Night 51: M41-50 Hallway

Aug 27, 2010 20:16

He hadn't expected to see a note to him from anyone other than his commanding officers. He'd caught the bulletin (from Dean, wasn't it?) addressed to him before the dinner shift. McCoy remembered him well enough. Rough looking kid, thought he could practice some medicine with nothing but a belt and dirty jacket, but generally had his heart in the ( Read more... )

claude, guy, venom, ritsu, kibitoshin, lunge, wolverine, two-face, mccoy, green arrow, the scarecrow, natalia, matt

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Re: M44 razing_phoenix August 29 2010, 04:12:35 UTC
[From here.]

And so he had made it to Claude's room in hardly any time at all. Guy was curious about whether or not his friend's roommate might be around this time, but he also realized that he hadn't met any of them except for Asch, and that didn't quite count. He hadn't been Claude's roommate the second time around, anyway.

Even if he was curious, he had to admit that it would be easier for both of them if Claude's roommate was already gone. Granted, he could have taken his time a little more in that case, but Guy hadn't wanted to do that. He didn't think it was a good idea to leave Claude on his own for too long. Not that he thought his friend would do something stupid, necessarily, but who wanted to be left with their thoughts after going through something that was both physically and mentally traumatizing?

Other than the blindness, Claude's condition didn't seem to have changed much, but Guy couldn't shake the feeling that he might be a ticking time bomb; something could go wrong at any time.

Shaking his head, he reached the door to M44 and gave it a firm knock. "It's me," he said, but he had to wonder if Claude could recognize his knock by now.


Re: M44 full_score August 31 2010, 13:25:19 UTC
Mason had already left, which meant that Claude was on his own until someone showed up. Not much time had gone by, however, before he heard a knock at the door, followed by a familiar voice. He instantly straightened in his seat, perking up when he realized that Guy had arrived after all. That sure was a relief! As much as he hated to admit it, he wasn't sure if he trusted himself enough to properly look after Natalia while she tried to heal him.

"Guy!" he said brightly. He thought about getting up to open the door for him, but by the time he'd be able to find his way over there and fumble with the knob, Guy probably would have had enough time to step inside the room five times over. That was why he stayed in place for the time being.

"Come on in!" he said instead. Even though his current situation was a little depressing, he had enough hope to sound at least somewhat genuinely cheerful. In the back of his mind, part of Claude couldn't help but wonder if something else would go wrong tonight, but he had to push that sort of thinking aside for now.


Re: M44 razing_phoenix August 31 2010, 22:24:54 UTC
From the sounds of it, Claude was actually in pretty good spirits. It didn't seem that Natalia had made her way there yet, but that made sense; she had a much farther distance to travel. Once again, Guy was just glad that he and Claude had been placed in the same block of rooms, if not the same hallway.

It was understandable that Claude was in a decent mood, though. Even if the healing hadn't been attempted yet, there was a chance that tonight would be the last night that he had to deal with a lack of sight. Keeping positive was always the right idea in cases like this, and Guy was sure that Claude had considered that there was a chance it wouldn't work, as well. But given the choice, why not hope for the best?

He had to fumble his items around in his arms a bit, but he got the door open and then stepped inside, taking in his friend's form on the bed with a smile. "I didn't hear from Luke, so I decided to drop by. And if you can believe it, Tear is actually here too! She might be meeting up with us later." If Guy had analyzed her words on the board properly, what she wanted to do first was test her own artes. That was a very Tear-like thing to do, and he only hoped that she didn't tire herself out too much that she couldn't find her way here.

"And I have some other good news," he said as he moved for the opposite bed to set down his things. "Okita finally got me that sword!" He had barely been able to believe it, but the day had come. It showed that patience really was a virtue. "I didn't bring it with me since I knew I wasn't coming very far, but it's stored in my room, safe and sound." And he was going to make sure to take good care of it. Not that Guy was ever the sort to abuse his weapons, but he was going to be extra careful this time around.


Re: M44 full_score September 1 2010, 20:22:31 UTC
Claude smiled as he heard the door open. Though it was a little odd that Guy hadn't heard from Luke, he'd actually seen him today during lunch, so he didn't think there was necessarily much to worry about. Maybe he just hadn't checked the bulletin or had overlooked Guy's message. The most surprising thing about what Guy said, actually, was that their friend Tear was around as well.

