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repolarization April 8 2007, 15:36:04 UTC
Ginji hadn't meant to over-sleep. He really hadn't! He hated missing breakfast. It was free food! And pretty good food at that, but this was the second time he had slept through it! He was so disappointed as he made his way to the showers. His gloom was written on his face.

It wasn't until the nurse pointed out that there would be more food served at lunch that he smiled and cheered up considerably. He glanced around when he entered the shower and picked out his own spot that wasn't too close to people. A shower did sound pretty good, but Ginji was used to not showering every day. Actually considering that he just showered a few days ago it seemed a little strange.

He thought about the times that Ban had made him bathe in public fountains. The water there was always cold and he could never really get clean everywhere because he had to wear trunks. He wondered what his partner would say about the fact that in this place they had real showers and more then one meal a day. If it weren't for the monsters, this place wouldn't have been so bad.


beloved_lives April 8 2007, 22:26:49 UTC
"Well, hello~." Seimei purred as he came up beside Ginji in the shower, also having been seeking a space removed from others, but it seemed that was becoming a precious commodity. "Long time no see." He added, before turning on the spray and stepping underneath, raking his hair back with both hands, fingers skimming over the catlike ears.

It had been difficult to leave Ritsuka, but it was only for one part of the morning, no doubt they would be reunited at the lunch hour. He was not overly concerned; he knew the boy wouldn't stray.


repolarization April 9 2007, 03:44:44 UTC
Ginji smiled brightly when he saw that it was the kitty person he had met the last time he had been in the showers.

"Hi!" he said cheerfully. "How have you been?" He looked at Seimei with a concerned expression. "Keeping safe at night?"


beloved_lives April 9 2007, 06:54:22 UTC
"I have been well. I see you have not forgotten me, this makes me quite happy." Seimei smiled. "Although you have not sought me out and I am very sad that I did not make more of an impression the last we met."


repolarization April 9 2007, 12:23:56 UTC
Ginji frowned and looked away. "I'm sorry. I ended up getting into some things that I needed to deal with..." He felt ashamed that what Seimei had said was correct, but he also couldn't help it. This place made sure there was always something for him to pay attention to.


beloved_lives April 10 2007, 04:42:22 UTC
Seimei's tail flicked lightly against Ginji's skin. "Don't worry about it. I'm not really offended. However you'll have to make more of an effort to secure my company in the future, won't you?"


repolarization April 10 2007, 12:25:24 UTC
Ginji nodded and smiled. "I will. I promise."


beloved_lives April 10 2007, 12:41:43 UTC
"Good, good." He purred, rinsing off. "I am headed for the Sun Room after this if you wish to speak some more." Seimei gave the other man a lazy smile before walking away, having finished with his bath for the moment. He dried off and got dressed, allowing the nurse to show him out.


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