Day 47: Intercom, Noon

Feb 01, 2010 01:30

It was already obvious that the Head Doctor was frazzled this particularly day, and so it would probably come as little surprise that the third announcement of the day was given by Lydia instead of Landel himself ( Read more... )

tieria, momo (xenosaga), intercom, niikura

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F?? etherealizing February 1 2010, 23:54:40 UTC
MOMO yawned and stretched, letting out a sleepy sort of sigh as she curled onto her side and burrowed further beneath her covers. She wasn't entirely certain what time it was, but she guessed it was still early since Juli hadn't yet come in to make sure she was up. Either that, or her mother had decided to let her sleep for a little longer than usual. Last night had been rather long, and one could only stare at data and try inputting various codes so many times before lack of sleep became a problem. That was true even for a realian, so she certainly didn't mind some extra rest.

As she lay there, however, she couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was... different. At first she was prepared to attribute that to the grogginess that came with first waking up, but it wasn't long before she was able to pinpoint what was bothering her. And that was: the sheets and blanket. They were... stiff, much too sterile for the Dämmerung's sleeping quarters. They seemed like the type of bedding one would find in a medical bay or clinic, but... that didn't make sense. MOMO distinctly remembered returning to her room before falling asleep last night; why would she be in a medical bay?

Sitting up, the realian was just beginning to stand up when the door opened. For a very brief moment, she expected her mother, or perhaps Miyuki or Ziggy. Unfortunately, the woman who appeared was unfamiliar, and that worried MOMO all the more.

"Oh, you're awake now! Wonderful." The woman (a nurse, if her attire was any indication) smiled, but it did little for the unease MOMO felt. "Let's go to lunch now, shall we? You must be hungry by now."

"Um..." The Prototype fidgeted uneasily, and finally settled on rubbing her arm a little nervously. "Can I... Where's Mommy?"

The nurse's smile became a little more sympathetic - something that didn't go unnoticed by the pink-haired realian. "Don't worry, Elena, I'm sure she'll come to visit you once our visiting day arrives. For now, though, you need to come with me so we can focus on helping you get better. Wouldn't you love to show your mother how much you've improved by the next time you see her?"

MOMO frowned slightly, her eyebrows furrowing in a show of confusion. Visiting day? Helping her get better? 'Elena'? What... what was she talking about...? "I... I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I'm not--"

"Elena," the woman interrupted, laying a gentle hand on the realian's shoulder. "Everyone's a little confused when they first arrive, but that's why you're here. Landel's Institute is the finest facility in the area, and I'm sure you'll be back with your family in no time." A pause, and then she turned and moved towards the door. "Now, let's go get you some lunch. A proper diet is an important part of recovery. Wouldn't you agree?"

In all actuality, MOMO wasn't sure. The woman already thought she was someone named 'Elena', and she didn't seem interested in hearing otherwise. The whole thing was highly confusing; she doubted any good would come from resisting the nurse's request. So, she opted to remain silent, and to simply allow the woman to lead her out of the room.


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