"Oh, wow, her too?" he said, curious as to why she'd show up only a few days after Natalia. Was that a coincidence, or had Landel worked it out that way? Come to think of it, between Luke, Anise, Natalia and Tear, Guy had quite a few friends trapped in this place with him. He wondered if it was only a matter of time before people like Jade or Peony showed up again, but knew better than to ask.

"I'm looking forward to meeting her," Claude added, and he meant it. Getting a chance to meet some of Guy's friends wasn't something he took for granted, plus he felt like it helped him understand a little more about his friend's background, even if it raised some questions as well. Regardless, Claude couldn't help but wonder if he'd be able to see her face by the time they met, or if he'd be left to wonder what she looked like. It had been weird enough having to imagine Natalia's face based solely off of her voice...

When he heard Guy move over and begin setting down his things, he quickly became distracted by what he was saying. A sword? A real sword? So Okita had finally come through after all! Not that Claude had been blaming him for how slow it had taken to get Guy equipped, but he'd been wondering what the state of alchemy was in Landel's now that so few seemed to still be around. Either way, it sounded like Okita had somehow managed to get one for Guy, for which Claude was extremely grateful. If anyone deserved a proper weapon, it was him.

"That's great!" he said with a grin. "I'll bet you'll put it to really good use, too." Claude wanted to say he'd been impressed with those artes he'd seen in the basement, but the sheer fact it had been in the basement gave him pause, and he shoved that thought aside for the time being. Instead, Claude moved to the side a little and patted the space beside him, silently inviting his friend to come take a seat. "How is Okita, anyway?"


Re: M44 razing_phoenix September 2 2010, 04:58:47 UTC
It was a bit odd that Natalia and Tear had shown up so soon after each other, but Guy wasn't about to complain. Maybe Natalia would have been better off back on Auldrant (assuming that time did continue on, and that still wasn't certain), but having Tear here again was definitely a good thing.

"Yeah, I just saw her at lunch today," he explained, turning around to lean against the side of the bed and watch Claude. "She woke up this morning, but she's already run into Luke, so I imagine she's figured out the basics between the two of us." Tear was lucky in that respect; she had a lot of friends here who could easily catch her up.

"She pretty much completes the set," he continued with a small laugh. It was odd that both he and Claude had been around for long enough for that to happen, but his friend had even met Peony, along with a few of the God-Generals. Maybe not Dist, but... that was probably for the best, honestly. The man made amazing machines, but his personality left something to be desired.

As for the sword, he wasn't sure if "good use" was really the best way to describe it, but he certainly wasn't going to let Okita's favor go to waste. "I'm kind of excited to take it out for a test ride, I have to admit," he said, smirking to himself. He wasn't going to go searching for a fight, obviously, but it usually didn't take too long for something to decide that he was tasty, especially in the less-frequented areas.

When he saw Claude motion for him to sit down, he pushed off of the bed and moved over, carefully perching next to his friend while giving him a proper amount of space. It felt odd to be in here for the second night in a row, but getting Claude healed and watching over Natalia were both important. "Okita?" he parroted. "I'm not sure if things are going too well for him, to be honest, but... he's not the sort of person who likes to talk about how he's feeling. I just try to be there for him as much as I can, but that's not all that much." Which wasn't necessarily his fault, and yet he did worry about it sometimes.


Re: M44 full_score September 2 2010, 22:55:21 UTC
While ideally no one would have been trapped here at all, Claude had to admit that Tear was pretty lucky to have people she could trust to give her the run-down of this place. He could see how someone new could be pretty suspicious of some of the claims the captives here made -- at least, if they didn't have any friends to help them out.

When Guy referred to Tear as the last part of a set, though, Claude faintly tilted his head, looking curious despite the fact his eyes were covered. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Like your really close circle of friends or something?" He knew Guy had done a fair amount of traveling before arriving here. Maybe Tear and the others had accompanied him back then.

It sounded like his friend was eager to give his weapon a whirl sometime. Claude couldn't help but smile a little at that. Still, he knew him well enough to figure he wouldn't go purposely getting into a fight for something like that. He'd always struck Claude as the cautious, ever-vigilant sort. But it was definitely nice to know that he'd have a good weapon to defend himself with when things came to that. Of course, Claude realized that meant he'd probably have to find somewhere for Ashton's old sword to go, but these days it was looking like he wouldn't get to return it to its original owner...

As Guy sat down next to him, Claude scooted over a little bit more to give him some room. As silly as it may have sounded, having the extra weight on the bed was something of a comfort, especially since he couldn't see him for himself. Still, he wasn't happy to hear that Okita wasn't doing so well, though with all the things that could go wrong in this place, Claude knew it was hard to expect anything different. He remembered how Okita had reached out to him the day after Guy's death, even though the loss had hit him hard as well. It was difficult not to respect something like that, though at the same time Claude knew that kind of attitude could really wear down on a person.

