Night 49: Pet Supply Place

May 20, 2010 20:42

[ From here.]And this was not the Sun Room. Or any room at Landel's that he'd seen. The odd twisting feeling made Abe's hand slip from the door handle against his will and it slammed shut, leaving him in a far more cramped room that smelled faintly of animal food and wood shavings. "What in the world?" he whispered as he reached for his flashlight ( Read more... )

raine, kirk, keman, sheena, abe sapien, chekov, tobias, two-face, allelujah, yukari yakumo, roxas, indiana jones

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Comments 34

buteo_sapiens May 22 2010, 02:07:21 UTC
Tobias shuddered at the disorienting feeling, and stared around, just as surprised. < Nope. Smells like prey, though. > (God, he could go for a mouse.) < And cats, and dogs, and, > he tipped his head, listening, < we're definitely not in the institute. The rain sounds too close. >

He paused, thoughtfully, then added, < Ugh, got to be teleportation of some sort. I hate it when people teleport me, it never ends well. >


bprd_fishman May 22 2010, 02:31:39 UTC
"Does it happen often?" Abe asked, genuinely curious. He moved cautiously about the shop, running his hand over the counter. If Tobias was psychic he'd probably have no objections to Abe having strange abilities, it was only a natural thing for a person to have.

There was a slight shift in Abe's stance as the headache hit and he opened his eyes again. Nothing useful there, pain for nothing. No one had passed by here in the last few hours. Abe staggered back and returned to searching the place with more traditional methods.

At some point he might think to look out the window.


buteo_sapiens May 22 2010, 02:46:28 UTC
< Often enough-- woah, you okay there? > Tobias unconsciously clenched his talons as Abe staggered, the sharp tips digging in for a moment before he thought to let go and dropped to the floor, peering up at the guy.


bprd_fishman May 22 2010, 03:14:53 UTC
"No, no, I'm all right," Abe said, wincing at the pressure before Tobias fell off. He touched one hand to his temple. "In this body I can't do my psychic readings without suffering from a quick and rather painful headache. They pass and I'm growing used to them, but they aren't pleasant." He spoke lightly in an attempt to show the bird just how okay he was, and offered his arm again as a perch.

How refreshing it was, to talk about it openly without stares or worrisome fidgeting.


mind_the_sukima May 23 2010, 01:57:35 UTC
[From here]

Yukari braced herself, grip tightening on the two hands she held as Sheena opened the door and pulled them through out into the pouring rain...

...only there wasn't any rain.

Blinking in disbelief, Yukari looked around to find they weren't in the rain, nor were they on the rec field at all. In fact, they seemed to be indoors again.

"Well, now isn't that interesting?" she murmured mildly, looking about. Shelves and shelves of various supplies that she couldn't really make out in the darkness. Over in another part of the store was a man who was, as far as she could tell, talking to a bird. And outside, the rain was pounding down on the streets of Doyleton.

"Interesting indeed..."


per_ardua May 24 2010, 05:07:41 UTC
"What in the--?" Raine blurted, taken aback. This was... she didn't even know they were. She went to the window to look out, and realized they were in Doyleton. But--how?? She spun away to look around at the building they were in, and this time recognized it as the pet store; she'd glanced in, but never entered. Her breath sped up, remembering the last time they'd been here at night, but she didn't see any zombies walking the streets, nor heard any prowling through the store.

She wanted to ask if this was what they had had to show her, but she hadn't seen Yukari do anything to the last doorway they went through, and judging from her reaction, it didn't sound like the youkai had planned this. At home she was most likely perfectly capable of this, but she'd admitted she couldn't use her gaps to go very far here.

Cautiously, Raine walked over to a counter and looked behind it, thinking there might be some weapons; it made sense that the shopkeepers would have them, in her experience.


mizuhomaiden May 24 2010, 05:19:05 UTC
Unlike Raine, Sheena momentarily didn't remember Yukari couldn't use her gap abilities like that. In fact, given the pact, it was entirely possible in the ninja's mind that this was the youkai's fault.

"...Yukari. What did you do?"


mind_the_sukima May 24 2010, 08:34:50 UTC
Surprise was never something that lasted long with Yukari, what with how fluid and prone to change such an ambiguous nature as being the youkai of borders and boundaries was. Instead curiosity and amusement replaced what little shock she had felt, prompting her to look around like Raine did, though with less of a purpose.

"A very good question indeed," she replied to the ninja's questions. "I wonder, I do wonder what we just did. Would you believe me if I said this wasn't my fault?"

This didn't seem like an illusion - but then, there was no saying it wasn't just a very good illusion - so did this mean they had really teleported all the to Doyleton when the only intervening gap they had meant to span was that between the hall and the rec field? Mysterious and worrying, but somewhat welcome. After all, this meant they didn't have to get wet.


doneinthree June 2 2010, 10:08:41 UTC
[from here]

As before, dizziness hit him hard enough to make him close his eyes, but Kirk had enough sense to keep a firm grip on the doorknob. Either it was just in his head (unlikely) or they were being warped to an improbable location again, and the last thing he wanted was to lose Chekov or Roxas on the way. Despite his lack of verbal directions, he had no doubt that his travel companions were following close behind anyway.

When he finally opened his eyes, however, what appeared under the glare of his flashlight wasn't the familiar white walls of the hospital. He could make out shelves, a counter... Granted, Kirk hadn't been in every room of Landel's Institute, but the smell alone told him that this was no hospital.

