Night 52: Rec Field

Oct 15, 2010 14:49

[from here]This was already further than Sai had gotten the past couple nights, which was saying something. It was getting over the wall that would be the real test, though. The actual act of scaling the brick would be simple, but the night had an odd way of ending before he'd gotten beyond that point. Hopefully the same wouldn't hold true this ( Read more... )

sechs, naruto, guy, kay, lord recluse, anise, ilia, two-face, indiana jones, matt, asch, tk-622, claude, woody, sai, buzz, mello

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full_score October 26 2010, 15:53:09 UTC
Well, whatever Asch and Guy's differences were, it sounded like they were both willing to at least temporarily put them aside in order to beat this place. At the very least, Asch was open to accepting help from Guy if he thought it benefited him. And Guy...well, judging by what Claude knew of him from their experiences in Landel's, it was hard to figure what he might have done if this had been Auldrant instead of Earth. Not that it was any of his business, exactly, but that didn't stop him from wondering from the sidelines. As long as he was spending the night with the both of them, it wasn't as though anyone could blame him, right?

Either way, it sounded like they'd spent enough time dillydallying in the rec field. Things were starting to get crazy, which meant it was time for them to step up the pace. Following Guy's example, Claude grasped onto the vines that covered the wall and began to hoist himself up toward the top. As he moved, he felt his phase gun press against his chest from inside his jacket, its weight familiar yet foreign at the same time. In the back of his mind, he wondered if he'd have to give it a test at some point tonight.

The thought was fleeting, though. A movement against the wall caught Claude's eye as he made his way up, but when he jerked his head down, he only saw the outline of his own figure. Weird. Was he jumping at shadows now?

But Claude didn't dwell on that for long. Instead, he focused his attention on getting over the wall in one piece, trusting that Asch was following suit.


mirrorbirth October 27 2010, 04:01:02 UTC
Asch didn't know what the deal was about whatever was going on behind them, but if Guy was in that much of a hurry, he knew there was no time to inquire about it. Questions could wait until they were free, so without hesitation he lunged for the vine after Claude, scaling it as quickly as he could. At least his body was in good shape for the moment; he hadn't felt any sudden weaknesses or pains in his chest just yet. Whether that was due to his death or an effect of being in the facility, he couldn't tell, but unless the weakness presented itself, he wasn't about to mention it. No point in giving Guy - or anyone else - that sort of advantage over him.

It was all precautionary, of course... but one could never be too careful. Shaking aside such miserly thoughts, he focused instead on climbing.


razing_phoenix October 27 2010, 08:14:26 UTC
Neither Claude nor Asch hesitated in climbing up after him; all of them were obviously used to this kind of physical exertion, because by the time Guy made it up to the top, the others had followed.

It didn't look like the brainwashed patient was letting up any time soon, and Guy didn't really plan on sticking around to see what happened next. He was amazed enough that they'd made it past without getting noticed, but he wasn't about to push their luck.

Tossing his flashlight and sword down ahead of him, Guy then pushed himself off to land neatly on the other side of the wall. Finally, they were getting somewhere!

[To here.]


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