The room they entered was full of tools, and Heat was reminded for a moment of vendors he'd known in the past. The ones in the Junkyard had been far easier to sort through than this mess, though it helped that they'd had a better idea of what to look for then. This was just shelves and racks of various odds and ends, some which seemed a little out of place given the overall theme.
He wasn't sure why they'd been sent to look through shops without being given some form of currency. The coupons they'd been handed didn't appear to be for anything besides food and some sort of service that would be entirely not useful to him. Even if he'd still had his karma ring, it was doubtful the shop here accepted macca for their wares. The ones in the real world before hadn't.
The workers in here didn't look any more friendly than the people on the street, and Heat unconsciously kept closer to Aigis just in case one of them decided to try something.