[from here] There was quiet as the First Child stepped forward, steps echoing on a familiar surface. Shock disturbed even her features as she stared at Unit 00, intact and whole in its restraints. How was this-- For some reason this was what affected her more. That Unit 00 was whole. And only as the dredges of that dulled did the surprise of their location fully set in. This was a place she knew. A place frequented more than the place that she slept.
Ayanami moved forward, closer to her Eva. And here, they were supposed to? Was there something that needed to be done? Arriving at this place, with no warning. Rei was starting to believe it hadn't happened. None of it. But it was a passing notion--her memories ran too deep of the events of the past to deny any experiences. But for the reasons... No. She did not know. She did not know at all.