Doyleton Area Descriptions [3/3]

May 02, 2011 21:41

Pet Supply Place

From the main entrance, you’ll find yourself in the large shopping portion--a wide variety of supplies for everything from fish and hermit crabs to horses and livestock fill the shelves and displays. To the right, there’s a glass wall and door, which, when peered through, will reveal the metal tables and cages of the grooming salon. The only part not seen is the small walled off rinse station in the back corner of the area. The grooming salon opens when the main store does, and closes an hour before, so the only entrance is the one within the supply store.

If you work your way further back, you’ll see a long counter dominates the left back half of the store. This is normally manned by one to two teens, which vary and are seldom memorable. On certain days, the owners’ son Kurt will be there, much to the chagrin of the part-timers, or the wife, Marie. Seldom seen is the owner himself, Jed, but when he’s around one often knows by the nervous mannerisms of the normally lax workers.

In the corner between the counter and back supply door, there exists a huge bird cage, housing a pair of eclectus parrots that Marie insisted on a few years back. The pair, aptly named, Jesse and James, have become a permanent fixture in the supply store, their constant burbling and chatter a background noise one would have to become used to. The bright red female is a bit snappish and selfish, so newcomers shouldn’t hold their breath at Jesse being friendly to them. The soft green male is a affectionate boy, so if he’s out of his cage with the workers, asking to pet him will result in a large bird cuddled against you.

The right back of the store reveals a door with a small window set into it, the nameplate beneath the window simply reading, “Clinic.” Entering will gain you a cheerful greeting from the receptionist on duty at the counter to the left of the door. Just past the counter are a handful of plastic chairs and a large dog scale. The three small exam rooms within exist in a “u,” with the middle room seldom used for appointments. It’s that room that opens to the outside for late night emergencies, and during the day is used for surgeries.

If one happens to pass through the door in the back of the main store labeled “employees only,” you’ll find rows of back stock stacked neatly on the left. To the right, there’s less careful order--bags of oats and a few barrels of hay, topped with a few apples or carrots that the part-timers have considerately left there. A door exists across the room and a bit to the left--this opens out into the corral. A heated lean-to is directly to the right of the door, half of it fenced off for any livestock animals that are being seen to. That section currently houses a large and lethargic sow, and her eight piglets, born just a couple of weeks ago. The rest is for the horse’s usage.

In the corral itself, you’ll find an older quarter horse mare, quaintly named “Fancy,” if you ask. All the workers and most of the visitors seem enamored with the mare--perhaps, because, in spite of once being a working breed, she retains a sense of elegance and cat-like reticence. A nicer horse you’ll never find, but if you want her attention, you’ll have to have something to coax her with.

The building itself is painted like a barn, complete with a bright red roof. The only irregularity exists in the bright yellow smiley face taking up the entirety of one outside wall.

Permanent fixtures, other than Fancy, Jesse, and James, of course, would be Jed Prucell and his wife, Marie, and their older son, Kurt. These three have a tendency to show up randomly and check in, though on a weekly basis, either Marie or Kurt is that for the majority of the time. Kurt manages the inventory and livestock animals, while Marie manages the staff and does relations with the other businesses within the store. Current part-timers are Lisa, Rick, Izzie, and Cecile, two on-hand at all times.

Of the grooming salon, the main groomer is a woman named Desiree, who works most of the time the salon is open. She’s recently taken on an assistant to clear up her schedule, and Anna works part-time to learn the details, and on the few days Desiree takes off. Their receptionist and scheduler is an older woman by the name of Jackie, who is there open to close, every day, with no complaints.

The vet office is run by a man named Yuri Zhivago, who seems to care deeply for his patients, and will never deny a late night request or emergency. His two receptionists function as nurses as well, switching off days; two women by the names of Laura and Tanya.

1) Main front door. Can be locked.

2) Windows - entire front wall is windowed, showing the front of the store and salon; a vertical rectangular window also overlooks the vet lobby.

3) Back door leading into corral. Can be locked.

4) Vet side door leading outside. Can be locked.

5) Internal doors being - salon door, vet door, and supply door. Salon and vet doors can be locked from the inside.

6) Internal vet doors - three exam doors; the center one used as a surgery room, leads outside, and is normally locked.

Anything and everything you except from a pet supply store can be found in the main area. Cages, leashes, pet food, bedding, toys, holistic supplies, medicines, pet outfits, even. The Prucells’ motto seems to be a rendition of, “if you build it, they will come,” as they’ve taken pains to carrying almost all stock that can be allowed for animal companions, pets or working class. The supply room is mainly stocked with various species’ food supplies, as that they buy in bulk as it runs out quickest.

The salon has a bit more in way of usable items--electric shavers, large fur shears, nail files--the works of grooming supplies. Under the counter where the receptionists sits is a small supply of low grade sedatives, bought from the vet for extremely nervous furry customers.