"What," Kirk said, eloquently, turning back, but the knob slid out of his fingers as he moved and the door shut firmly behind them. He'd seen the door they'd exited through, had touched it himself, but this one had a glass panel in it and wasn't even the same colour. Through the glass and the shop windows, he could ( ... )


rischiarare June 2 2010, 21:03:54 UTC
Ow. Okay, he hadn't been prepared for that second time. When he - what, landed? Was that it? - in the new room, he actually felt queasy, taking a step forward from the door to avoid tripping over his own feet.

He was tired and about to lose his dinner. This was already turning into a great night. The smell of wet dog wasn't helping his newly-developed motion sickness, though Roxas supposed there was a small sense of gratification knowing the smell wasn't coming from the three of them. No, it was definitely this... building...

Wait a second. He actually knew where this was; he'd passed by this place with Axel earlier that day. He'd looked through the windows in an attempt to catch a glimpse of any possible animals inside, though he hadn't gone in himself.

And it was still pouring rain outside. Great.

"This doesn't make sense," he said, turning back to stare at the door behind them, the one that had just shut by itself. "I can't even use corridors here, but this store isn't anywhere close to the institute." And if these two still ( ... )


sewenteen_sir June 3 2010, 02:44:01 UTC
Chekov was once again disoriented and unsure of where they were, but once he shone his light around their new surroundings, he found himself in even more disbelief. They had somehow gone from the second floor of the prison to the town. Chekov had been in this establishment just that morning while he had been mapping the town. It looked to be in severe disrepair, though.

He was immediately reminded of the attack that had occurred the very night he and Captain Kirk had arrived. It had happened in the town as well, which meant that they might be at the origin point of the reanimated corpses.

Forming his recommendation that they leave immediately, Roxas' input gave Chekov pause. Corridors? Worlds ( ... )


doneinthree June 3 2010, 08:09:26 UTC
Kirk glared out the window at the dark, flooded street. His head throbbed a little from the quickness of the two jumps they'd just gone through, but at least he felt better than Roxas looked. The kid had obviously been exhausted since their fight on the first floor, but if he was managing to keep it together, then Kirk could hardly whine about some slight nausea. It was impressive, really: Roxas may have been young, but he obviously had a good head on his shoulders ( ... )


stlg13bomber June 8 2010, 23:48:19 UTC
[ From here.]

Carter was ready for the twist this time, and even held his breath as he pulled Kairi through the doorway again. They emerged, not in a crowded storage room or a forest, but a big open space.

"Now where are we?" Carter asked, scratching his head as he dropped Kairi's hand. It looked sort of like a store, with the way the counter was set up and a quick flick around with his flashlight showed pictures of animals on the boxes and bags displayed on the shelves. There was an odd musky smell about the place that reminded Carter of the farm back home, and chicken seeds and food for his pet mouse.

"Hey, I bet I know where we are! This is where they keep the food for the animals and the monsters." Carter began hunting through the boxes for dog biscuits. If they ran into another monster maybe he could distract it with treats, or bribe them into being friendly like they'd done with the Stalag 13 guard dogs.


tender_cruelty June 10 2010, 00:18:27 UTC
[From here]

Allelujah did not consider himself a superstitious person. He was born from science and raised by science in a world where science ruled supreme, even in an organisation called Celestial Being. But still, as the dizzy feeling cleared and the location resolved itself, he couldn't help but feel that perhaps, just perhaps, he shouldn't have thought about the door breaking and dumping them in the town. Again.

The shelves were filled with sacks of dog food and leashes and those toys that made obnoxious squeaking sounds. Since all of the animals at the Institute seemed to prefer fresh human flesh and would probably shred a squeaky rubber chicken within five seconds, he felt that it was safe to assume they were still in Doyleton.

"I think," he said dryly, "that someone hates us."


its_the_mileage June 10 2010, 02:56:43 UTC
"No kidding," Indy answered equally dryly. The pet shop. His favorite place. He took a couple of steps forward into the store, only far enough to give Dent room to follow him in--last week he'd needed something here, but now he didn't and he wasn't going to make the mistake of letting anything rotten get between him and the door. The sweep of his flashlight beam around the room didn't reveal their unusually fast friend or any other Zombis, but they hadn't noticed that thing at first the last time they'd come in, either.

"Dent, does it look the same now as it did earlier today?" he asked in a tight voice, hoping to learn whatever they could from this place in short order and get the hell out of it.


unheroed June 10 2010, 08:26:52 UTC
Even with an axe in hand, Harvey was not happy to find that they'd somehow ended up back in the pet shop. While it was better than having to run through the rain and dodge zombies, it wasn't like he wanted to be here in the first place. He'd already been here twice, and that was two times too many ( ... )


tender_cruelty June 11 2010, 11:07:13 UTC
There wasn't even anything useful here was there? Unless he wanted to try taking down hordes of the undead with a dog leash and kibble (he didn't - even Hallelujah wasn't fond of that idea. They had their sense of self-preservation after all). He wandered down the aisle a little way, checking for any monsters which might have been left behind, still keeping an ear out to the conversation behind him. "So the change that comes across the Institute at night comes across here too," he said thought fully. "Habitually I mean, not just last week. I wonder if the townspeople know." He wondered if any of the townspeople had died last week for real, or whether they had just woken up back in their beds as the patients did ( ... )


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