Sep 27, 2010 15:32
Scar possibly couldn't have been more thrilled at the prospect of being escorted to the library. He had visited this particular room plenty of times to know that it was entirely useless and uninteresting - like most daytime activities, for that matter. Still, the nurse seemed rather convinced he'd like one of those silly books filled with papers
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scott pilgrim,
the doctor,
indiana jones,
claire bennet,
peter parker,
lana skye,
tim drake,
peter petrelli,
ema skye,
scar (tlk),
justin hammer,
"Not at all. Let us start with your choice first."
Which was a task easier said and done. How long had it been since he'd last touched the story? He wouldn't have surprised if it'd been more than a century.
"I'll say now that the writer is rather notorious for using his works to mock those he opposes, and he does so in the most flamboyant of ways. Gulliver's Travels is no different. It talks of a man who travels to distant lands, coming across whimsical kingdoms and the frivolous issues tied to them. For example, in his first voyage he nearly falls prey to men only a twelfth of his size, while in another he discovers men twelve times his size."
Hearing that the book was to make fun of other people was a shock, seeing how Zack hadn't gotten that impression at all. Still, maybe it was something that would only make sense if you were originally from Earth. He glanced down at the book then, seeing it in a different light.
"Huh, weird... I figured it was just some story about a guy's adventures." Though when it was explained that way, what happened to Gulliver sounded pretty ridiculous. Zack couldn't help thinking of twelve SOLDIERs with Mini cast on them all running to ambush some unsuspecting man, and it brought a smile to his face.
"So what exactly was he making fun of?" he asked with a tilt of his head as he leaned more of his weight against the shelf. He figured they could have just gone to sit down somewhere, but he was comfortable where he was, for the moment. And they spent so much of the day sitting already.
"Many things. Much of it circulates around the British parliament, though perhaps you can extend it to many governments and their petty conflicts. However, he also delves into the corruption of mankind." Which in itself was fascinating but expected. Nations knew well enough what their people were capable of, and centuries of wars could only reveal the ugly side. The thought was enough to make Austria quietly sigh, readjusting his glasses when he felt they'd tilted without him knowing.
"Either way it's an interesting read, and I wouldn't worry too much about anything other than the story itself."
"I guess you're right," he said, knowing that it would be hard for him to see the satire when he wasn't that familiar with Earth. "Still, thanks for explaining. And how about your book?" He nodded to the text that the man was holding onto, hoping that he wouldn't mind having to summarize yet another story for him.
But what was becoming more and more obvious as the conversation went by was that Zack hadn't introduced himself yet. He wanted to make sure he got that taken care of before he forgot entirely. "Oh, and my name's Zack," he said, using his free hand to reach out for the stranger.
"It's a pleasure, Zack. My name is Roderich." Of course, the man's next question didn't go unnoticed.
"Goethe's Faust is a play that is separated into two main parts. Since it seems as if this library only has the first I'll focus on that. That is, unless you'd like to know about the other as well."
There was a brief pause before he continued.
"The play itself is a tragedy, and the overall themes are noticeably darker than Gulliver's Travels. It starts with a demon recognized as Mephistopheles wagering against God himself for the soul of Faust, a striving scholar and favorite of the latter. Basically, given the man's devout nature, God is confident that Mephistopheles will be unable to lead him astray and away from the religious path."
For that reason, he was going to try and do the same to Roderich. The man was very polite and acted proper, but he was also being pretty patient in answering his questions, especially since chances were all he wanted to do at that point was read. Unless he was the scholarly type who liked to teach other people about things, but it was hard to know.
Though the explanation that Zack got this time around was a lot harder to follow. First of all, that one name alone was a complete mouthful (worse than Sephiroth, even), and getting into religious themes always seemed to muck things up. "So, let me guess," he said after a pause, having taken a moment to let it all process, "in the end he doesn't succeed? He loses his soul or something?"
If the book was dark, then that seemed like the natural progression. Especially because in stories, things usually went wrong before they got better, if they did at all.
Austria allowed Zack the chance to mull over his words, but he was quick to answer the latter's assumptions.
"Ah, now that is something you'll have to find out yourself. It would be a shame to tell you so soon." Though he accompanied his words with a smile it wasn't meant to tease, as it only seemed proper not to spoil the contents before Zack was given a chance to read it.
"If that's the case, then you're going to have to let me borrow it once you're done," he said with a wink as he glanced down at his own book. He was sort of hoping that he could get a nurse to let him take it back to his room now, since he felt like he would have wasted this guy's time if he didn't read it after asking him for a summary and all.
Though now that both of them had had a chance to relax for a bit and focus on something that wasn't the institute, Zack wondered if it might be better to warn this man, in case he was new. "And before I leave you alone to read that, just checking. Have you heard about the nights here yet?" Because Zack wasn't going to let anyone wander around without that knowledge, if he could help it.
"You may have it know if you would like. I've already read through this quite a few times..."