The main area of the vet office and the two normal exam rooms give little than the norm of medical supplies--thermometers, tongue suppressants, stethoscopes, pens and paper in the lobby. The locked center room holds the majority of the supplies--a plethora of sedative materials and animal medications, as well as utensils used for surgery--knives, scalpels, bone cutters, and the like.

TBA if questions arise


Jed Prucell
Jed owns a farm forty minutes from town--one he was raised on, and inherited when his parents died. He’s worked hard to make it successful--his grains and livestock are bought and used from towns over, and he has pride in what he does. He married “out of class” to Marie Turnival, a woman he first met at a local fair. Despite their differences, they’ve been a devoted couple, and other than joking at each other’s expense, there’s been no sign of any problems.

He bought the supply store when his son, Kurt, was young, and settled it into a niche that became something sought after. Yuri joined on soon after it began, remodeling a supply room into his offices. Desiree came a few years later, stealing the space in front for her salon. Jed himself backed out of more of the hands on things, the man preferring the quiet work on the farm to even the small bustle of the store.

Appearance-wise, he’s a solid man, with heavy calluses and a slurred manner of speech. A brunette, with dark blue eyes, Jed’s hair is kept short and often mussed from the wind and weather. He has a stern way of acting, which is only offset when his wife is present, and his grins and teasing take the stage.

Marie Prucell
Marie has been seen as a golddigger in the past--despite being from a well-known upper class family, their stocks had plummeted over the years, while the Prucells had only risen with their business sense. The pair seemed to have nothing in common, and as it’s factually true that Marie is a shrewd woman, for years, it seemed obvious that she married in for the money. Their relations is the only thing to argue this, as they have a seamless balance and harmony unseen in most relationships. She, as well, stepped up to run the store when Jed wanted to take a step back, and handles as much as she can so she doesn’t have to trouble her husband needlessly. In her mind, both work hard, they are just better at doing different things.

At the store, she’s a vivacious woman, her loud voice often heard entertaining the customers and workers. The parrots are her babies, and she treats them as such. While the female will allow herself to be held by most of the workers, Marie is the only one Jesse is actually friendly to, and James will often fall asleep in her arms. If she’s more than a few feet from their cage, and she’s talking to someone, the two will set up a chorus of “mama!” which she is completely proud of teaching them. They both know a handful of other phrases--this being the most successful at gaining her attention.

Marie is a blond, natural or otherwise, with soft green eyes. She wears work clothes, though somehow finds a way to add heels for the majority of the time, and pull it off as a workable solution. Despite her joking manner of speech, Marie is quite the taskmaster, and the part-timers will verify this. Their store is immaculate for a reason.

Kurt Prucell
Kurt Prucell can be called simple at best, slow at worst. It can be argued that he is simply carefree in life. Nothing worries the twenty year old much, and likely little ever will. His pleasures in life are simple as well--enjoying the day, petting Fancy, chatting with others. When not at the store, he’s likely somewhere by himself, watching the sky or the scenery. He’s someone that’s often found with a smile on his face, and is always willing to help others.

Despite his simplicity, his knowledge of animals is vast, and while not a vet, he knows most ways to help an injured animal, no matter the type. People often ask him for advice on stubborn horses, or unfriendly pets, to which he takes a personal stance and details as best he can why the animal is reacting that way and how to circumvent it. It might not be that Kurt is simple at all--just that his understanding tipped towards animals instead of humans. He’s certainly not remorseful for how things turned out.

Kurt wears loose clothes, which do little to show off his muscular shape from years of farm work. His skin is a constant tan, brightening the blue in his eyes. The sun affected his light brown hair as well, giving it blond sun-streaks from the majority of his time spent outside. Despite his lax attitude, his movements are sure and smooth, and he wastes no time getting to where he needs to go. Parttimers will tease that he has a crush on one of Zhivago’s nieces--though of which one, it’ll change depending on who you talk to.

Lisa Frankel, Rick Steven, Izzie McIntire, Cecile Armstrong
Lisa, Rick, Izzie, and Cecile are all the part-timers, working two to three days a week. This is the current crew, hired in about six to eight months ago for most of them, and they bicker and joke as siblings amongst themselves. Cecile is currently the youngest, an eighteen-year-old Puerto Rican who excels at playing with animals and being lazy, not necessarily in that order. He has a few piercings in each ear and a spiked choker normally at his neck to match the short black spikes his hair is gelled into. Asked to do something, he’ll normally complain in a lax manner, but will generally get to it, given time.

Rick is the current supervisor, edging thirty and acting older than it--normally a bit of a grump and bossy in his orders. He’s not cruel, however, and just wants the store to do well. He’s from a larger city, and the slow aura of a small city worries him about business. His brown hair is cut short, and he’s indistinguishable in features except for his close-to-black eyes standing out a bit against his sickly tone of skin. It’s rumored he plays MMOs in all his spare time, and his skin tone confirms the lack of sunlight at least.

Lisa has been there the longest, and is the one most questions come to. She transits out of town to college--she’s gaining a degree in veterinary studies and biology--and has an ever-changing handful of pets herself. When not asking Doctor Zhivago questions on methodology, she’s normally entertaining the birds when not busy. She’s a slight girl, dark blond hair always pulled in a pony tail, and it’s unlikely that she’ll ever slip past 5’3”.