"I hope things get a little better for him," Claude quietly remarked. "Even if you guys might not hang out much outside of dinner, though, I'm sure he really appreciates having you around."


Re: M44 razing_phoenix September 3 2010, 00:51:49 UTC
It was only after Claude asked for clarification that Guy realized that his statement might have seemed odd out of context. "Oh, yeah," he said with a smile as he glanced over at his friend. "When we went on that big journey to stop Van" -- had he even mentioned Van to Claude before? Well, there was a first for everything -- "it was myself, Luke, Anise, Natalia, Tear, and Jade. With Ion joining in for some of it." Claude had met Ion, too, hadn't he? It had been in the middle of a fight, true, but it still counted. So he even knew their honorary team member, not to mention Asch... both of who were supposed to be dead.

It really was a shame that all six of them (or seven, if Ion was counted) had never been in this place at the same time, but it was still a possibility. Now they really only needed one or two more people, but Guy still had a working theory that Landel wouldn't allow them to all be there at once. It was like a revolving door or something, as terrible as that sounded.

It was probably true that Okita liked to have him there night in and night out at dinner, and Guy felt the same way. "Yeah, it's nice to have that as a constant rather than cycling through roommates every few days." Guy sent Claude a sympathetic expression even though it wouldn't be seen, since he knew that was what his friend had had to deal with for pretty much his entire stay here. Apparently the newest one had been around for a couple days now, but that still didn't count for much; not when Okita had been here for as long as Guy had. That seemed to be pretty rare, which made him all the more grateful for it.

"But yeah, I hope things improve for him too. Part of me wishes that he'd just talk to me about it, but I don't want to push him." As someone who didn't like it when people pried into things too much, he could see where Okita was coming from and he respected his feelings on the matter. Nonetheless, it was still a little frustrating. There was no telling if he could even help with whatever was going on, but it was worth a try.


Re: M44 full_score September 4 2010, 22:31:16 UTC
"Van?" Claude echoed as he tried to recall some of the conversations he'd had with Guy in the past. As far as he remembered, his friend had never mentioned this Van person before. "Was he an enemy of yours?" Just from the presence of people like Sync, it was clear Guy and his friends had made a few of those during their journey, but he'd never really been clear about what it was they'd been fighting over.

As for that stuff with Okita, Claude thought it was sort of funny to hear Guy say he wished he could get his roommate to open up when Guy himself could be just as closed in many respects. Maybe that was why Guy tried not to be too pushy about it, since it was easy for him to place himself in Okita's shoes.

"Yeah, that's always a tough spot to be in," Claude slowly said after a moment. It was a position he could relate to. "You want to help someone get through a tough time, but ultimately how close they'll let you get is their call..."

Part of him did sort of envy the two of them for having a stable roommate situation. It must have been nice to have that constant waiting for you at the end of the day. They'd probably get along with each other even if they had to use their quarters like a real room instead of just as a place to eat dinner and store their things. Claude thought on what it would be like to have to room with Guy for a dorm-like situation. They'd probably never get much sleep because they'd stay up all night talking, he realized with a tiny smile.


Re: M44 razing_phoenix September 5 2010, 01:15:00 UTC
So apparently he hadn't mentioned Van until now. Guy held back a sigh as he tried to think of how to even answer Claude's question, which happened to be far more loaded than his friend even realized. He and Van had a long, difficult history, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to launch into an explanation when Natalia would be showing up soon, meaning they would have other things to worry about. Speaking of which, where was she?

It would have been easy to just focus on talking more about Okita and avoid the whole Van question entirely, but that would be pretty obvious, not to mention unfair to Claude. It had been Guy's decision to mention it in the first place, so now he had to take responsibility for it.

"Yeah, he was our enemy who we basically had to stop from destroying Auldrant," he explained with a frown. "But it isn't that simple. Van had a connection to most of us. He's Tear's older brother, for one thing, and Luke had him as a sword master for most of his life, so there were a lot of attachments that had to be ignored for the good of the world."

In the end, explaining his own relationship with Van would just bring up too many other unpleasant subjects. Whenever he explained to Claude just what his background was, from the death of his parents and his sister to his plot for revenge, then he would get into it. But for now, it was just too much to get into when they had other things to worry about.


