Night 49: Black Rock Inn

May 26, 2010 10:25

[ From here]This time the room was larger, and with a decor that seemed out of place from the rest of the Institute. Granted, Mihai could hardly say he'd explored the entirety of the hospital, but he had a bit of experience going to them in general, enough to know that rooms rarely deviated from the state of drab sterility that was the norm. This ( Read more... )

reeve, mihai

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whichwayagain May 26 2010, 23:33:19 UTC
Clearly, the situation was getting to poor Reeve. Either that, or he'd suddenly decided it an appropriate time to do a dance of some sort. Mihai supposed it wasn't impossible that he was thankful for alcohol, though he was pretty bad off desperation hit him this early on. Still, he'd seen stranger things; knowing Badou and the depth of his addiction had tempered him in that regard. Whatever it was, the dance didn't last very long, and seemed restrained on top of that. But Reeve had come across as the quiet type.

For having asked what was going on, however, Reeve seemed to have a better idea of the mechanics than Mihai. Though what was that talk about magic? "Teleportation? You mean something from science fiction?" Which may well be science reality in Reeve's home, as Mihai had to remind himself. The differences in the worlds were rumored to be vast--and Mihai still hadn't completely come to terms with the concept of different worlds, plural, himself.

So when Reeve asked about Midgar, it was with a certain level of sympathy that Mihai shook his head. He even felt bad enough for the man that he turned away from the bar, albeit temporarily. "I'm guessing that's your home, right? But I've never heard of it. I told you before that we're all from different worlds, and, uh--Midgar right? It doesn't exist in mine."


simplemechanics May 31 2010, 18:50:42 UTC
Reeve remained silent for a moment that probably lasted a little too long. The only emotion that surfaced was an uncomfortable sort of disappointment. Deeper inside, he could feel his stomach churning with all the unresolved questions. Mihai couldn't even point him in the right direction, but it wasn't his fault. Reeve smiled faintly and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Yes," he began slowly. "That's my home. There was a crisis taking place last I remember, but I'm not sure what happened. I'm afraid that it might not have gone well. You're... where are you from, then?" It had to be very far away, or he really was insane, to not know Midgar. As time passed, Reeve was increasingly inclined to throw out the insanity theory, although Mihai stubbornly insisted on claiming he was from another world.

Reeve walked over to the bar, moving around behind the counter with the other man. The assortment of unfamiliar names on the bottles made him feel the first bite of homesickness. "As for teleportation, it's a little out there, but perhaps not impossible." Reeve's voice lightened to at least temporarily have a distraction in the form of theorizing about a fantasy like teleportation. "Technology has made some huge advancements recently, and we really don't understand much about Materia. At least, not compared to how much of it there is, and all it can accomplish. Little research has been done to see how technology can augment magic, or visa versa." Cait Sith, in fact, had been a source of pride in that respect. He could shuffle through Materia as effortlessly as any organic being. Reeve could still remember the delicate network of systems and programming that supported that aspect of his creation.

"Ah, I'm sorry," he added with a quick, weak laugh. "That doesn't help us right now."


whichwayagain June 3 2010, 03:05:40 UTC
"Berlin." Mihai responded almost without thought, more focused at the moment on eying the selection of minibottles. The smaller containers would be easier to carry, and less effective if broken for weapons--or so his excuse would be. On pocketing the first, however, it dawned on Mihai that Reeve may well not know anything about Berlin, given that the reverse had already happened. "In Germany." Likely equally unhelpful.

Five more bottles disappeared into Mihai's pockets as Reeve lost himself to his words. He tried to keep up with the other man, but really, the emotions were easier to follow than the science. Clearly Reeve loved whatever it was he was talking about. Maybe he was a scientist, then? Hopefully not an insane one. Mihai rather liked Reeve so far--sensible, quiet, easy to get along with. It'd be sad if he turned out to be evil.

"Don't be." Mihai offered a smile in return for Reeve's apology, then shook his head to reject it. "Sometimes focusing on your passion can help a man calm down. And it sounds like you at least understand what's happening to us, even if you don't know how." Even having a name for the concept offered a (very) small amout of reassurance. "I've lived long enough to be thankful for that much."

He motioned to the contents of the bar, stepping aside so Reeve could have his look. "Given the trouble my friend has had getting cigarettes, I don't think alcohol is easily found in the Institute. I don't normally advocate stealing, but it might not be such a bad idea." Especially since the bar owner wasn't around. If that person were anything like Kiri, sneaking so much as a single shot would truly be putting his life at risk. It made Mihai smile to think about, at least up until the point where he heard Kiri's voice lecturing him in memory. Then he cringed.


simplemechanics June 8 2010, 06:25:15 UTC
Reeve reached out for the first bottle, and turned it carefully in his hands. It was of an unknown make, but some things like alcohol seemed constant enough, even here. Berlin was a dauntingly unfamiliar name, but there were countless small towns scattered across the world, so it didn't mean much. He had seen many of them as of late, but not all. Even the ones he had seen, he had never stepped foot in.

He didn't often think of what was outside of Midgar, or at least, he hadn't until recently. He was aware of it all, but there was never the same pull he felt towards his own city. Even now, he could not fully muster compassion for the planet that could compare that for to what he had built. Now its fate was unknown, and he was far away. Too far to feel it or anything else that was his. Thinking about that kind of distance doubled his stress, and made stealing some strong liquor even more attractive.

"I'll trust your word," he agreed. More thoughtfully, he added, "The Institute... That's the building we were just in, wasn't it? Do you recognize where we are now?"


whichwayagain June 8 2010, 21:49:36 UTC
Reeve remained largely quiet about his answer, and Mihai decided it better not to press. What good would come of it, exactly, when the name of his city didn't inspire even a spark of recognition? Reeve would accept the grim reality in time, but Mihai wasn't in a rush to make that happen. The difference of their beliefs about the situation hardly seemed important enough to ruin the laid-back atmosphere they'd achieved, after all; they'd probably find a flesh-eating monster to do that for them soon enough. Reeve was willing to at least trust that Mihai thought he was speaking the truth, and that was good enough.

"That's right." Mihai smiled faintly and tilted his head toward the bottle in Reeve's hand. "Good choice. The Institute is where they normally keep us. I don't think I've ever been here specifically. If I had to guess, though, I'd say this looks like someplace in Doyleton. That's where most of us were today." Truly making this one of the worst days for a new patient to find himself just waking up. At least Mihai had run into more experienced members of the population early on, including one of his friends. "There might be others you know here. Back in the Institute, there's a bulletin board for people to leave messages. You can try contacting them in the morning."

Since they'd gotten souvenirs to remember this trip by, Mihai thought it might be time to leave. Better not press their luck, even if they might end up in the rain. The idea of lingering in any one place for too long didn't sit well with the ex-assassin; it was too much like putting a target on his back.

"Let's see where we end up this time?" He moved to the door, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure Reeve was willing to follow. "It's a bit like gambling, isn't it? Though I never cared for it myself." Mihai got enough unexpected excitement on his own, thank you. He only brought up the comparison in case Reeve would find comfort in it.

[ To here]


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