Jan 08, 2009 20:31
Will SOMEONE please explain to my lead-brained, rust-ridden, overclocked low priority glitch of an excuse for a wingmate that HUMANS NEED TO EAT?!
I am NOT towing you if you go into stasis-lock again, understand? Doing it in zero-g was bad enough, but this is just STUPID.
- Blitzwing
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Comments 242
Humans need to eat.
- Someone
I'm sure you think you're very clever, don't you?
That wasn't what I meant, human, and you know it. Don't you have anything better to do with your time than make smart remarks?
If it is not too much trouble, could you perhaps provide me with some information on the consequences of not eating? I have a slight, rapidly waning hope that knowing such might help my partner get over his revulsion of the process involved.
I might add first that I neglected to mention the harm that would come from failing to drink, a terrible oversight on my part. Failing to intake fluids altogether will result in nausea, weakness, and the rapid lack of function of the internal organs. Drinking water or other liquids is vital to survival as a human.
For eating, the effects will be more delayed. Dizziness, a lack of clarity in thought, and stomach pains may be the first signs of trouble for a human who is not taking in food. The muscles of the body will also start to decay, and much like going without liquids, eventually the internal organs will begin to cease functioning. Failing to eat will cause stupidity, weakness, and then death, to put it most bluntly, I'm afraid.
While it may be repulsive to behave as a human, I must think it would be preferable to at least be in a functioning human body. Let's all remember that escape and return to our proper selves requires attention to our health, enabling us to best work towards our goals despite barriers ( ... )
SEE? THIS IS WHY EATING IS NECESSARY! I TOLD YOU SO! And you're already such a moron that there's no time to lose; you need to start eating before you get any stupider!
Unless you're TRYING to get yourself killed, of course.
Again, thank you for the information, human. Of course, it remains to be seen whether all this will actually do any good.
What are you planning, Maximal?
And I'm nOT 'plAnning' AnYTHING thAT inVOLVes you eIther. I Got bIgger Fish to Fry moRE imPorTant tHings To WoRRY aboUT thAN a Couple of 'Con ToaSters.
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