M44 nobleobliged September 5 2010, 15:58:48 UTC
[from here]

At last. The fonmachine's light, the flashlight, settled on M44 for a beat. Snapping into darkness, she replaced the device and allowed her eyes to adjust once more. If Jill truly was at that man's mercy, then there wasn't a moment to lose. Yet, Natalia found half a minute passing as she swept a few fingers over her hair (if only she could have a headband), and wrinkled her nose at her drab attire as it cleared with her vision. It seemed a shame that his sight would be restored, and met with awful clothes and an awful room decor.

Perhaps, her priorities were slightly out of order. Perhaps, she ought to have given more credence to the possibility that it might not work; yet, Natalia could not allow something as negative as sheer practicality to threaten her. Starting out with the wrong attitude could be fatal.

Squaring her shoulders, shifting her hold on the radio (her fingers slid over its cool surface and she remembered, again, that last gasp), Natalia raised her hand and rapped her knuckles below the number.

"Hello!" she told the door, "it's Natalia. I hope I ha--" well, waiting for the door to open made as much sense as anything.


Re: M44 full_score September 6 2010, 00:27:07 UTC
Claude listened to Guy's explanation, softly frowning as he heard more about this Van person. How could someone who had such close ties to other people want to try to destroy the world? And enough to fight against their own family? Defeating someone with such extreme ideals was one thing, but Claude couldn't imagine what it would have been like if he'd actually had any prior connections to the Ten Wise Men. That would have made dealing with everything that much more complicated, he was sure.

He was also curious about Guy's own relationship to Van, or if they'd mostly been acquainted with each other through Luke. Of course, he had a feeling that even if he asked, his friend wouldn't go into details right now. Guy was awfully closed about a lot of things, and it was possible giving the full story would dredge up a lot of memories he wasn't ready to talk about yet.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, though, there was a knock at the door. Claude whipped his head over toward the source of the sound and heard a woman's voice who promptly identified herself as Natalia. He was relieved to hear that she'd safely made it to his room, especially on a night when some of the patients had apparently been taken for more "sleep studies".

While Claude's first instinct was to get up and open the door, he rubbed the back of his neck and quickly said to Guy, "It'd...probably be faster if you answered it." Finding his way between the bed and desk was one thing, but having to slowly make his way over to the door and fumble with the knob with more than one person around was a little embarrassing to think about.


Re: M44 razing_phoenix September 6 2010, 08:54:51 UTC
That knock on the door left Guy more relieved than he'd realized he would be. Van was a difficult subject, so the fact that they could focus on the matter at hand instead quickly put him at ease. Not to mention this meant that Natalia was safe and sound after all; it had just taken her a while to make her way over from the female block, which was understandable for someone so new.

Nodding to Claude, Guy practically jumped off of the bed and crossed the room to open the door, sending the princess a smile when he took in her features in the near darkness. "Glad you were able to find it okay," he said, quickly moving back and to the side so that she didn't barrel into him.

"And I wanted to thank you for being willing to do this," he added with a genuinely grateful nod of his head. "Claude's a good friend." That was probably obvious by now, and Guy doubted that their closeness would have changed Natalia's mind about what she was going to do, but Guy still felt that it was necessary to thank her. Her healing abilities were more important here than they had ever been on Auldrant, except perhaps for during their final confrontation with Van.

But Guy was going to put that man from his mind now.


Re: M44 nobleobliged September 6 2010, 21:27:28 UTC
"Oh, Guy!" Natalia exclaimed, returning his smile with delight. She hadn't known whether he would be present for it. It may not have mattered in any length of run, but she wouldn't deny taking pleasure in his company.

"But, really," she laughed, in response to his gratitude, "you too? It isn't necessary, of course I would. I must do what I can, and this-" she loathed to admit it, "-this may be all I can do. Anyway, we must hurry! It sounded as if that woman, Jill?, might be in danger."

Never mind that she very possibly would be completely unable to do anything after this. Natalia strode into the room, apparently having little qualm with entering a man's room. It may have helped that it looked so identical to hers; nothing distinguished the one from the other, nothing but the man sitting on his bed. She crossed the room to Claude, apparently drawing the line at taking the same seat, and after a half-beat of consideration, pulled his desk chair over, closer to the bed.

"Hello Claude," she greeted, if a little redundantly, then frowned at the plate left on the desk. Even if he did regain appetite with sight, it would be cold! She couldn't quite keep from sounding a little cross. "Let's begin."