However, Austria's smile faded at the latter's question, and the aristocrat watched the other with some uncertainty.
"About what, exactly? Of how they allow their patients to roam the halls without supervision?" Already his stiff tone had returned, the frown accompanying it doing more than enough to reveal his displeasure on the matter.
Hearing that question had made the other man instantly more serious, and it was clear that they were past talking about anything casually. Zack sighed, since it didn't sound like the other patient had gotten the full story.
"Yeah, that's right, but it's not like it's that easy. I mean, most people go out, I think, but it's pretty dangerous." Or it would be for the average person, anyway, and he was doubting that Roderich knew how to fight. While Zack could maybe picture him using a rapier or something, weapons weren't easy to find here.
"There are monsters that wander around, and while sometimes they can be avoided, sometimes they can't," he explained. "It's best if you find someone to stick with if you go out."
"Is there a reason for this?" At first the question was asked out of mere politeness, forced as it was. However, he immediately realized that other circumstances didn't line up with what he'd considered normal, and the aristocrat's disbelief slowly dissolved, wariness taking its place. The emptiness he felt was a constant reminder that something had gone terribly wrong, and only now did he muster up the courage to ask. He couldn't help but be doubtful, but if there was anything that could explain why and how this could even occur...
"...And are they capable of anything else?"
It looked like the guy was doing his best to be polite -- as always! -- and go along with it, and so Zack figured he'd oblige him. "A reason? Well, I think it's just to put a thorn in our sides and make it that much harder to move around the institute looking for a way out, but trauma could fit in there, too." Not for him, but for people like Roderich who weren't used to the idea of monsters in the first place. "You might not believe me, but just keep it in mind. You'll probably run into one eventually." That was just the truth, as much as Zack didn't want to put it that way.
The guy's second question was a bit more vague, and so Zack decided to ask for clarification. "Like what? I mean, patients are taken to be experimented on or brainwashed, but you've probably heard about that already." Or so he hoped. If not, then the other patient was even worse off than he'd thought. Why hadn't he been asking more questions?
"I apologize, but I'm afraid I don't understand your reasoning. Why would...'monsters' be necessary when this institute is already staffed? And wouldn't trauma be counterproductive to what they are trying to achieve?"
At this point the latter was describing this as more of a mental prison than a corrective institution, but he supposed it could seem that way to those admitted here. To be told that the institute experimented with their patients may have been an alarming thing to discover had it been true, but once more his own dilemma nagged him from the back of his mind.
"Also, I do not believe I'm familiar with the term 'brainwashing' either, but experimentation...?"
"Well, first of all," Zack said, his tone become more serious as he tried to get through to the other patient, "the staff isn't around at night. Not really. The doors just open and the Head Doctor expects us to run around looking for a way out. He also expects us to fight whatever gets in our way. He's not really interested in helping any of us, especially since most people here aren't crazy in the first place. What Landel really wants to do -- I think -- is mess with us and watch how we react."
It was the exact sort of thing that Hojo would have gotten into a tizzy about, and so Zack had his money on that being the reason. There was really no other point in going to all this work, otherwise.
"Anyway, brainwashing means... he can take someone and warp something in their head so that they turn around and work on his side, just for a night. But if it happens to you, you'll even attack your friends and think it's the right thing. It's some sort of mental conditioning." Or magic; a Confuse spell had the same effects, even if usually only lasted for a minute or so. This whole explanation was getting way too complex, though, and he didn't even know if Roderich was going to believe half of it. Still, he had to try.
...Yet he couldn't allow himself to just dismiss it all so easily. Allowing them to wander around on their own-apparently in some futile attempt to escape-had been perplexing enough for Austria to believe that this wasn't at all conventional. Someone had to have a disturbing mind to play with people like this; like it was all nothing more than a game to them.
"So they can implant different ideas into your mind and make you believe it's all true?" But he wasn't looking at Zack, and the question was more to himself than anything. Once more he was reminded of Prussia and how the latter was convinced that he'd known about 'West', and that the man in question expected him to believe it as well. He eventually glanced back up, quietly wording his next question in his mind before asking.
"Have you encountered anyone who has claimed that you know them, even when you yourself cannot recall?"
He nodded when the man asked the first question, even if it was mainly an aside to himself. The fact that such a thing was even possible was scary enough, but Landel seemed to do it without much trouble at all. It was like he picked out a patient at random, messed around in their head, and then placed them somewhere to watch whatever ensued. Like they were wind-up toys.
Getting asked something else thankfully distracted him from that train of thought, and Zack glanced over with his bright eyes narrowed. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but clearly there was some sort of connection. For now, he'd just answer.
"Not that I can think of, but I've met people who are from a time way ahead of mine. To the point that some kid I knew when she was nine is now closer to twenty." It was still downright baffling when he thought about it too much, but Zack was luckily pretty good at adapting. For those who weren't, this place had to be tough.
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