NIGHTSHIFT 52: M31-M40 Hallway

Oct 13, 2010 17:10

[Currently M36]Touya had thought that the last vestiges of his exhaustion due to the drain of his power had all but vanished, but apparently it had made one last stand. Touya awoke briefly when his nurse had brought in dinner, the last thing he remembered being talking with Yue in the hall ( Read more... )

stefan, yue, gaara, touya, yuffie, battler, kiba, mello, castiel

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Comments 30

M34 moral_liberty October 14 2010, 01:12:38 UTC
Kaworu didn't hesitate to leave this night. He was awake. The world was real. He was a part of it. He even remembered the need for a flashlight, and decided to bring the radio as well. Although the voice he had come to associate with the man called Landel was threatening, he found that the more amiable words of Marc were a welcome contrast. Lilim could represent such dramatic opposites. The desire to kill and the desire to preserve. They pushed and pulled against one another, never making progress ( ... )


Re: M34 livesbyinstinct October 15 2010, 01:04:09 UTC
As soon as the doors unlocked for the night, Kiba was not far behind Kaworu in leaving. He had no reason to stay and all the reasons in the world to leave. He stopped only to spare a second glance at the small radio sitting innocently on top of his desk, his lips thinning into a fine line as he inwardly debated whether or not to take it along. He all ready had his usual supplies: a handful of pens and his flashlight, accompanied this time by an empty pillowcase. He had every intention of breaking into that bastard Yumeno’s office, after all. Might as well have something to carry the stuff in, and whatever else that might catch his wandering eye ( ... )


M36 winged_moon October 14 2010, 01:50:41 UTC
[from here]

As usual it took little time to make the short trip from his room to Touya's, and this time there was no sign of the young man in the hallway along the way. It was no matter, really; Yue had come to pick him up enough times that it was hardly unusual. Still, something seemed a little off about tonight, though it was likely just a combination of every night he'd been trapped in this place thus far. One ominous intercom announcement was much like another, after all.

Or so he told himself as he moved along the dark hallway, careful to avoid anyone else along the way and not quite hurrying before he paused outside of M36. A brisk tap on the door received no answer, though, and Yue frowned. Had Touya perhaps left early, and they'd simply missed each other in the hallway ( ... )


guardiancomplex October 14 2010, 04:04:11 UTC
The laundry needed to be hung, now that Yuki was taking care of the dishes. His pancakes had always been delicious, but Touya didn't expect anything else from someone who not only cooked for themselves all the time, but ate enough for a whole family.

The sky was bluer than he'd seen in quite a while. As blue as he had hoped it would be when he and Yuki had confessed to one another. Well, a sunset had worked just as well.

He grabbed a shirt from the basket and slipped it onto a hanger. Before he could hang it, he felt arms around his middle. Touya smiled. He didn't have to look to know who it was.



"Touya," Yuki repeated. Touya kept smiling, though his eyebrow came up slightly.

"I heard you the first time, what is it?" There was something cold on his forehead. He looked forward, startled to find Yue in front of him, fingertips on his brow.

"TouyaEyes blinking open and wide, Touya's disorientation only increased when he found himself in the dark instead of out in the sunlight. It was cold instead of warm ( ... )


winged_moon October 14 2010, 04:32:29 UTC
It was almost like the first night Touya had been in this place -- at that time he'd still been recovering from the fatigue caused by the loss of his magic, so drowsiness had been normal. Or as normal as such a situation could be, of course. This, however, seemed to have been caused by something to do with the Institute itself, which meant it was far more alarming than in the past. Not that Yue cared to express such a sentiment, of course, choosing instead to simply make a mental note to keep watch on the situation. Whatever was going on seemed to have affected him as well, after all ( ... )


guardiancomplex October 14 2010, 04:41:46 UTC
"Ah, right--" Touya finally managed to put together why he was feeling as though an explanation was necessary. He had slept all day and Yue was probably cross that he hadn't so much as left a note.

"Sorry, I just... I don't know," he said, sitting up. "I remember meeting you in the hallway, and then I woke up and my nurse was bringing in that," he pointed to his tray. "I must have slept all day. I'm fine though." He hoped. He hadn't slept this much since he had first arrived and could barely see straight even after a full night's rest. Looking down at his knee and frowning, he brushed the spot where he swore he could still feel Yue's hand on his forehead.

"Why did you think I was sick?"


M31 swornandbroken October 15 2010, 01:04:47 UTC
The usual night-time routine, slightly varied by that announcement, trying so hard to be ominous. Mello believed something fucked-up was going to happen tonight, but that was becoming par for the course. Stealing your own thunder, Landel, he thought as he put on his coat and boots. We'll get bored of doom and gloom soon. There were still some chocolate mints in the coat pocket, and he had no plans to put them back in the tin. It wasn't so much not eating chocolate as not having it that bothered him, like he thought it would be if you were hooked on smokes... Or anything. The example didn't have to be nicotine. Tonight, he put the ring on. He wasn't going to be caught wasting precious seconds fumbling for it again.

He'd strike out, see how far he could get. It had been too long since he'd left the Institute grounds, and despite what some people thought, he was determined to find the borders of Landel's influence and bust through them. He'd be on the hunt by himself, tonight, and that was fine. There was no reason it should remind him ( ... )


M39 broodings October 15 2010, 01:35:53 UTC
This time, Stefan had the chance to wish Castiel good luck, which he did just before stepping out. He almost expected his brother to be standing outside his room again, all smug smiles as usual... but no such luck. That was Damon for you: never predictable, especially when you wanted him to be. Which was fine, to an extent - Stefan had long since given up on ever being able to control his brother, considering what happened the last time he tried - but it did make him realize that he hadn't the first clue as to where Damon was roomed.

Stefan hesitated for another handful of seconds, staring at the empty space on the opposite wall where Damon had lounged just last night, waiting for him. There was no reason for him not to do the same tonight, not if they wanted to try escaping together. Try. Their efforts last night had ended even before they could start, and he wondered if Damon knew something he didn't about how this place worked ( ... )


poorexample October 15 2010, 01:38:59 UTC
After spending two dinners with Stefan, Castiel had come to believe that they would be able to get along without much issue. The young man had proved to be easy to share a space with; he didn't stand out as anything out of the ordinary, and it was perhaps his normality that was the strangest thing about him. Still, it made things simple for Castiel; if he'd had a difficult roommate, he wouldn't have known how to deal with it. Angels didn't have to share rooms ( ... )


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