Sep 04, 2010 22:51

A faint, clinical chill hung in the room, one that would have been most perceptible to the man at the center of it... were he conscious. He lay still on a medical table, arms strapped down and back exposed by both his stomach-down position and the lack of clothing on his upper body. Nearby, a monitoring system offered a steady beep in response to the oximeter clipped firmly to his finger and harsh lights shining down on his prone figure, illuminating it with fluorescent clarity in the otherwise dim room.

To the side of the table, an older man stood, half-obscured by the contrast of the lighting and not at all perturbed by the state of things around him. His disposition seemed calm and steadfast, even as he slowly moved to the head of the table and placed a hand to the younger man's shoulder, shaking it gently.


The older man paused, drawing his hand away, thoughtfully rubbing his white moustache for a moment before moving to crouch next to the table. Peering into the darkness, he procured a penlight from his pocket and then moved to lightly open the younger man's eyes with his thumb, flashing the light into them one at a time.

"Ryuuzaki, it's time to wake up."

m-u, l

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