The rest will tell you that Izzie is the newest, however she was actually the second-last to be hired. She’s easily overlooked, with her nervous mannerisms and thick glasses, and never corrects them on the fact. It’s possible she was only hired for her anal-retentiveness to cleanliness--the extra mopping to make the floor shine, the dust gone from the shelves, and the streak-less windows are all thanks to her. However, the shaggy-haired brunette is scared of animals--shaking when it’s her turn to feed the horse. Strangely enough, she hasn’t yet thought to leave.

[note: these are short since only one will likely be interacted with at a time and aren’t main NPCs.]

Desiree Attire
Ms. Attire is a vivacious dark-skinned woman, whose loud laughter can be heard throughout the store when she laughs. She’s a born and bred Doyletown native, and has been playing at being a hair stylist since she was a small child. That never panned out, due to both time and money, and when Marie advertised for a groomer at the store, Desiree applied and was accepted nearly instantly. She’s a solid groomer, either for normal trimmings and cuts or more wild colorings and styles. She’ll suggest options but leave the final solution to the customer, and will often have Jackie give the owner a gift bag of treats and toys when they come to pick up their pet.

She stays in the salon for the most part, so unless you have interest in visiting, she likely won’t be ran into.

Anna Feldman
Anna is an extremely pale white blond woman with gray eyes and a constantly neutral expression. How she got the job is perhaps less interesting than why Desiree hired her, with the contrast in personality. Despite the younger woman rarely ever smiling, she is excellent at her tasks, and is quickly learning the more detailed aspects that Desiree has to teach. Rarely saying much, she still has an easy camaraderie with the others within the grooming salon.

Jackie Drevus
Miss. Drevus is an older woman, plump and dark-haired, often kept in a perm. She’s a bit eccentric, a beat off and a beat behind, but she always has a smile for a nervous face. Jackie was applying before Desiree was even there, but for the want of an occupation, Jackie has no knowledge of grooming or animals at all. Perhaps it was just something to maintain the pace of life in slower days, or maybe she was just bored. However it is, she’s always there, a constant face in the windows at the desk behind the counter.

Yuri Zhivago
Doctor Zhivago, a native Russian in his thirties, came to Doyletown with his nieces, Lara and Tanya, years ago, when the girls were still in their teens. When Yuri heard of Jed’s store, he wondered at the other man if there could be use for a veterinarian, and Jed agreed whole-heartedly. Yuri has multiple degrees--being a vet was not the only option he could have had--and some are displayed on the walls of the office lobby; a few in the life sciences and some in the psychology route. Despite being an immigrant, there is almost no accent to be heard, and he speaks extremely properly and intelligently.

Of the man himself, he’s extremely polite and friendly--one would have a hard time disliking him. Strangely enough, Yuri and Jed get along better than most that try to befriend the quiet supply store owner, so when Jed is in, it’s not strange to see him chatting in the office door if Yuri has no patients to attend to. His nieces only have the best to say of him, and will tease him lightly if there’s time in-between appointments. Interactions with the rest of the store are lax--the only one of note is Marie, who strangely enough, is cold to the man. Reasons are unknown.

Zhivago is a slender, dark-haired man, who is seldom seen out of his lab coat and is always willing to come to his office at any time for an emergency. He’s largely agreeable, and strangely congenial, yet if one is seen as being needlessly bias or perverse, Yuri will be one of the first to speak up, which has left him at odds with the old-fashioned town once or twice. Along with his nieces, the trio stick mainly to themselves.

Lara Antipov
Lara is Zhivago’s twenty-two year old niece, slow to judgment and thorough in her analysis of others. For this reason, in questionable situations with patients, Lara is the one assigned to them, able to get reasons and situations unsaid from her careful questioning and watching. Despite being younger than her cousin, she acts as elder and is treated as such--she is the mature one, able and willing to do whatever is needed as the perfect assistant.

The girl has light brunette hair, off a few shades from her cousin, and looks nearly identical to Tanya in face structure. Her eyes, however, are light blue, which show nicely as she smiles. Her way of greeting is warm and welcoming, and she’ll ask if anything is needed while watching intently.

Tanya Gromeko
Tanya is twenty-four, and for all intents and purposes, practically seventeen by her actions. She would never think to cause trouble to her uncle, but she is more wild than her more mild cousin--hanging around with the other younger generation at night, and gathering a mess of tattoos on her arms. If she has any others, they aren’t seen. Tanya often plays the role of comforter and relaxer in tense situations, knowing when to joke and when to offer words of condolence. Both girls together can calm any situation, balancing off each other to provide what’s most needed to the patient and their owner.

Dark brown is Tanya’s hair, with darker green eyes that are normally ringed in kohl. Where Lara is professional, Tanya is lax, and she’s often seen popping gum bubbles or painting her nails in the down time. If she greets you, it’s happy and familiar, even if you’re new to the office, and if you’re there long, she’ll start to drill you on details of the outside or your personal life.

