Day 48: Sun Room [Second Shift]

Mar 07, 2010 11:32

Hmph. While this Rude was the proverbial "man of few words," von Karma found more potential use from him than a number of the other patients he had met put together. He would still ask Franziska about the man... as well as the other people he had learned that she had been spending time around. Many of them were utter fools, especially that ( Read more... )

sho, von karma, raine, tsuchimiya kagura, hanekoma, nunnally, bella, sora, prussia, indiana jones, keman, franziska, hokuto, kinomoto sakura, luxord, hitsugaya, peter parker, falis, ema skye, lunge, lana skye, raphael, kratos, dean winchester, brainiac 5, celes

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iwhipthefool March 8 2010, 02:10:08 UTC
She had her powder. The prosecutor had awoken to find it neatly packed away as she'd had it last night, but she had little time to do anything other than confirm its presence before she could hear her nurse coming. Janet was a loud woman, often chattering with the orderlies as she came down the hall, and Franziska, for once, was thankful for that. She locked her drawer where she hid the powder and her father's fingerprints and then turned, arms crossed when the door opened behind her.

"Good morning, Wilhe--"

"You're late."

"We thought you might like to sleep in a bit. You're always so stre--"

Franziska's hand slammed onto the table, causing a pen left there for some strange reason to jump and roll in a frantic circle. "You're late," she repeated, earning an exasperated sigh from the nurse. Good deed or no, Franziska hated being left to sleep longer than she liked. "I have things to attend to. Take me to the Sun Room immediately ( ... )


perfectrecord March 9 2010, 05:02:41 UTC
There she was. Finally. The elder prosecutor had already seen Franziska before she approached his table. He noticed her momentarily tracking the little pest as it scampered across the room away from him. His arms were folded in a disdainful, tight cross as he glared at the damned cat. Hmph. Has the Head Lunatic never considered the likelihood that any of his prisoners might be allergic to these useless, parasite-ridden creatures? A health hazard! Yet another infraction to include on the list of charges I will personally serve Landel!Now he turned to his daughter, nodding at her in return to her formal curtsy. "Yes, Franziska. I have several matters to discuss with you. Please take a seat." He motioned to the empty chair next to him ( ... )


iwhipthefool March 9 2010, 05:26:04 UTC
Ah, there was no question that he was himself again. None of the strange awkwardness or the unfamiliarity hung about him now. He was the same pillar she'd always known, as stern and unforgiving as ever. As he motioned to the chair across from him, Franziska bowed her head and took it, wasting not a single movement as she perched on the edge of the chair, ankles crossed, legs to the side. Even if she wasn't in a formal setting, her father commanded that sort of...atmosphere. Everything he did was done with such grandeur and ( ... )


perfectrecord March 9 2010, 20:14:32 UTC
The elder prosecutor appraised Franziska as she followed his command, right down to the attentive, upright posture and the perfect angle at which her ankles intersected near the leg of the chair. Ladylike and graceful, just as he had taught her. ...And just like her mother. For a fleeting moment, the resemblance between the memory of his late wife and their offspring now sitting before him was uncanny. Hmph, he was quick to turn his thoughts to something far more productive, at least not all of my valuable lessons have been wasted.

As Franziska explained her reasoning for disclosing her room number in a public location, von Karma listened, processing every bit of information she gave. His hawk-like gaze narrowed at the mention of this "man."

"Yes. I have spoken to Mr. Kibitoshin before. I can appreciate how thick his mind is. Why, it would amaze me were he able to see through that ridiculous 'puzzle' that the so-called 'Cake Club' posted just before dinner last night." von Karma scoffed at both the transparent ruse and the ( ... )


iwhipthefool March 10 2010, 00:48:49 UTC
The way his eyes narrowed, Franziska could easily pick out his next target. Others might not notice the small clues he put forth during questioning, but having grown up studying his every move, learning how to imitate and mimic him, she had learned each and every one. If she hadn't, she would have been labeled a failure and likely tossed aside. Everything in her father's life was about perfection and the pursuit of that same ideal. At times, Franziska was almost jealous of her sister for she never fell under this scrutiny. She had a normal life, far from the law, with a husband and children like any other normal person had. It only took a moment, but Franziska remembered why she was just 'almost' jealous. The banality of normal life would drive her insane ( ... )


perfectrecord March 11 2010, 20:10:57 UTC
"Hmph. Indeed," von Karma agreed, watching as Franziska performed another gesture reminiscent of his spouse. "The staff have been quite negligent in monitoring the bulletin board. 'Shared dreams?' 'Book clubs?' Bah! Even your niece could see through those foolish ploys." That ridiculous "video game" cover story had also been woefully pathetic, but it was by far one of the more plausible ones he had seen around. How pathetic that few other patients have come up with anything better than that.

As his daughter continued to explain, von Karma said nothing for a while. He merely fixed his cool, discerning gaze upon her, betraying no emotion save for the rhythmic clutching against the fabric of his left sleeve. ...Was that-- was that a hint of a waver in Franziska's voice as she described her relationship to Mr. Kibitoshin? ...A wistful waver? Very few people would have been able to perceive it at all, it was so understated, but the speaker's father had been around her long enough to detect it. Surely, she didn't care for this ( ... )


iwhipthefool March 12 2010, 02:10:44 UTC
"I have noticed that staff everywhere are the same - fools in need of a firm hand and a good whipping to teach them to do their jobs." Because really? Really? These clubs were obvious covers that anyone, even her niece's dog could see through. And yet they worked. It made Franziska wonder just how far the facade went and how much the nurses were actually noticing.

Speaking of noticing, Franziska couldn't help but watch the way he gripped his sleeve. It was something she'd seen since she was a child and yet, as of a year ago, she'd believed she'd never see it again. There was something comforting and familiar in that somewhat disapproving gesture and while she wouldn't show it, she did feel better for the sight of it.

"Thank you, Papa. As you've taught me, I try to utilize people as they should be used." She made a small bow and then returned to the point at hand. Kibitoshin's insistence that he ask after her personal wellbeing had been annoying her for some time now, but he refused to stop. "I gave him nothing of the ( ... )


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