Night 49: Nurse Lounge

May 28, 2010 23:31

[From here]A slightly larger and comfier-looking room greeted the pair next. A couch and several cushy chairs littered the space, along with a table, chairs, and a large cabinet, among other things. Definitely wasn't the worst place they could have ended up in, Scott thought. They could have ended up in a fridge or something ( Read more... )

guybrush, scott pilgrim, depth charge, shinichi, mello, hime, elaine, matt

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Comments 55

meitantei May 29 2010, 17:05:48 UTC
Glad they were off the topic of near misses and attacks by the Institute, Shinichi took a step towards the mini fridge. He really didn’t think it was a great idea to be poking around too much at night; these kinds of rooms that didn’t usually see that much patient traffic were probably full of less than savory things. Still, if they could find something that was useful-especially when it came to barter with other patients-that could justify the risk somewhat. How many people were jonesing for alcohol, or even caffeine? If they could find something that valuable, it put them in a pretty good position to trade. For information maybe, or better weapons than meat skewers. Anything ( ... )


vsyourface May 29 2010, 19:01:35 UTC
"Don't worry, I won't. These don't even have power-ups in them or anything. What kind of cheap Coke is this?" Scott pouted as he pulled out one of the few unopened cans of cola and skimmed over the nutritional information. They hadn't even had the decency to mix in a token +1 Speed or anything into the drink. The Coca-Cola Corporation was getting super stingy, Scott thought with a short sigh. Still, he took the can and slipped it into his pocket with the corn skewers. Someone was going to want some, he figured. It would be warm by the time he could trade for anything, no doubt, but he was betting someone desperate enough for a Coke wouldn't care too much.

"There's one more can of Coke in here, and the rest is water. Lamesauce. You want the can?" Scott asked over his shoulder.   


meitantei May 30 2010, 05:20:17 UTC
…Okay, Shinichi wasn’t even going to ask Scott about the ‘power ups.’ The guy probably (well, more than probably) played too many video games as it was; no need to encourage it further. He just held back, holding the flashlight so Scott could see and praying that his new companion wouldn’t get his hand bitten off while grabbing the Coke.

His fears were unfounded, however, because the soda came out of the fridge looking perfectly normal. Shinichi still didn’t want to drink it of course, but the cans were some of the first things he’d yet seen at nightshift that looked even close to normal. “Yeah, let me see.” He reached out and grabbed it, turning it over in his hands. Looked like a standard American-issue can of Coke. Felt like it too. The ingredients label, the nutrition information; all was as it should have been.

Except for one thing.

“Hey, Scott. Look. No expiration date.”


vsyourface May 30 2010, 18:27:56 UTC
"Really?" Scott pulled his own cola can out again, checking it over to make sure Shinichi's hadn't just been a misprint. Absenceprint. Whatever. Sure enough, there was no expiration date or dates of any other kind to be found. Scott's eyes widened. "My god. Shinichi, do you realize what this means?"

A dramatic pause. Scott's hand trembled around the can in awe.

"...We have just discovered immortal Coke."


selfrescuer May 31 2010, 22:12:35 UTC
[From here]

Well, at least this room seemed more welcoming than the bathroom they had just come from. It reminded her of the room in her mansion she had allocated for her cleaning and gardening staff to lounge in during their breaks. Still not exactly useful, though. "Everyone still here?" She looked back over her shoulder as she walked forward, waiting for the group to finish crossing through the door.


sheepwood June 1 2010, 02:52:48 UTC
Guybrush squeaked into the room after his lady poo, eager to get as far away from the bathroom as possible. One step into the room, he turned sharply and plastered himself against the wall until the rest of the party had made it in and the door had shut behind them. He was safe for another day. Well, from the porcelain anyway.

"Hah! I was right!" he exclaimed, his feelings of paranoia and dread being replaced by cocky assuredness. "This place is chock-full of crazy stuff like this. I've got to admit that the doors taking us places they shouldn't is a new development. They usually lead where they're supposed to, like a good door should."


voodooanonymous June 1 2010, 06:51:54 UTC
With Guybrush, unsurprisingly, offering no puzzle-solving suggestions to their current predicament, LeChuck scanned the room quickly. At least it was larger than the last couple, and he could step in without squeezing everyone else.

Ignoring Elaine's inquiry (although it did warm his black heart to know she was concerned), he crossed the room to the shaded windows opposite. "Avast, we be on the second floor!" Of course, if they were being shuffled around magically, there was no reason they couldn't be moved up (unless they were on the second floor of the building to begin with, come to think of it), but he still wasn't expecting it.

The window was grimy and the heavy storm outside made it hard to see, but after running through corridors and pantries, he was glad to see there was an outside to this place. He could see a greenhouse and a walled backyard below, and possibly a forest beyond, although that was guesswork through the rain.


fangirlfatale June 1 2010, 14:28:17 UTC
This room wasn't much more interesting than the last one. (Privately, Morgan had her fingers crossed for an armory.) The big windows seemed like the most important feature for their purposes, but LeChuck was already over there by the time she entered and shook off the weird disorientation. Keeping one eye on him, Morgan went over to the side wall and peeked into the cabinet. Just more plastic cutlery. Assuming you could even call it "cutlery" if the toughest thing it could cut was chocolate pudding.

Behind her, Guybrush sounded confident again, which was usually a good thing. Something struck her about what he had to say, though. "A new development? Usually? Guybrush, how long have you been here?" Morgan asked.

