Night 51: Kitchen

Sep 15, 2010 14:45

[from here]Momo carefully entered the kitchen after making quick work of the lock on the door. She stayed low to the ground, eyes scanning for any presence. Anything within this room would be hostile as they were the first within. Seeing nothing immediately, she relaxed her stance just a bit and quickly crossed the room to where the large cold ( Read more... )

raine, sasuke, hinamori momo, aidou, gaara, zack, erika, xemnas

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Comments 6

per_ardua September 15 2010, 23:17:09 UTC
Raine looked at the cabinets, longingly, for a moment; she had no doubt she could manage a batch of Gel if she had the chance to spend a night in here, but there was no time to spare and she wasn't about to weigh herself down with ingredients she couldn't use until later. Sadly, she didn't see any brooms or mops, either, so she wasn't going to have the chance to switch to a better weapon.

Time was of the essence, so she quickly crossed the room to the door. The less time they spent in each area, the less chance there was of monsters delaying them even more.


witchdetective September 15 2010, 23:29:40 UTC
Erika's intuition was correct (of course), and so was her assumption that there would be nothing of use in this room aside from the entrance. It was a little too easy to just ahead to the kitchen and grab any of the knives to defend oneself with, wasn't it? On the other hand, Erika was still a little surprised; with all the effort they went through to get here, it seemed like this place was well-guarded enough. But it just meant that Landel-san was smart and didn't leave around rewards carelessly.

"That makes sense. It's not like we need those sorts of things where we're going, do we?" Erika's smile had a questioning look to it as she glanced at Momo, as if asking her if they should have come prepared for confrontation. But of course, she already surmised this was not the case. Momo clearly thought her own supplies would be enough to guard all four of them ( ... )


sasuke_of_sound September 22 2010, 06:34:55 UTC
[[from here]]

They were approaching one of the most irritating legs of this journey -- locating the trapdoor. Sasuke kept his expression carefully impassive as they moved into the kitchen. The irritation was old and ever-present, but there was a reason to have allies. He'd known that from the beginning, before he'd lost his sight.

He just hadn't known the extent of the reason until then. Gaara of the Sand might not have had access to the demon chakra within him, but Sasuke of the Uchiha lacked sight. They were all crippled.


zack_fair September 22 2010, 09:01:37 UTC
It looked like despite everyone's reservations, they all had agreed to move on. Zack was glad for that, since they'd wasted enough time with him having to make a detour, and then adding on a fourth person after that. Getting hung up on previous times spent here and being worried about dead weight was just going to ensure that they didn't make it anywhere.

But once they got moving, they really moved, and that was the important thing. They left the blood-stained scene of the Sun Room behind and then got through the cafeteria without even a stir from the shadows. Which brought them to the kitchen, which seemed similarly quiet ( ... )


buryyourdemons September 22 2010, 18:22:04 UTC
The weight at his side was heavy suddenly, despite the complete lack of any amount to fortify himself. It was too warm, and the others around him were deemed too close. He followed, continued, automatically, as his heart sped. No memories of it? No, there was nothing. He could detail almost anything if he cared, but this escaped him. He hadn't been here before. But here were two, one a stranger, saying he had. There was nothing familiar about this place. Nothing that set off warnings inside his head that he had walked these halls before. Nothing.

There was a lag in response; Gaara's eyes locked on the Uchiha's back. To think that he'd be in this situation. From helping them retrieve him to relying on him for simple answers. He left the dark-haired man's question to Sasuke. Communication was already faulty. What was necessary to know? Not his actions. No. That could come later. More-- "When?" When had he vanished, without anyone noticing, to return as if it had never happened?


blood_and_pocky September 23 2010, 01:52:35 UTC
Someone had already passed into the refrigerator, and the door now hung partway open. He pushed it open all the way.

Letting the chill sink in, he turned to regard them. "Briefly." It was an amendment, out of some kindness. He didn’t actually know the raccoon-eyed boy, not to an intimate degree, and certainly not anything that could compromise Gaara later. Though the boy in question didn’t necessarily need to know that for sure. In truth, though, it’d been a different time when Aidou had known his former roommate--or at least he felt that way. Aidou was been more…

Just more. More himself, really. His confidence had been unshakable about a lot of things, and now, with what he’d learned, things were different.

Because it didn’t much matter: "We shared a cell." In a manner of speaking.

[to here]


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