NPC Mod Application

Oct 02, 2006 20:20

You may apply to be an NPC mod, (that is, a mod whose tasks only include siccing nurses and monsters on fellow characters), if you have have had at least one character in play for a month or more. You may send in an application whenever the userinfo states that NPC Mod Applications are open.

Email Address:
Personal LJ username:
AIM/other messenger screenname:
Character(s) you currently play at Landel's:

Why are you interested in playing the nurses and monsters?:

How would you determine who to attack and who to leave alone, as well as with what force to attack them with?:

Monster Sample:

Replace this block of text with a sample monster post for us in third person, past tense. Your sample should be 250 words or more.

Nurse Sample:

Replace this block of text with a sample nurse post for us in third person, past tense. Your sample should be 250 words or more.


NOTE: We are looking for quality in our writers. We reserve the right to reject your application if we feel you don't have a strong command of the NPCs or of the English language. These applications will be held to high standards, so we expect for you to do your best to meet them.
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