Nightshift 49: The Labyrinth

May 20, 2010 20:52

[From here]

"Oh bloody hell, not another one." Another room that looked not only useless, but confusing. He didn't even have a clue where this was. "We should--" he was cut off by the sound of the suddenly much larger door closing with a rather final sounding 'click' behind them. "...Keep going, apparently. There has to be another way out of this ( Read more... )

russia, kirk, tk-622, roxas, chekov

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vodka_jump May 21 2010, 15:10:24 UTC
The new room was at least free of any furniture that might have fallen victim to Ivan's wrath. The new room was, in fact, so empty that he could see nothing at all save for gray walls that extended into a dark haze. He frowned, usually cheery smile gone and replaced with a cold, calculating stare. At first it was just fun and games, but it hadn't stopped, hadn't relented, and now it was turning into something else entirely ( ... )


loyal_soldier May 21 2010, 21:12:33 UTC
"No, I don't, sir," 622 said, peering down the hallway. "Which either means this is on the third floor or the basement level, likely the latter. The basement, from what I've seen, is far more openly and randomly a test for the prisoners." Like that... what had it been. A sfinks? He still couldn't believe he'd actually gotten that riddle. "But that means there's likely a way out of here, we just have to find it." Probably while dealing with some other bloody terrible problem along the way, 622 thought, because he was not exactly the most optimistic of persons.


vodka_jump May 23 2010, 17:00:16 UTC
So just going through a few doors that should've led them back into the hallway had now led them into completely unfamiliar territory. If the sergeant was right, it was even some kind of testing ground. That in itself was completely ridiculous as well as insulting! Test? In what way did he need to be tested? He was a soldier, had been through several wars. He knew how to fight, even in the coldest and most difficult terrain on earth. The fact that so many countries had already fallen to him and many more would follow, wasn't that already proof enough of his strength?

"Then let us find it," Ivan replied with more than a little false cheer. He stalked ahead through the darkness and haze of the hallway, almost daring anything to get in his way. He'd actually prefer it right about now, just to have something he could take out his frustrations on. Books and chairs were fine, but nothing was better than bruising flesh and breaking bones.

[Gah, sorry for the wait! This weekend was really crazy.]


loyal_soldier May 25 2010, 12:48:29 UTC
622 followed behind Russia, examining the blank hallways. Visibility was unaccountably poor, and that made him nervous.

They didn't come to anything of note until a curved wall suddenly came out of the haze, with several back turns radiating from the central wall. "that might be a hub. Should we try one of the back paths? I can keep track of our heading and the turns we've taken." Somehow, he really doubted staying on their initial path would lead them anywhere.

[I have to apologize right back! Sorry for not tagging sooner! D8]


vodka_jump June 1 2010, 02:56:31 UTC
Nothing but more blank walls. At least now there was a choice for which path to take, though the thought of being a rat in some madman's maze was more than enough to upset and frustrate him. Russia glanced down the rounded pathway, doing what he could to push away the anxious feelings bubbling up inside him.

It looked like there were about four paths, though they were much too high to climb and since none had broken yet under his icy stare or the occasional kick he aimed at them, he had to imagine they were fairly sturdy too. It was almost like a roulette game. So long as they picked the path that led them to safety instead of their own deaths, everything would be fine.

Without a word, he passed the first hall, glanced down the second, and finally turned down the third hallway, no hesitation in his gait as he walked on ahead.

[Aaaaand back from hiatus! Sorry, but should be normal posting from now on!]


loyal_soldier June 2 2010, 13:41:04 UTC
622 followed Russia once the decision had been made, trying to form a mental map of where they were in relation to the junction and the other hallways.

Once they reached another junction, he still had his bearings and considered their options. "This one could lead in the direction we want," he pointed down one end of the hall. There had been a wall in that area that had given him the impression that there was a path leading into the round junction there. He wasn't quite sure, but since this place had mostly been designed in long, straight paths so far, it seemed a decent bet.

Without waiting for a reply, he started down the path. It didn't precisely lead them in the right direction, but they could backtrack if necessary.

[How convenient, I just got done being sick! I'm still a bit fuzzy-brained, so if I get anything wrong, just tell me!]


vodka_jump June 3 2010, 15:48:01 UTC
If it wasn't strange room jumps, now it was a maze. At least this made a small amount of sense, even if it was sorely trying his patience. He followed the stormtrooper, frustration melting into a vague annoyance with the situation. Patience he had, time wasn't a problem, but if this was all some ruse or some trick to play him for a fool, well... it wouldn't be so bad if America was made to look just as stupid, but he still had his pride. Spending a night wandering in circles and looking for an exit wasn't his idea of a productive evening.


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