Now that he thought about it- as in, actually thought about it- maybe it might have been better to wait for one of those 'better ideas' to grace them with its presence. Even if it had meant sitting around in the slagging reception area for the rest of the night 'cause, as he felt the first drops of rain pelt down the back of his shirt and felt the floor underfoot harden to cement and the roll of thunder shudder through his back teeth, that first idea had been a bad one. A very, very bad one.
They weren't just outside. Oh, no, that would have been too easy. They'd somehow walked out of the Institute and right the Pit into the very heart of Doyleton, no doors necessary and no easy escape routes. And all around them he could see the slow, shifting shadows of figures hunched not against the rain but from rot, not as many as the week before but there nonetheless. And here they were, caught in a crossroads between the slagging beauty salon and the Sherriff's office. They might as well have turned up at a Sharkticon convention for how well this was going to go down- and not just with those things, but with Hime.
Wincing, Depth Charge cast her a sideways look. "Bad move?"