Sitting primly in the chair, her ankles crossed and she leaned forward, reached toward his face, then paused and sat back, thinking better of it. Or spending time with Guy had finally taught her something. "If you would remove the bandaging? It might help to see if it's working. If... the first spell doesn't work."


Re: M44 full_score September 7 2010, 01:46:07 UTC
Claude listened as Guy got up from the bed to open the door for Natalia. It sounded like she hadn't had any problems coming over here -- or, at least, she hadn't mentioned any, and she'd managed to get here all right. He sent a smile over in their direction, but grew still for a moment as he heard Guy express his gratitude for her agreeing to help. Claude's a good friend, he'd said. Genuinely touched that Guy would speak so highly of him to one of his long-time friends, he ducked his head with a softened smile.

She was quick to brush off his thanks, attributing her generosity to a sense of duty, but that didn't make her willingness to lend a hand any less deserving of thanks. She was right about one thing, though -- they probably didn't need to spend the night dilly-dallying when there were other things to do, although he was worried she would push herself too hard once she'd finished casting her healing spells. Whether they would work or not remained to be seen, but he knew he had to keep a positive attitude about this.

As soon as he heard her pull a chair closer to him, Claude instantly straightened up in his seat. "Hi, Natalia," he said, returning her greeting. Claude realized there was something in her tone that was difficult to identify, though it gave him the impression that he ought to do as she told him.

That was why he didn't protest when she instructed him to remove his bandages. "R-right..." After bringing his hand to his face, he gently peeled away the tape holding the pad in place over his right eye and brought it to his lap. The other bandage soon followed, and Claude felt the cool air against his eye lids. It might have been refreshing if it weren't for the ever-present scratchy sensation behind them, but he would just have to bear it for a little longer. Still, he decided to keep them closed until he absolutely needed to open them.

"Thanks again...for offering to give this a try," Claude told her, partly to make things feel less awkward for him, but also to let her know that he was still grateful even if this didn't work out.


Re: M44 razing_phoenix September 7 2010, 08:53:18 UTC
It didn't take Natalia long to step inside, half-reprimand him for even thinking to thank her, and then set herself up near Claude, complete with orders for him. While she asked politely, Guy couldn't help thinking back to a few years before, when she would have done that with all of the haughty attitude expected from a princess who had grown up in luxury.

Natalia had grown, hadn't she? Not as much as Luke, maybe, but Guy could still see it clear as day. It made him wonder if he'd gone through a few drastic changes of his own, beyond putting his past behind him even more than he had at the start of their long journey.

Claude seemed a bit overwhelmed, but Guy knew that Natalia would take good care of him. In the end, Guy ended up moving over to stand near Claude's desk, a safe distance away from the pair. Still, the room was small enough that if something went wrong, he'd be able to deal with it, and he made sure to stay focused on both of them.

As for the comment about Jill, he had to agree that it sounded bad for her. Guy wasn't sure how much they could do, though, since chances were that she could already be in Landel's clutches. For the moment, he wanted to take things one at a time. "Just relax," he told Claude as he observed. Natalia would be gentle, and it wasn't as if healing ever hurt. On the other hand, who really knew in this place? It hadn't hurt when Kratos had healed him, but...


Re: M44 nobleobliged September 7 2010, 09:43:11 UTC
"You may thank me if it works," she chided. Natalia was not opposed to being thanked; she did appreciate the recognition that came with the gesture, and quite valued good manners. However, she had both been thanked profusely while warned that this may be all for naught. She could hardly accept gratitude before the result, nor accept it for simply trying. To the princess, it seemed a self-evident necessity.

When Claude removed the bandages, Natalia was -- not quite disappointed, but left braced for little reason. She had prepared herself for a more distressing sight, for scars that would indubitably stir her fury with Landel. The lack of physical marring would also make it difficult to gauge success by spell. Recovering from her surprise at how clear his skin was, Natalia began to focus.

It should not have taken much concentration to gather fonons and combine them with verse. Had she not cast them hundreds of times in battle, distracted only when struck by spell or blade? Yet, concentration it took. Her brow creased as she meditated on her fon slots, reaching for seventh fonons in the atmosphere--and were they there, or weren't they? Supposedly not on Earth, but she could feel the power gathering, if slowly, if weakly.

She spoke the verse, targeting his eyes, "O soothing light, Heal!" and smiled, relieved, as fonons glowed around him, highlighting his hair with pale white-green.

Curiously aware of a heaviness in her mind and moisture in her palms, Natalia shook herself as if to dismiss them both, and watched Claude for his reaction.


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