It couldn't have been long, since she'd just seen him last night. He probably meant what he'd seen coming from his room earlier tonight, and she was just overthinking it. Yes, that sounded right.


gamingsostfu June 4 2010, 00:51:47 UTC
[from here]

"Now, you know that's just stu-"

Matt didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying, because as soon as he leaned against the door, ready to dish out some real effort into opening what looked to be quite the heavy entryway, the thing gave out under him, opening right up and letting Matt stumble right through. This was how he discovered that the jumps became five times more disorienting when your entire body fell off balance while being teleported halfway across... whatever they were being teleported across, be it the ever-expansive space-time continuum, or the simple grounds of Landel's Institute.

Whichever, Matt wasn't a happy camper when he managed to make the spinning inside his head stop. Blinking around, it took him a moment to realize that he'd dropped his stuff on the floor. He figured he could just sit there a minute until everything was still again; Mello could just suck it up.


swornandbroken June 4 2010, 04:32:11 UTC
Mello was relieved enough that Matt hadn't noticed his momentary wavering (which he was already mentally revising to a side effect of the fucked-up travel) that he was perfectly willing to give his friend a moment to recover. He took advantage of the moment to pinch the bridge of his nose, in an attempt to fend off the incipient migraine. The dizziness every jump wasn't fun, but he was getting the hang of it. You stepped, and stopped. He'd always thought willpower was more than a match for purely physical concerns like sleep and pain, anyway.

They were obviously back (still?) in the Institute, and just as obviously in a place not intended for the prisoners.

"It's not stupid," he told Matt, heading over to the cabinet. "It's the difference between people who get shit done and people who play by rules they didn't write." If he had to fake it for the rest of his life to continue counting himself in the former category, he would.


gamingsostfu June 5 2010, 00:16:03 UTC
Matt made a noise, half groan, half sigh. "Christ," he mumbled, getting to his feet and reaching for the crowbar and flashlight. The packages of food had obviously seen better days, but Matt liked to think that was the Institute's fault. They'd be nice and safe in my desk drawer if it weren't for all this forced scattering of the masses, he pouted to himself, not showing a trace of it in his expression. Instead, he set his face into a glare, directed right at Mello.

"Not your preaching again," he shot back at the blond; he was not in the mood for that self-sufficient crap. Half the time, Matt expected Mello to spout something about Be all you can be, but that would be hypocritical. Or would Mello even care? Couldn't be sure.

Flicking the flashlight on, Matt took a quick look around the empty room, trying to figure out where the hell they were. Obviously in the Institute - but where in it? "D'you know where we are, Barbie?" A cheap shot, but he didn't care anymore.


swornandbroken June 5 2010, 05:05:44 UTC
"Staff break room?" Mello theorized out loud, opening up the cabinet. He didn't respond to Matt's attempted wisecrack, except to flick him off behind his back as he rummaged around. Damn, the cutlery in here was plastic, too. "I haven't been in here before." He dismissed most of the contents as equally useless, before taking out the small purple tin. The wonderful smell of decent chocolate hit him before he got its lid all the way off, and he grinned. "Oh, fuck yeah." This was definitely coming with him.

He turned back around and leaned against the cabinet. "Preaching my ass, Skipper. You call my opinion stupid, don't get shirty when I defend it." Yeah, that sounded good. Like someone who didn't even know what doubt was. He popped two mints into his mouth, and gave Matt a look meant to convey, Bring it, if you think you can.


scalyfishman June 5 2010, 20:18:16 UTC
[From here]

No rain, as predicted. Depth Charge stayed perfectly dry as they walked from the darkness of the shed into... the darkness of a whole new room. Of course. They were in the actual Institute building again, that much he could make out, but he didn't think he'd ever seen this room before.

Directing his flashlight around the room he could pick out a couch at the back, under a wide set of-- windows? Hard to tell at first, but those looked like blinds. In fact, there were a whole lot of chairs in this part of the room, and a table set in the center just waiting to be gossiped over. This was a regular little pitstop, huh? There was even a kitchen on the other side of the room, too. The most he could say was that he didn't see any immediate signs of monster activity, and even that wasn't exactly shining praise.

He turned to Hime, eyebrows raised. "Not exactly useful, huh? Unless you're planning on taking a nap and forgot to tell me."


chainsaw_royal June 5 2010, 22:15:24 UTC
Hime had no problems with Depth Charge taking the lead, burdened as she was. It seemed to be unnecessary so far, however. Despite the apparent lack of monsters though, Hime remained in the door way, foot jamming it open.

"Not particularly, no, but I've other uses while we've still time," she mused, looking about. "Bring over one of the chairs - now that we're not connected to Marc, I'd like to try something."

Perhaps it was a moot point given how late at night it was, but Hime was still at least curious to see if she could solve this puzzle much as she'd solved the spell cast on her mansion once upon a time.


scalyfishman June 6 2010, 09:17:44 UTC
"Other uses?" With a chair? Not that it didn't sound a little non-sequitur-ish or anything, but hey. Wasn't like they were in any immediate danger, or like they had any real plan to follow anymore except 'walk through doors, pray for something useful'. Anyway, Depth Charge wasn't going to be letting his guard down any time soon.

He headed over to the seating area and hauled one of the plastic chairs over to Hime, standing it in front of her at the door. She still hadn't taken her foot out yet, he noticed, so he took the handle and pulled it open properly to save her one squashed slipper. "What's the plan? You gonna try and jam the door or something?"


chainsaw_royal June 6 2010, 09:41:27 UTC
"More or less. I noticed the doors have been closing on their own," Hime replied, taking the chair from Depth Charge and placing it firmly in the doorway. Once she did, she moved out of the way and let the door close on it, wedging it in place. Beyond, she could still see the darkness of the gardening shed. So far, so good ( ... )


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