Fail map for now: Pet Supply Place

Richard Smith, M.D. Offices

Richard Smith's offices are located on the second story of Callahan's Grocer, so the outside of the building can be found in that description. The odd thing is that there isn't even a sign advertising the location of the offices; everyone in the town already knows where to go for their check-ups, so it isn't necessary. The only sign that can be found is by the stairs/elevator that lead to the second floor in the back of the grocery store. It reads "Richard Smith, M.D. Medical Offices."

The stairs and elevator lead into a small hallway with a blue carpet and white walls. At the end of it is a large brown door that also advertises the doctor's name on a gold plate. Next to the door is an intercom system; the door only opens once the receptionist has buzzed you in.

The door leads into the waiting room, which has five chairs lined around the walls, a brown carpet, and cream-colored walls. There is a wooden coffee table in the middle of the room which is littered with magazines for patients to read while waiting. The magazines span a number of topics from healthy living to cooking to gardening, but there doesn't seem to be anything news-oriented (in other words, no tabloids and nothing like People magazine, Time, etc). There is also art on the walls, mainly of landscapes, but none of it is specific or recognizable.

On the far end of the waiting room is the check-in desk, where the receptionist sits. At her wooden desk is a desktop computer, a phone, and a number of office supplies. On the check-in counter is a clipboard where patients sign in. On the left side of the waiting room is the door that patients are allowed to walk through once their name is called, and past the check-in area there are two parallel hallways, both carpeted.

The left one holds two exam rooms that are both on the left side of the hall, with a blood draw room at the far end of the hall. The exam rooms resemble a typical doctor's office, with a raised bed for the patient to lay on, a counter area with a sink that has drawers full of medical supplies, a lighted panel for looking at X-Rays, and so forth. The blood draw room has a chair where the patient can sit with an extended tray to lay their arm, along with a refrigerator for holding the vaccines and shots that need to be kept cool. The exam rooms and the blood draw room all have tield floors.

The right hallway holds the file room, which has the medical charts for all of the patients who come to the office (it's literally a room lined with shelves to hold them all), along with a supply room further down the hall where medicine samples and any other extra supplies, such as gauze, bandages, the butcher paper used on the exam beds, etc are kept. They're stored in cabinets and drawers in the room. There's also a bathroom in this hall that is available to both staff and patients. At the end of the hall is the doctor's office, which is usually kept neat and tidy. He has an ornate desk with a comfortable chair and an equally comfy couch on the opposite wall. There's a bookshelf filled with medical texts and journals, and his credentials are mounted on the walls. He's also got a computer set up, and there are usually a few medical charts floating around as well. His office is carpeted, but the file room, supply room, and bathroom all have tile.

The doctor's offices are run by three people: Richard Smith himself; the receptionist, Jeannine White; and the nurse, Daisy Craig. The offices are open for full hours Monday through Friday (9:00 - 4:00) and also have recently been opened up for limited hours on Saturday (9:00 - 1:00). This is because of the sheer volume of patients that the doctor has to deal with, seeing how he is the only doctor in the entirety of Doyleton. The number of patients get particularly heavy during the winter season.

Jeannine will always be at the desk to check in patients and answer the phones, whereas Daisy calls in the patients and gets them put in one of the exam rooms to check their vitals and get them settled before the doctor comes in to see them.

When the doctor isn't seeing his patients, he's at his desk returning calls, doing paperwork, or reviewing charts. All three of them keep rather busy, but they manage to run a very efficient office despite how small it is.

The policy about appointments only is something that is held to very strictly, however. While the receptionist might buzz someone in, she won't allow them to see the doctor unless they have an appointment, and will likely ask them to leave after answering whatever questions they might have.

1) Front door: The door that leads from the hallway into the office. It is made of wood and rather heavy.

2) Waiting room door: The door from the waiting room into the rest of the office. It's a plain, wooden door.

3) Exam room doors: Plain doors that lead from the left hallway into the exam rooms. They have signs on them that say not to disturb when the door is closed.

4) Blood draw room door: The door at the end of the left hallway that leads into the blood draw room.

5) File room door: The door in the right hallway that leads into the file room. It's generally closed.

6) Supply room door: The door in the right hallway that leads into the supply room. It's also usually closed.

7) Bathroom door: The door int he right hallway that leads into the bathroom.

8) Doctor's office door: The door at the end of the right hallway that leads into Dr. Smith's office. Whether it's open or closed depends on what he's doing inside; if he's on the phone, it'll be closed. If he's doing paperwork or eating lunch, it might very well be open.

9) Windows: The blood draw room and Dr. Smith's office both have windows that look out from the rooms down onto Bohr Street. They are the only windows in the whole office, and they can only be opened a crack.

10) Stairs/elevator: Situated right next to each other, they lead from the grocery store up into the offices, and are the only way out of the office. The elevator has a sign next to it instructing patients to use the stairs in case of a fire.

