"I could tell you some stories," Yuffie suggested brightly, "of unquestionable legality." Illegality, that was. Petty little things like the law didn't usually mean very much to her, except for the times when she had to uphold it. Always fun for the breaking, though, the law, and messy for the clean-up. Just the way she liked it
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The downside, though, was that he still didn't have much of an idea of how to get out of here. Part of him knew that there wasn't any sort of good life waiting for him back in Gotham, but Gordon was there, Ramirez was there. The longer he was here, the longer they got to go unpunished, untested by his coin.
Harvey fingered the silver dollar in his pocket as he took the coat a nurse offered him, pulled it on, and then headed out into the courtyard. He preferred the cloudy weather. The cold felt good on the half of his face that was exposed, and the sun wasn't out enough to make it feel like he was sizzling all over again.
The man found a bench and sat down, glancing around for anyone worth talking to, which more or less boiled down to Jason at the moment. There was also Drake, who he could have toyed with a bit more, but Harvey was fairly certain they were split up by age for this shift.
Which meant he'd have to deal with taking a shower later. He would appreciate being clean, but his physical state made it such a hassle that sometimes it didn't feel like it was worth the effort. Sighing, the man watched the other patients in the courtyard and let himself rest for this spare moment.
[Free! Come say hi. o/]
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