Night 52: Rec Field

Oct 15, 2010 14:49

[from here]This was already further than Sai had gotten the past couple nights, which was saying something. It was getting over the wall that would be the real test, though. The actual act of scaling the brick would be simple, but the night had an odd way of ending before he'd gotten beyond that point. Hopefully the same wouldn't hold true this ( Read more... )

sechs, naruto, guy, kay, lord recluse, anise, ilia, two-face, indiana jones, matt, asch, tk-622, claude, woody, sai, buzz, mello

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sixth_attack October 15 2010, 22:19:41 UTC
Unbeknownst to the two patients, someone was waiting for them outside, and he wasn't one bit welcoming! Perched on top of the lone shed like a predatory beast, the cyborg spied the two patients enter the darkened field with a vicious grin. With a toss of his shaggy head, the shine of shark-like teeth, thick armor, and metal skin could be seen beneath the moon's glow. Hanging against the shed from his sturdy hand was his Titan blade, its crystalline teeth shone hungrily for destruction. The battle android was fully powered and equipped, what chance did these two have against him? For now he kept his crouch still, not moving until his prey was close enough for him to surprise ( ... )


tsunagari October 15 2010, 22:46:28 UTC
If Sai was much for cursing, he would have done that now. He should have known that the run from the door to the outside wall wouldn't be simple. If they could just get around this patient, then he shouldn't follow them... but just getting that far might prove to be impossible.

He only had one kunai, so throwing that was out of the question - especially since he doubted it would do any good. He wouldn't have many shots with his ink jutsu, and they wouldn't cause any actual damage, but if he could get one or two images out as distractions, they might be able to get by. Sai wasn't sure what Naruto had tried so far in the Institute after dark, but he was capable of running up the wall here, at least most of the way. He'd done it before.

"Naruto," he hissed under his breath, "we should split up and head for the wall." Hopefully he wouldn't be able to shoot both of them, and if he could work out that distraction...


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sixth_attack October 17 2010, 06:58:01 UTC
Hmph! So those two punks were still going to make a run for it, even with just a small sample of plasma thrown at their feet! Either those two were really dumb or desperately wanting a good ass-kicking! Well, Sechs was certainly up to granting the second option there!

Bearing his teeth in a widening grin, Sechs watched the spiky-haired prisoner make a mad dash for the wall like a spooked deer. Did the two brats really think they could just split up and outrun a Panzer Kunst fighter in a Fizziroy body?! It was time to snap some sense into them! "Oh no you don't!" Sechs shouted.

There was a sound of robotic limbs shifting into action. Next, the shadowed shed shuddered as an immense weight suddenly propelled itself off its roof. The cyborg's darkened figure sailed by the moon, suspended in the night air for a few dizzying seconds, before he smashed into the ground. With a body far heavier and sturdier than an average human's (or most cyborgs his size for that matter), the android created a small crater beneath his boots. A split ( ... )


tsunagari October 17 2010, 21:01:20 UTC
A ninja learned to move quickly, and under normal circumstances they could have cleared the field in a matter of moments. Here, their use of chakra to enhance their skills was severely limited. They were still quick, but this man/machine would be quicker. Still, somehow they had to get past him and move on.

The best case scenario would be getting him to blast a hole in the wall and save them the trouble of having to get over it, but he wasn't going to hold his breath for that kind of luck.

Sai pulled a sheet of paper from his pocket as her ran, still trying to keep careful tabs on Naruto. He'd have to stop to create the ink images, but they were probably his best chance. Luckily, he could create full images in a matter of a couple seconds. With the proper hand signs, he called forth a couple guardian lions to leap from the page and dash toward their assailant. They wouldn't be able to do any real damage, but hopefully it would be enough of a distraction to allow them a bit more distance.


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sixth_attack October 18 2010, 22:48:27 UTC
Both cyborg and doll laughed at the sight of the prisoner stumbling and crashing to the ground. Poor kid even got grass stains on his stupid-looking pajamas! Speaking of which, these two needed to be put back in their place; even if that meant dragging them to bed all beaten up and unconscious ( ... )


tsunagari October 18 2010, 23:46:35 UTC
Move. Move move move they had to move now. Sai was immediately stashing the ink and brush back in his pocket and making a run for the wall. He was light headed after that use of chakra, and scaling the wall wasn't going to help things any, but it was the fastest method he had ( ... )


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sixth_attack October 19 2010, 21:19:14 UTC
Meanwhile, the beastly android's focus was on the calligraphy-like creatures that paced around him. Smiling, Sechs simply stood his ground; his upper back slouched into a predatory posture while his eye glowed behind his wild hair. Suddenly, one of the lions swiped an inky paw at the Replica, but what happened next was nothing but a violent blur ( ... )


tsunagari October 20 2010, 00:38:33 UTC
[to here]


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