The magazines, office supplies, and files are all up for grabs, although the medical charts of the townspeople won't be of much use since it's all just generic information about ailments and there is so much of it that attempting to sift through it all for something out of the ordinary would take ages. The exam rooms, supply room, and blood draw room contain items that would be of more use. There are medical supplies to choose from such as stethoscopes, otoscopes, tongue depressors, gloves, gauze, bandages, and so forth -- along with some emergency items like EpiPens, adrenaline, insulin, etc. The blood draw room has syringes aplently along with some basic vaccines (hepatitis, chicken pox, etc.) and a store of flu shots. If you're looking for something specific not listed here, please contact a mod.

The supply room contains extras of some of these items along with samples of medicines. There are no full prescriptions to be found here since the office isn't a pharmacy, but there are sample boxes of basic medications -- pain-killers, cold medicine, birth control, etc.

In the Dr. Smith's office, there isn't much to take other than the medical journals and some office supplies.


Richard Smith
Seeing how he is only a general practitioner, Dr. Richard Smith is good at what he does, but what he mainly does is deal with cases of the common cold and the flu and some basic patch-up stuff like giving casts and stitches. In more serious cases, his patients will have to be sent to a proper hospital located outside of the town. Seeing how this is a rather rare occurrence in the small town of Doyleton, however, he is able to meet the needs of most of the townspeople.

However, having only one doctor for a whole town, no matter how small, means that Dr. Smith is very much overworked. He puts in six days a week most of the time and is easily contacted even when he isn't in his office, so he's not a man who gets much time to himself. This is a shame considering the fact that he does have a family -- he's married with one daughter, Patricia Smith. Despite the fact that he is overworked, though, Dr. Smith is generally extremely kind to his patients. He's a gentle man who does his best to listen to the complaints of the people who come to see them, and he's interested in keeping the town healthy and happy.

This is how he acts toward his patients, but he wouldn't be quite as nice when it comes to the visitors from Landel's. His office is appointment-only because he would never make it home otherwise, and that means that random walk-ins are generally looked down upon. Add to that the fact that the people from Landel's are mental patients, when Dr. Smith has no training in mental disorders, and he sees no reason for them to be in his office.

If someone from Landel's had a physical sickness and needed to see a doctor, then he might be willing to schedule them for the following week, but that's as far as his generosity will go, especially since he knows that mental patients aren't going to be paying him.

Were a patient of Landel's lucky enough to see Dr. Smith with their own eyes, they'd find him to be a rather attractive man in his early fifties, standing about 5'9" with short, light brown hair, brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face.

Jeannine White
Seeing how Jeannine has been working with Dr. Smith for over ten years, she tends to follow his philosophy on things. This means that she is cordial and friendly with any patient who is supposed to be there and more wary of those who aren't. This includes townspeople. A lot of them try to worm their way in, but Jeannine has learned how to be both firm and polite in letting any unscheduled person know that they won't be seen.

She is also very efficient at her job, meaning that she gets paperwork done and sorts out phone calls effortlessly. When she doesn't have any work left to do, she'll chat with whoever is in the waiting room. Seeing how almost all of the people of Doyleton come to the doctor's office at one point or another, she knows practically everyone in the town at least somewhat, and is happy to speak with them.

Jeannine is very petite, standing at only 5'1" tall. She has black hair that goes down to her shoulders and striking blue eyes. She appears to be about thirty, although in reality she's thirty-five.

Daisy Craig
Seeing how Daisy has to deal with all sorts of patients from the elderly to children, she is extremely patient. She has to field most of the complaints and deliver them to the doctor, and also had the unfortunate job of having to give people shots. Despite this, she is a pro at it and most patients claim that they can barely feel a thing when she sticks them in the arm. She is the most energetic out of the three-person team who runs the offices, and is good at making patients feel at ease despite whatever illness they might be suffering from.

She's usually in one of the exam rooms or running around getting supplies, so it's unlikely that she'll be seen, but she is a 40-year-old heavyset blond woman who is about 5'7" tall.

Sheriff's Office

Immediately upon entering the sheriff's office a person will find themselves standing in the waiting area: a smallish, roughly square section of bland industrial tile with a trio of uncomfortable plastic chairs pushed up against the wall. The space between the civilian area and the sheriff's area is marked off by a long, narrow counter which stands about four feet off the ground. Access to the main part of the office is through a half-height swinging door, which according to the policy manual gathering dust under said counter is technically supposed to be locked, but pretty much never is.

Immediately behind the counter are a pair of desks with nameplates declaring that they belong to "Deputy B. Todd" and "Deputy M. Harris," then another one standing a short distance away has a larger and slightly fancier nameplate which reads "Sheriff T. Scotch." All three desks are generally fairly neat, though there are often small piles of paper or files on their surfaces. Deputy Harris's desk has a small cluster of photographs showing smiling children and a family portrait, Deputy Todd has nothing of a personal nature on his desk, and Sheriff Scotch's personal decor is limited to a pencil jar that looks like it was made by a small child in a pottery class.

