Whatever the doctor had said, at least one thing was true: it was just like that night Roxas had been traveling with Jim and Chekov; the feeling of suddenly being thrown was the same, and he had to take a few steps forward when they landed to keep his balance.
But it was a small victory! After that, he was fine. A little woozy, but the feeling was passing over him, and his arms weren't dead weight or anything.
The restaurant was just as pitch-black as it had been the other night, too, all the lights off and the smell of grease still staining the air. The floor was noticeably dryer, and he wasn't slipping with his first few steps around the tiled floor. It also wasn't storming, which he was even more thankful for; now the two of them could go outside without getting absolutely soaked. Or at least Sora could. The Organization coat was good at keeping Nobodies dry.
Shaking his hand a little (he'd punched the wall a bit too hard), Roxas surveyed what little he could see. Which was a whole lot of darkness, considering his light wasn't in his hand or on. "That wasn't so bad."