Night 47: Main Hallway, 2-West

Feb 11, 2010 18:00

[from here]Once Ema and Agatha made their way upstairs, they were officially in unfamiliar territory. At least, it was unfamiliar to Ema; the girl had no idea where Agatha had and had not been. She figured it was time to check in with the other party. Even if there was an unspoken agreement that Agatha was the leader of the pair, Ema still ( Read more... )

sechs, carter, guy, tenzen, agatha, gumshoe, kibitoshin, two-face, yuffie, erika, sam winchester, the scarecrow, renamon, claude, fai, aerith, rolo, ema skye, lana skye, ruby, mccoy, cissnei, zack, dean winchester, spock, xemnas

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razing_phoenix February 16 2010, 04:12:08 UTC
[From here.]

So they had made it. Guy turned toward Claude once they had both set foot on the second floor, looking somewhat relieved. Dodging attacks didn't sit well with him, but he knew he'd been beaten and battered enough in recent times.

"I guess the next question is... where to?" he asked as he glanced around the nearby area, lighting up whatever he could with his flashlight. There were a few other groups of patients around, but Guy wasn't really concerned with them. He didn't see anyone he knew.

As for where they were going to go, Guy had already been to a few places up here, such as the hallway where they experimented on people and the pharmacy. He'd even been in a bathroom somewhere up here, but that had been his first night and so the memories were clouded by the confusion he'd felt at that time.

There was also the morgue, but he wasn't going to think too long on that particular place.

Come to think of it, Guy should have brought his maps with him. He wanted to kick himself for not thinking of it, but there wasn't much point in getting worked up over something he couldn't change now. Hopefully Claude would have some idea of what to do.


full_score February 16 2010, 07:00:08 UTC
Once they'd reached the top of the stairs, Claude let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He was still feeling pretty unsettled with the way they'd had to bail out of the hallway like that, but...what was done, was done. He understood this was probably for the best, even if it still made his stomach turn a little bit.

Guy's words gently nudged him back to thinking about the present, though, and Claude turned toward his friend. To be honest, he hadn't thought things through aside from "mess around on the second floor while looking for something good for Asch". Where would be a good place to go? Back when he'd come up here with Leon and Guy, they'd found a few interesting rooms. But that was only a portion of the whole floor, wasn't it?

"I guess that depends," Claude said. "Do you need anymore pain medication? If so, we could try heading for the pharmacy again. Otherwise, I guess we could just..." He looked around himself for a moment as he tried to gain a better sense of what was around them. After his gaze fell onto the hallway directly in front of them, he gestured his light into that direction. "...head down there or something, maybe."

Unfortunately, he hadn't brought along any maps, either. This seemed to be kind of an improvised outing, but that was okay. They'd find a way to make the best of it, he was sure.

"But what do you think?" he added once he turned to look at Guy again. "Was there anywhere you wanted to have a closer look at?"


razing_phoenix February 16 2010, 07:21:44 UTC
While Guy knew that getting more pain medication probably wasn't a terrible idea, he didn't think he was hurting enough to really justify it. If they went to the pharmacy they'd likely end up wasting a good chunk of time when it wasn't entirely necessary. Heading straight didn't seem like the worst idea, though. Guy was pretty sure he hadn't been that way much, so it might be worth exploring. It was always good to be systematic about stuff like this.

He gave a small shake of his head when Claude asked his question. Once again, he might have had a better idea of where to go with maps in hand, but nothing was jumping out at him just off the top of his head.

Right as Guy was about to say that they might as well go straight, the radio that he'd decided to bring with him (the strap still looped around his arm) went off. He blinked down at it; even though he'd brought it, he hadn't really expected it to actually make any broadcasts.

Quickly lifting it up and holding it between him and Claude so that they could both hear, Guy listened to the whole announcement until he was sure it had finished. While he wasn't quite so thrilled to be hearing Jill's voice again, he figured it was better than nothing. Her clues had been unhelpful in the past, but she did have concrete information for them.

So the radio man was really gone, then. Guy wasn't too surprised to hear that, but he couldn't help but wonder what it meant for them. He knew that they couldn't trust anyone on the radio too much, so he wasn't entirely sure about passing on the news about this. He got the feeling someone would give out the information over the bulletin, though.

Glancing up to Claude, Guy gave a shrug. "Well, we could always wait for those clues, though that didn't work out too well for us last time." It did give them another option, though. And if they did receive a prize, that might lead them to a good weapon for Asch. That depended on a whole lot of different factors, though.


full_score February 16 2010, 21:12:35 UTC
When the radio suddenly came to life, the blond jumped a little in surprise. He hadn't expected the thing to actually go off, and he couldn't help but admire Guy a bit for thinking to bring his along. As his friend held it up for the both of them to listen, Claude moved in closer, straining to catch every word.

He wasn't so surprised to hear that the radio man was gone for good, but it did mean that he probably wouldn't ever get any clear answers as to why he'd told them the key to escaping was in the basement. This new radio personality, whoever she really was, hadn't been much help to them the last time she was around, either. Hadn't she led them straight into a trap that night he and Guy had gone into the music room? He hadn't forgotten those two lurching monsters that had come for them from seemingly out of no where. There was no way that had been some kind of coincidence. It was for that reason that Claude wasn't so sure how much stock he could put into any of her future clues, but...well, it probably wouldn't hurt to listen to what she had to say, at the very least. By ignoring her, they risked missing out on something important, right?

"Do you think we should just wait around until she comes back, then?" he asked, albeit a little skeptically. "I wonder how long 'a few minutes' is supposed to be."


razing_phoenix February 16 2010, 21:50:58 UTC
It wasn't that Guy would have just brought the radio along on a whim, but the Head Doctor had mentioned it. He'd mainly done it on the off chance that something might happen, but he hadn't really expected much. It looked like it had been a good idea to bring it after all.

Guy didn't like the idea of just standing around and waiting for the radio to come on again, though. That could easily end up being a waste of time - as Claude pointed out, the passage of time here was tenuous at best, so he wasn't going to rely on it actually taking a few minutes.

"No, let's keep moving," he said with a shake of his head. "It might end up taking us further away from where the clues end up being, but... we'll just have to take that chance." Guy wasn't even sure he wanted to follow the woman's words just yet, so he didn't think they should restructure their whole night because of this turn of events. Hopefully Claude would agree.

"Heading straight sounds as good as anything," he said as he nodded forward. It would be unknown territory, but that was what they were looking for right now.


full_score February 17 2010, 01:53:59 UTC
That was what Claude was leaning toward, so it was nice to see they were on the same page. It was definitely better to head out now instead of waiting for the radio clue. That way, if the clue wasn't anything they wanted to follow through on, they wouldn't have wasted a good chunk of their night just standing around. Since they were up here, they may as well use the time they were given.

"Sounds good to me," he replied. "Let's be careful, though." Because they were headed into a place they'd never been before, it was possible there was some danger they weren't aware of. At least they were both armed, though. So long as they weren't dealing with anything massive, they could probably handle themselves just fine.

"Come on." He gave Guy a small smile before leading the way forward.

((To here.))


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