with. Its most popular feature among its youngest customers, however, is the candy counter, which serves up delicious confections of all shapes and sizes to anyone with a few quarters to spare.

Tasty Burger

In the vein of McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's, Tasty Burger is about as average a fast food burger joint as you can imagine. With a menu offering burgers, chicken strips, fries, onion rings, sodas and shakes, it's often packed with teenagers and families with small children. Everything is plastic, and there's a ball pit for the small children behind the dining area.

Callahan's Grocer

The only place in town for fresh meats, fresh produce and anything else you need for your dinner table. The store itself has a cozy atmosphere, the produce bins full of ripe fruits and veggies and the aisles stocked stocked with the staples of family meals. Meat is chopped to order by the friendly butcher Ryan, and the town's well-known bachelor Aaron Callahan himself works the register and sweeps up the floor, quick with an off color joke or a hand-rolled smoke for the men, a compliment for the ladies, and penny candy for the kids.

Richard Smith, MD Offices

Above the grocery store, the doctor's office announces itself with a modest plaque. There's a buzzer to be let into the waiting room, and patients are allowed inside on appointment only.

Pearl’s Beauty Salon Hair and Nails

Located in the heart of town, Pearl’s Beauty Salon is very similar to its sister businesses all over the country. The storefront features the same pictures and the same slogans (“Haircuts-Men, Women, and Children!” “Mani and Pedi, Special Price! $18” “Acrylics, full set: $25”) that adorn the front windows of beauty parlors nationwide. Inside, Pearl Langley rules over her little kingdom with a carefully coiffured iron fist. A large, heavily made up woman in her late fifties, she is the queen bee of the town’s older women, spreading gossip and showing off photos Mrs. So-and-So’s most recent grandbaby.

Bath and Beauty Shop

The shop all the ladies - and some of them men! - always make time to stop by. The small, pink painted building almost always has its door open, the scents of fine soaps, lotions, and bath products beckoning shoppers inside. Run by the kind and elderly Miss Dwight, the shop boasts handmade soaps and lotions, all scented in dozens of different tantalizing aromas - most of them floral and fruit based. Though around holiday time, Miss Dwight breaks out the special scents. Her candy-cane bath drops are said to be the best to be found anywhere. And she's always quick with a free sample or special gift.

T&M Electronics

Located next to the Beauty Salon, the electronics store is the one stop shop for all electrical needs. Radios and televisions line the large display window, with signs offering to repair, buy and/or trade used electronics plastered everywhere. Inside one can find everything from portable CD players to stereo systems, all under the watchful eye of Tina Warren, who's handiwork with a screwdriver is renowned all over town. Frequently, signs for seasonal sales can also be seen.

Bill's Hardware

All hardware stores are essentially the same. Bill's Hardware is no exception. Aisles of tools, electrical and old fashioned, fill the small store that smells like wood and oil. Behind the counter, the owner - a large man named Perry, not Bill as the name would suggest - rules over his shop like a king. He claims to know everything about fixing up a home. He also boasts he carries everything you need to do it, and will often haggle over prices. The counter itself proclaims special deals - nails for 5 cents each, screws by the pound, things of that nature. Despite being the only hardware store in town, good deals are assured.

Megahit Movie Rentals

Easily found by its bright orange and purple sign, Megahit Movie Rentals offers the widest selection of movies and video games. The new releases section is usually rented out, however. Nearly everyone in town has an account with Megahits, and the new computer system keeps everyone's info available with the touch of a button.

Crossroader's Bar and Casino

Even the most wholesome of towns needs its seedy side. The Crossroader's Bar and Casino hearkens back to days of the old west, with dark windows, a wooden bar and the faint scent of sawdust - all to add that authentic feel. Behind the bar, where old man Mathers runs things, bottles and glasses line the wall in front of a dusty mirror. Round tables are clustered in a small group in the center of the floor with slot machines and two Blackjack tables lining the wall. Above the bar hangs a keno screen, and there are various signs warning against rowdy behavior or guns on the premises. Not that Mathers follows his own rules - it's a well known fact he keeps a rifle of his own beneath the bar.

Mystic Healing Spa and Acupuncture

For the new ager, MHPA offers aura cleansing massages, raiki healing, crystal therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, sound and color healing, flower healing, and polarity therapy. The waiting room is a soothing place, painted in mild yellows and blues and smelling of incense and herbal tea. Crystals hang in the windows, and a small fountain sits on the receptionists desk. The receptionists are a rotation of dreamy eyed young men and women, dressed in flowing outfits and promising to heal the most troubled of souls.

Hearth and Home Handcrafted Furniture

The Heath family is very proud of their handmade, custom furniture. The whole family is a part of the business, from cousins who chop the lumber right down to fifteen year old Hattie Heath who cleans up around the store and workshop. The floorroom is a spacious single room and boasts every article of furniture a country home could possibly need. From beds and tables to corner cabinets and entertainment systems, Hearth and Home has the homeowner covered.

Sheriff's Office

Warm and friendly, it's clear the sheriff's office sees very little action. The town sheriff is a thin, pleasant looking man with a thick beard and small glasses. The plaque on his desk names him as Sheriff Tam Scotch. The office itself has a homey feel - curtains made by local townswomen, a chipped tea kettle on a hot plate behind the sheriff's desk, a few needlepoint stitcheries on the walls... the Sheriff is a bachelor, and many a town woman would like to be Mrs. Scotch. But for some reason, Sheriff Tam has yet to even date, let alone marry....

Kitchin' Fixins'

A shop for all your culinary needs! Specializing in cookingware - both indoor and out - Kitchin Fixins supplies dishware, cooking ware, spices, herbs and anything you can think of that would be needed for a kitchen or barbecue. Rumor has it the rarely seen manager is a bit of an iron-fisted tyrant, as cashiers and stockers never seem to last more than a week or two.

Morris Park

This park has fallen into disrepair. Litter lines the walkways and the grass is uncut and growing wild. As are the bushes and weeds. Far too many trees seem to choke the park, and even though the pleasant tinkling of a stream can be heard, very few respectable folks venture into it. It's known as a haven for small time drug dealers and criminals - though the only drug anyone's ever been caught with is pot, and the only crime seems to be a break in or vandalism now and again.
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