Overall the room has a sort of "homey" feel to it, with curtains made by local townswomen decorating the three windows on either side of the open area and a few needlepoint stitcheries on the walls. The bulletin board on the wall close to the front counter contains more information about local events (and photos of Sheriff Scotch and the deputies attending more of said events) than anything related to law enforcement.

There are three doors on the back wall of the office: the one on the east leads to a room with file cabinets on three walls; the other wall has a desk with a computer and radio equipment. The desk and the corkboard on the wall behind it are also liberally decorated with photographs featuring two different women with their families, with the deputies, and occasionally together.

The door to the west leads into a room with five lockers, a few cabinets, and a counter with a coffeemaker, a hot plate with a chipped tea kettle, and a rather battered toaster oven. In the center of the room is a small, wobbly table and a pair of equally wobbly chairs. The door in the center, however, opens on a flight of stairs that lead down into the basement.

The basement of the sheriff's office takes up approximately half the space of the room above. To the left as you come down the stairs are two cells, almost never used except to hold an unruly drunk for a few hours, and to the right is a locked storage room with a dusty plate that says "EQUIPMENT AND EVIDENCE."

Sheriff Scotch is in the office almost every day, if only for a short time; on days of the Institute field trips he will definitely be around, whether at his desk or wandering the town to keep an eye on things.

Visitors are usually greeted at the counter by either Deputy Todd or Deputy Harris. It would be very unusual indeed for an Institute visitor to be allowed past the counter, but if someone wants to sit in the chairs at the entry (if the weather is bad, or they want to get out of the sun) nobody would object as long as they're relatively calm.

There are two female employees, Brenda and Pat, who deal with the general secretarial work and record-keeping in the office, and will field calls from people in town who call into the office. They are usually found in the back east office, working on filing or tapping industriously away at the computer, or more likely filing their nails and chatting on the phone. Should the deputies be occupied or away from their desks, they will come out and speak to a visitor at the front desk.

1) Front door: double doors leading into the front of the station. There is a bell above them that rings when they open.

2) Windows: There are a total of seven windows looking out of the main floor - one by the front door, and three on either side.

3) Southeast door: leads into the records office, which is windowless and has no other form of egress.

4) Southwest door: leads into the staff room, which is windowless but has a door leading out the back of the building (to where the sheriff and deputies park their cars).

5) South door: leads downstairs to the basement, which has neither windows nor another exit.

The contents of the sheriff's office tends toward office equipment, such as the computer, printer, and fax machine in the back room. There are pens, paper, and various other office supplies in the desks and underneath the front counter.

The lockers in the staff room in the southwest corner contain the personal effects and duty equipment of the sheriff and deputies, and may provide shotguns, handguns, and/or ammunition to anyone searching them, as well as pepper spray, heavy-duty flashlights, handcuffs, and batons.

The staff room cabinets will also contain various nonperishable food items of the sort that tend to collect in office break rooms, though some of them might have passed their sell-by date in the previous decade.

The evidence room in the basement is locked but the lock can be broken with sufficient application of force. Within can be found shelves with tagged evidence, some in boxes or bags and some just lying on the shelves. Most of it seems to have been there for a very long time indeed, but the records ladies do try to keep up with the dust. More shelves and racks contain spare equipment for the deputies, extra office supplies, and some janitorial supplies.

TBA if questions arise


Sheriff Tam Scotch
Sheriff Tam Scotch has lived in Doyleton for all of his thirty-seven years and has managed to remain a bachelor the entire time despite the efforts of the town women. Though he showed a lot of promise when in school and was expected to head off to college, he ended up working for the sheriff's office basically right out of high school. He became the sheriff when Sheriff Tanner retired ten years ago, and has essentially lived at the office ever since. He has dark hair just going grey at the temples and the weathered look of someone who likes to spend time outdoors. Tam is mildly farsighted and wears glasses, though he tends to take them off when he's just sitting at his desk and reading.

He can be found at his desk pretty much every day of the week, even if only for the hour or so he drops by on Sunday afternoons to check in on things, and doesn't really seem to have any hobbies outside of law enforcement and occasional hunting trips in the woods on weekends.

He is at his core a gentle man, the kind of person who got into law enforcement out of a genuine desire to serve and protect, and rarely raises his voice or shows impatience or annoyance. He tends to remain close-mouthed about anything and everything, and generally won't engage in conversations with patients even if he'll be quite polite to them.

Tam grew up next door to the Petersons who own Twin Pines, so often wanders over there for lunch or calls one of the daughters to bring him some food if the office happens to be busy. There is a long standing polite but deep mutual dislike between him and Pearl Langley, which began because she decided to turn her gossip-mongering to the reasons behind his long bachelorhood some years ago and only continued to deepen.

The fact of the matter is that he's been in love with Bryce Todd since he first met the man, but due to 1) the fact that they live in a small town and that simply Isn't Done, and 2) because he's never had the courage to ever say anything to Deputy Todd anyway, he just prefers not to bother with the whole dating thing at all. He saves his affection for his golden retriever, Max, who occasionally shows up in the office with him, as his parents died some years ago and his sister moved away from Doyleton shortly afterwards.

