Day 48: Courtyard

Mar 07, 2010 12:36

"I could tell you some stories," Yuffie suggested brightly, "of unquestionable legality." Illegality, that was. Petty little things like the law didn't usually mean very much to her, except for the times when she had to uphold it. Always fun for the breaking, though, the law, and messy for the clean-up. Just the way she liked it ( Read more... )

kirk, sechs, senna, tenzen, faith, scott pilgrim, leonard, the doctor, ranulf, prussia, ashton, renamon, claude, xemnas, ange, the flash, celes, grell, guy, heat, kio, venom, remy, abe sapien, hinamori momo, peter petrelli, depth charge, kibitoshin, yuffie, two-face, edgar, tifa, red xiii, okita, yue, sheena, aidou, battler, zack, scar (tlk), l

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full_score March 8 2010, 00:47:25 UTC
Breakfast had been a bit on the awkward side, but it wasn't the end of the world. Besides, Claude was still optimistic that Leon and Anise could use some friends closer to their own age, so maybe they'd get a chance to get to know each other better ( ... )


36_24_35 March 8 2010, 02:57:06 UTC
Her resident nurse had been more than happy to tell her all about her unseemly habit of wallowing away in bed past breakfast on such a fine day. Tifa was more concerned by the fact she had waken up at all. The last moments of the night were still burned in the back of her mind, beginning with the images of Cloud and Luke and then all consciousness fading quickly after. She must have blacked out (she hesitated to add 'again'); it was the only conclusion she could come up with ( ... )


full_score March 8 2010, 04:57:58 UTC
Blinking, Claude shifted his gaze over to a young woman, maybe around Celine's age, who had joined him. Her face, easy to see with no sunlight in his eyes, was unfamiliar to him. Was she new? That wasn't so out there, especially with the way new batches of captives were brought in on a fairly regular basis. Claude wondered where she was from, but there would probably be time to ask those sorts of things later on during the shift.

Either way, there weren't many people who could call a day like this nice. But, really, any day outside was a nice one. It meant they still had their lives, were still able to breathe in the fresh air. Claude turned back toward the clouds, and he smiled.

"Definitely," he replied. "Even if it's not all that bright, there's something kind of promising about a cloudy sky, you know? It's bound to bring rain or a clearer sky in the future."


36_24_35 March 13 2010, 06:59:51 UTC
Tifa's short bark of a laugh was warm, and, when she looked back at the young man by her side, her grin was just as genuine. "Ha, I like that..." A stray hair was plucked from her sweatshirt and guided back behind her before she continued. "Pretty optimistic. I guess yer pretty new here then, right?"

Not that she was an expert on this place yet. But Tifa had to figure, after the crazy shit that went on her first night, this institute just had to drain every drop of a person's fortitude. Or, well, most people. The brunette wondered how long it would take for this man's smile to fade.


full_score March 13 2010, 21:40:28 UTC
Now it was Claude's turn to laugh a little as he straightened up from where he was sitting. Some grass had clung to the palms of his hands, and he tried to dust them off. Did he sound new or something? Maybe all that stuff about how nice the clouds were seemed naive, but he did honestly believe it was the truth. That was why he could still say things like that after all this time, after everything that had happened.

"Not at all," he replied as he sheepishly scratched the side of his head. "I've been here for about a few weeks now, actually."

He glanced over toward the woman and looked at her curiously. "What about you? I don't think I've seen you around before."


36_24_35 March 14 2010, 00:13:51 UTC
"Oh..." Tifa couldn't stop her thin eyebrows from rising to the top of her head.

Really...? Weeks?Well, damn, she felt like a jack ass now. She hadn't meant it as demeaning. There were so few genuinely cheerful on Gaia despite their situations and it never took much to leave a person bitter and hollow. Optimism was a sign of a strong person to Tifa and she began to wonder where she fell on that scale. So much of her confidence seemed artificial lately in order to just boost the morale of others. Did that make her weak then, not living for her own dreams ( ... )


full_score March 14 2010, 06:02:31 UTC
Claude wasn't sure why she'd apologize, unless she really had been implying that he was naive. He did believe it was better to keep your chin up during hard times, though. Moping around and only seeing the negative part of everything would accomplish nothing, and that was especially so for tough situations. Not that he was always the best at listening to his own advice, but he did try, particularly when he was around other people.

Either way, she hadn't seemed malicious in her words, so Claude tried not to take it personally. Instead, he stood up from where he'd been sitting and turned to grasp Tifa's hand in a brief, but warm handshake. "Nice to meet you, Tifa," he brightly replied as he returned her smile. "I'm Claude."

The fact she was so new explained why he hadn't recognized her. Describing this place as pretty interesting was putting it mildly, but maybe Tifa had seen some crazy things in her lifetime ( ... )


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