Nightshift 49: Disciplinary Therapy Room 2 [M-U for Ema Skye]

May 21, 2010 21:32

Equipped with their five senses, humans explore the universe around them and call the adventure Science. And yet it was pathetic how little they knew. After all, to know the history of science is to recognize the mortality of any claim to universal truth. Humans in their present stage of evolution were only be capable of so much. Take young Ema Skye, for example -- a specimen who clearly demonstrated how boundless potential could be wasted as a result of human imperfection.

She certainly had the drive to pursue a successful career in science, of course. However, when trapped within the confines of a flawed being, it was almost astounding how truly meaningless such passion became. But perhaps it was too early to deem the girl a lost cause. No, not yet. This was where science could truly shine, if only given the opportunity.

The doctor stoically observed Ema, who was strapped to the operating table and lying on her stomach. Her face was held in place by a none-too-comfortable face cradle that would allow her to stare at the floor once she woke up. Thankfully, she needn't worry about having a dull view for long. She'd be getting quite the eye full soon enough. With this in mind, the doctor continued preparing his tray of instruments and chemicals for the impending experiment.

ema skye, m-u

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