Deputy Bryce Todd
Deputy Bryce Todd is in his early thirties and has been working for the sheriff's office for over a decade now. He has dark red hair and a scattering of freckles, and an almost perpetual smile. He's the type of person who genuinely likes other people and loves chatting with them about their lives and how they're doing. The Landel's patients are treated with the same cheer and friendliness, but he's very unlikely to spread town gossip with them even if he'll answer questions to the best of his ability.

He dated Cassia, one of the employees at the Mystic Healing Spa, for about three years. Though the town gossips entirely expected the two of them to set a wedding date they broke up (amiably, it seems) and he hasn't shown any sign of dating anyone else since. Aaron Callahan is his uncle on his mother's side, so Bryce can occasionally be found hanging around the grocery store.

His father died when he was a child and his mother raised him and his two sisters by herself. The three of them live together in a house in Doyleton, but Bryce has his own apartment where he lives alone.

Deputy Mark Harris
Deputy Mark Harris is tall, thin, dark-haired, and looks like he's about sixteen years old despite the fact that he's in his mid-twenties. He is a very serious man, not very talkative, and has a somewhat short temper; if someone decides to bother him when he doesn't want to talk, he wouldn't resort to physical violence (unless threatened) but will not hesitate to snap at them. He does have a rather dry and sarcastic sense of humor which he will also not hesitate to exercise should the occasion permit.

He lives with his wife and two small children in a house in Doyleton, and keeps photos of them on his desk at the office and in his wallet. His older brother Perry runs the family business, Bill's Hardware (which was named for their father, who started the store and ran it until he retired). His hobby is repairing and restoring old cars, and so he can occasionally be found chatting with Joe at Monkey Wrench when things are quiet.

Brenda Threadgill
Brenda is a very large, loud woman who has worked at the sheriff's office for as long as anyone can remember. She has three children and several grandchildren, who she will talk about with any prompting whatsoever, though she never really seems to show interest in anyone else in return. She smokes like a chimney and often complains about the no-smoking policy in the office; she takes several breaks during her shifts to go out back and smoke, and during the rest of the day smells strongly of tobacco and is always either chewing gum or snacking on something.

She is one of Pearl Langley's best friends and source of gossip, since Brenda gets a lot of information from people passing through or calling the sheriff's office. Because of this Tam is rather cool toward her, but though she badmouths the sheriff behind his back Brenda stays relatively professional while in the office.

Patricia Smith
Patricia is a fairly timid young woman who started working at the sheriff's office about three years ago. She is almost anorexically thin, keeps her straw-blonde hair pulled into a bun at the nap of her neck, and tends to wear drab colors. She rarely meets anyone's eyes or speaks up at all, and never volunteers any extra information. Her favorite part of her job is that she can spend most of her time in the back room, and tends to close the door whenever she can get away with it.

She loves to read, but her secret passion is for breeding long-haired guinea pigs, and there are several living in her tiny apartment. Most of her salary goes to the Pet Supply Place, and most of the rest goes to the Bookworm. Dr. Richard Smith is her father.

Sample Image 1 Sample image 2

Tasty Burger


Being a popular chain across the country, one could expect to find a Tasty Burger in any city or town, and Doyleton is no exception. The bold, garish colors of the signs at the doorfront stand out amongst the quainter-looking buildings of Main Street.

Through the large windows that line the walls of the entire front area of the store, one can often see families with small children, groups of teenagers, and employees from surrounding stores enjoying their quick meals and/or cheap coffee. There are about a dozen parking spaces along the side of the building, about half of which are occupied at any given time during the day.

Upon entering the store, one would find several tables and chairs (all bolted to the floor) arranged around the main area, with a few booths along a wall. Ahead are condiment stands and the main counters, and to the right is a narrow hallway leading to two small bathrooms, each with two stalls and one sink. Also to the right is a small yet colorful ball pit for small children to play in.

There are only two registers at the counter, as the lines at Tasty Burger don't tend to get very long. Behind the counter, one can see their menu displayed on a large sign. The dispensers for fountain soda and ice cream are also visible, as well as a miniature fridge displayed bottled water and soda. One can also get a glimpse of workers in the kitchen, hastily assembling cheeseburgers and the like.

Unseen to the customer is a large walk-in fridge just by the cooking area, which contains the latest shipment of ingredients. Next to that is a maintenance closet, and around a corner is an office and a back entrance for receiving stock and for taking out garbage. The office is simple, with a filing cabinet, a desk, and three chairs - one for the manager, and two for whomever he is seeing.


During busy times, such as the lunchtime rush right around noon, there are always two people at the registers (Cindy and Sam) and two people in the kitchen, with a watchful manager making sure every customer leaves happy.

At slower times, only one register is open, the manager may disappear for extended periods of time to do paperwork, and one worker (usually Sam or Alan) will go around to clean tables, restock the condiment stands, and tend to anything else that needs attention.


