[ooc: As usual, I suck at marking comments as anonymous. Assume they all are, unless specifically marked otherwise XD]
Happy birthday, Mr. Gray.
unknown male - super strength, immunity to electricity, fire, and possibly pain
- tall, thin, early 20's, black hair that falls over one eye, left eye is blue, right eye is gold, moronic asshole
Arlene - no known abilities
- looks like Uma Thurman (some kind of shape-shifting?)
Bennet, Claire - rapid cellular regeneration
Bennet, Noah - n/a
Garwin, Reid - air manipulation
- average height and build, blonde, late teens, kinda pretty
Haseo - summons guns (and other weapons?) out of thin air
- average height, thin, silver hair, red eyes, red tattoos under eyes, late teens
Lia (F34) - reads and controls emotions, destroys minds
Logan (M84) - evolved, abilities unknown
Parker (M84) - presumably evolved, abilities unknown
- average height and build, brown hair, brown eyes, mid-20's
Petrelli, Nathan (?) - flight
Shito, Tachibana - immunity to pain
- Asian, tall, thin, black hair, red eyes, right hand is rotten and fell off
Stark, Tony - no known abilities
- tall, muscular, black hair (and beard), brown eyes, mid-30's, handsome
Trick, John - unknown abilities
- tall, muscular, long blonde hair, blue eyes, late 20's, stubble