Night 47: Ruins

Feb 20, 2010 07:47

[From here.]The sound and scent of water had grown stronger as they approached the general area where the ruined town was said to be located ( Read more... )

lunge, l, indiana jones, anise

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Comments 14

its_the_mileage February 20 2010, 19:45:37 UTC
The second broadcast was marred by the same static as the first one; if they were any closer to where Jill was, Indy reflected, it wasn't discernable from the radio. The far spot might have something worth seeing. He didn't know how many of the patients would pick up on the reference, but for the three of them, it was crystal clear. "Convenient," he muttered. Coincidence? Could be, but he was already convinced Landel's goons had some way of tracking them out there, to be able to knock them out and bring them back at the end of the night. Indy'd met a lot of people in his lifetime who didn't believe in coincidences, and--at least here--he was starting to think they had something.

Ryuuzaki was obviously on the same page. If Lunge was right, it sounded like the clues typically led to weapons, but there were no guarantees the prize'd be something they'd like. "Are either of you armed?" Indy asked in a low voice, rather than speculating on what might be worth seeing. It was a question he'd wanted to ask for a while now, particularly of ( ... )


herr_inspektor February 20 2010, 21:17:36 UTC
Another buzz of static and the sound of a woman's voice filled the air again, with Lunge's fingertips chasing out the syllables in the air barely a second after they were spoken. Jones and L were right- that the first message referred to the church in the ruins was patently obvious, and Lunge supposed the second was describing the courtyard, but what did she expect them to find? Something worth seeing and something hidden among the supplies The latter sounded like a weapon of sort, at the very least an object, but the former could have meant anything at all ( ... )


quarter_english February 21 2010, 16:21:05 UTC
He shot Lunge a sidelong look, all wide dark eyes and aggressive sincerity. "Yes," he replied, sounding grave, "I suppose in your place I would have done the same." Then, he added, with a resigned sigh, as if the outcome couldn't be helped: "But you would have found that I'm tenacious." No one could dismiss him from his own investigation. The insinuation that it might be possible didn't affect his mood; it was true that he wouldn't have blamed Lunge, but all the same, it would have been Lunge's loss ( ... )


its_the_mileage February 21 2010, 21:44:48 UTC
Indy reached up to adjust his hat, which was the closest tactful analogue to the gesture he really wanted to make: smacking his forehead in disgust. Kitchen knives. Jesus. Indy empathized with the relative lack of decent weapons around here, but at least he wasn't staking his life solely on something that was designed to cut tomatoes. Even Marcus would have had more sense.

All right, he was forced to admit that last one might be pushing it. But that didn't negate his point.

"And because we have no idea when the night might end," he pointed out as the third reason to look around the church first. Maybe Ryuuzaki and Lunge hadn't been around long enough to realize how wildly your allotted time could vary in here, but Indy had found himself sitting up in bed before he'd even made it out the front door. "And if there's something waiting in there, we have no guarantee it won't come out and try to find us. Maybe we're better off making the first move."

Except that they were carrying kitchen knives, for crying out loud, which meant that he ( ... )


hajike_tobiume March 1 2010, 23:07:56 UTC
[from here]

The quiet inside the institute was eerie when there was a lack of monsters, but the quiet of the ruined town was disturbing. The remains came into vision through the fog, almost creeping suddenly upon them, and Momo took her time navigating through the large pieces of concrete that had once been a road, now fallen into disrepair.

Coming to a halt, she looked down the main street as if expecting to see something in the emptiness. She was, but the souls of those that had died here were gone and she could detect no spiritual evidence of their passing. It was a dead zone in all regards. She hadn't noticed it before, but she was different now and no longer a shambling shell of what had once been Hinamori Momo.


gald_digger March 2 2010, 00:08:55 UTC
The first glances of walls and structures had made Anise excited at their arrival, but as they entered the town, the girl gradually became more and more quiet. The more she saw, the more she realized she couldn't really make light of a situation like this.

The idea of exploring ruins tended to bring to mind thoughts of old civilizations and forgotten treasure, but actually looking at the place, it really did look like it couldn't have been ruined that long ago. So not that long ago, there were people living here, and not that long ago, everything was destroyed...

"What do you think happened here?" she asked no one in particular, eyes drifting from rubble to rubble. An earthquake, maybe? Something told her it wouldn't be that simple.


cannotlogout March 2 2010, 03:51:36 UTC
The woods had been dark and intimidating but ultimately nothing particularly unnatural in Tsukasa's mind. The ruins were downright terrifying. Tsukasa shuddered as they stepped into the town, a shiver running down his spine as he took in the ruined buildings. It made his skin crawl. Somehow, the silence, the broken buildings, the absolute stillness, was far worse than any monster that Tsukasa could come up with.

He jumped when Anise spoke, hunching up his shoulders a little. It felt like heresy to speak here, to break the stillness with idle words. "It looks like it's been bombed," he said hoarsely. He'd never experienced it, but he'd seen pictures and films, who hadn't?


hajike_tobiume March 2 2010, 04:37:18 UTC
"I don't know," Momo replied in a quiet voice, finally taking her gaze from the emptiness. "Whatever happened, it was fast and abrupt. Unnatural."

She paused and thought over Tsukasa's suggestion. The shinigami was not familiar enough with mortal explosives to hazard an educated guess. She'd seen a lot of the after-effects and heard even more stories from the Eighth when they were sent to Hiroshima to transition that unprecedented amount of wayward souls. Focusing on the surrounding spirit threads, Momo looked for anything of that could help her. Nothing more than the fleeting wisps of the two with her and those that had recently passed through.

"That is a possibility," she said, releasing the threads and putting two fingers to her temple as she squeezed her eyes shut against the sudden headache. "We should not idle on the outskirts much longer," she added on, starting down the road.


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