After a rough morning, Lunch was actually fairly easy to sit through. Sechs and Kibitoshin hardly knew him, so light conversation was fine. The things from Breakfast and this morning though, would be sticking with him for a while. When the nurse arrived to take him to showers, he was relieved to find he was the first one there. With that, there
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Any little inconvenience would make things more difficult for Landel to keep this operation running.
And regardless of the setting, if Recluse had something to ask, he was going to ask it. Subtlety was only situationally a strong point of his. "They won't let you remove the bandage?" Some sort of disfiguring injury incurred some time before arrival here? This place healed any fresh wounds, so why insist on keeping the bandages when anything that could be healed already would be by now? Patient insecurity likely had nothing to do with it, the nurses seemed almost drone-like in their insistence in following whatever rules they were bound to.
It might not have been so bad if he didn't have his deformities to worry about. Even if he was covered up, there was still that feeling of exposure that was hard to kick. Harvey only half-glanced at the other man when he asked his question. "Nope. They think it'll scare the other patients if they have to see what's underneath." That cryptic statement would probably spark the other man's imagination pretty well. In the meantime, Harvey just focused on soaping himself up. Even though the circumstances were bothersome, it was nice to get clean.
"Humans aren't terrifying." It was a blanket statement that could likely be disproved for most, but once again, special circumstances applied for him.
Well, they did think they were all mentally unstable, so it made sense on that level. That didn't mean Harvey was happy about it.
"That's exactly what I thought. I can understand them not wanting me to walk around with an exposed wound, but in the shower?" His rubbing with the soap became more vigorous as he felt his frustration build.
But there Recluse went, talking about "humans" as if he wasn't one. Luckily, Harvey had learned to ignore comments like that. "Looks like you've been holding up pretty well," he said instead. It was time to change the subject.
"I have been. A problem of mine seems to have left." Or was otherwise incapacitated. Either way, Marcus hadn't been seen for quite a while. It was refreshing to not have to deal with the man. He didn't have to be quite so careful about what he said.
More or less done with the soap, Harvey found himself sighing as he tried to figure out how to deal with the issue of shampoo. Part of him wanted to forget it entirely, but his hair wasn't going to clean itself. Moving forward to squeeze the shampoo out of the dispenser against the wall, Harvey caught Recluse's answer to his question and then glanced over. "A problem? Like what?" He had a guess or two, but might as well hear it from the man himself.
He was done cleaning himself off by now, but had no desire to leave the water. It was helping his headache immensely. "A former friend of mine who utterly betrayed my trust a long time ago." There was less to do now that he was gone, but so much less immediate aggravation and outright rage at having Marcus so close but still so unlikely to stay dead if he just cut the bastard's throat.
"Oh, I did. More than anything. But certain extenuating circumstances made it difficult to properly express how I felt. He's proved incredibly resistant to such attempts in the past, and I certainly don't have the resources here to make any improvement on previous attempts." Namely, the Destined One. The only one who could kill Marcus, if the prophecy was accurate. Nothing else had worked thus far.
Listening to Recluse's excuses, Harvey used both hands to pool up more water and then drop it over his shampooed hair. It was a pretty crude method, but it was the only way he could control how much water got on him and where it went.
It sounded like the other man was having trouble acting out his revenge, though. That wasn't something Harvey thought he'd have to worry about. Gordon's supposed morals would get in the way of him fighting back, probably. It made him an easy target. "So you're just glad to have him out of the way? I guess I can relate." If Gordon had been here and Harvey had somehow been unable to do anything about it, that would have just been aggravating. No, more than that -- infuriating.
"Now I can be productive without him here." He wasn't going to specify how, he was still reticent to share any information that could put him at a disadvantage. Regardless of whether Dent seemed to share the same sort of problem that he had, he still had no reason to trust the man.
And really, he never trusted anyone.
It looked like his shower was just about done, at least. Harvey sighed and let the warm water soak his body for a little longer.
"Me, I've just been hoping that the guy I'm targeting hasn't up and vanished." If Batman was gone, he'd either managed to sneak himself out (the bastard) or... Well, Harvey refused to believe that someone else had taken care of him. It just wasn't supposed to work that way.
"If he is brought here, I could assist you." Not for free, of course, but that wasn't necessary to discuss at the moment.
"I don't need your help," he said with a shake of his head. "I'm sure you've got your own stuff to deal with, anyway." That, and Harvey already had Jason to deal with. He didn't need someone else that he had to argue with and keep track of.
He turned off the water, shook his hair out, and nodded to the man as a quiet goodbye. With that, he headed off, eager to get changed and take his bandages off.
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