1) Front door: A large, heavy glass door with a sign detailing Tasty Burger's hours affixed to it. This is the main entrance for customers.

2) Back door: A sturdy, wide metal door located at the back of the store, used for taking out trash and for bringing in product. It's always kept locked and it's virtually impossible to enter from the outside, but from the inside, it can be unlocked with a simple turn of a latch.

3) Windows: Large windows surround the entire front area of the store. These do not open, however; they would need to be broken to be passed through.


In the eating area of the restaurant, there is very little that would be of use. The chairs and tables are bolted down and are immovable. At the concession stand, one may find an abundance of trays, napkins, plastic cutlery, and straws, as well as small packets of ketchup, vinegar, salt, and sugar.

Likewise, there is very little in the bathrooms that isn't bolted to a wall. About all one could find in here is whatever amount of paper towel and toilet paper is in the dispensers.

However, the employee areas show a little more promise. Behind the counter is a small fridge containing bottles of water and soft drinks, and cupboards containing paper cups, paper bags, and condiment packets. The dispensers for fountain soda and ice cream are unfortunately non-functional at night.

In the kitchen, one can find metal spatulas and metal baskets for deep-frying. The fridge contains frozen meat - mostly hamburger patties and chicken wings - along with some processed cheese slices and lettuce. The food appears to be in passable condition, but if the fridge door is left open for too long at night, the smell of meat could attact unwanted company...

The maintenance closet in the back area contains basic cleaning supplies: brooms, dustpans, mops, buckets, a feather duster, wet floor signs, rags, a plunger, and cleaning chemicals. This closet is also used for storing supplies such as paper towel and toilet paper, and napkins and straws for the condiment stands. Additional supplies include spare light bulbs and a flashlight.

The manager's office contains various office supplies. Paper, pens, files, paperclips, and an empty coffee mug on the desk. A first aid kit hangs from one wall, containing band-aids of various sizes, a couple rolls of gauze, and some antibiotic cream.


Abigail Gray

The manager of Doyleton's Tasty Burger is a woman in her mid-twenties, with curly red hair that she usually keeps held back with a clip. Like most people at Tasty Burger, Abigail wishes to find work at another, better store, but a lack of openings for managers in the area has left her stuck at Tasty Burger for three years now.

She's not particularly happy with her job, and she's easily frustrated by the lazier members of her staff, but being a professional, she's always able to put on a smile for the customers. Because the happiness of customers and their continued patronage is important to the company, she's often willing to bend rules a little if it won't hurt their profits. A complaining customer will often get the benefit of the doubt and a voucher for some free french fries.

Despite being small and thin, she can be quite intimidating when she needs to be. Misbehaving staff fear her sharp, accusatory glare, and she's never backed down before an abusive customer. Her small frame hides a frighteningly powerful voice.

Cindy Johnson

At football games, Cindy was usually the star of the show, with her long legs and platinum blonde hair. Unfortunately, cheerleading wasn't a paying job, and Cindy needed to get money from somewhere to support her somewhat extravagant lifestyle, and so she wound up working a few evenings and weekends at Tasty Burger.

She certainly looks high-maintenance, with her hair, nails and make-up always done to perfection. At work, her hair is tied back into a ponytail. Ever the stereotype, she can be a bit of a ditz, and sometimes she'll say something thoughtless without realizing it.

One can tell at a glance that customer service isn't her thing. She usually looks bored behind the register. She'll slouch, chew gum, and complain about her job to the customers. When it's slow, she'll leave her post to chat with her coworkers. She especially likes to chat with Alan, one of the kitchen staff, who she finds particularly dreamy.

Samantha Walker

Most regulars hope to have Samantha take their order. Out of the two weekend cashiers, she is easily the more attentive one. An overachiever in everything she does, she makes sure she gets every order perfect. She also recognizes the faces of regulars and tries to remember their usual orders. During slow times, she can be seen wiping the counter and restocking cups and drinks. She gets along with her coworkers and is willing to stop and chat - but not when there's work to be done.

She has short, dark brown hair which falls along her jawline and is held away from her eyes with some small hairclips. Her name tag reads 'Sam', and that's the name her coworkers and regulars call her by. Her nose is pierced and is usually decorated with a small silver stud, something that many older members of the community disapprove of, but some have come to overlook it since she always gets their order just right.

Alan Martinez

Flipping burgers wasn't Alan's first choice of a job, but until he finished high school he needed some way to fund his active social life.

He's a fairly attractive guy, with olive skin, dark hair, and an athlete's build. He's a little shorter than most guys his age, but he easily makes up for it with his natural charisma.

Alan usually works in the back area, deep-frying fries and assembling burgers, and during busy times he won't be seen at all. However, when it's slow, he'll sometimes come out to help clean some tables. Though he isn't personally invested in the work he does, he's the sort of person who will go above and beyond to help out his coworkers and the customers, perhaps because he simply wants to be liked by everyone he meets.

T&M Electronics
The Twin Pine Restaurant
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