Roommate Switch Form

Dec 07, 2010 23:00

As this was requested by multiple people, we've decided to enstate a system where you can request for a switch of roommate if the current match-up isn't working out. However, we have a series of guidelines that need to be followed and requirements that need to be met before this can be allowed, as follows:

1) Both players must mutually want for a switch to be made, and must discuss it independently with each other before coming here to make this request. The only exception to this is if the uninvolved player shows a trend of inactivity, in which case you may request a switch once you have already contacted the player and been unable to solve the situation. (We would prefer proof in this case, such as links to threads made that the other player never replied to and, if you want, chat/email logs to show that they were not responsive.)

2) In both of the above cases, you a) either must have played out at least two dinner threads with each other before requesting a change, or b) your roommate must have idled out for two dinner threads before you can request a change. In the case of a), where it's a mutual decision made because both players don't think the pair would work, we expect the two threads you've done to be decently-sized (in other words, two posts each wouldn't count).

Once all of this has been taken care of, both players must reply here (comments will be screened) with at least one person linking threads and explaining the situation. Once both players have replied, we will then re-assign you to different roommates. NOTE: You will not be allowed to choose your new roommate. It will be left to mod discretion depending on who is open for a roommate at the time and what your activity level is like. If there is a case where only one person is commenting because the other player is inactive and impossible to get a hold of, then we'll put the dinner-skipping character with another character who also has consistent dinner activity problems.

Also, please keep in mind that it might take us a while to find you a new roommate depending on how close/far away the request was to an application cycle or if someone has dropped recently and freed up a spot. We ask you to be patient with us.

Finally, if we accidentally pair you up with someone who you have OOC problems with for whatever reason, it's fine to contact us privately and ask to have things switched around.

And here is the form that both players will have to fill out and submit here in order to get a switch approved:

Character's Name: Name (username_here)
Roommate's Name: Name (username_here)
Links: Insert at least two links to attempted and/or failed threads, along with chat logs/email logs if there's an issue of unresponsiveness.
Explanation: Describe why you both decided you wanted to switch to different roommates. This can be brief and to the point.

Character's Name: Name ()
Roommate's Name: Name ()
Links: Insert at least two links to attempted and/or failed threads, along with chat logs/email logs if there's an issue of unresponsiveness.
Explanation: Describe why you both decided you wanted to switch to different roommates. This can be brief and to the point.
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