Day 47: Intercom, Noon

Feb 01, 2010 01:30

It was already obvious that the Head Doctor was frazzled this particularly day, and so it would probably come as little surprise that the third announcement of the day was given by Lydia instead of Landel himself ( Read more... )

tieria, momo (xenosaga), intercom, niikura

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M??? systemtrap February 1 2010, 18:04:04 UTC
The unmistakable weight of gravity had startled him awake.

As it happened, both of those sensations came as a shock, because Tieria never anticipated waking up. Releasing the GN Drive from Gundam Nadleeh's twisted metal had been a meager effort, but it was enough for him, knowing that there was a chance Celestial Being would continue realizing the formula to world peace which laid its foundations over a century before the present crew existed. A crew he began looking at with the eyes of a teammate who could value them, not the uncompromising and now-broken tool for VEDA's ideals that he was meant to be.

Perhaps it could have gone on that way, but Tieria's purpose, both old and new, had been terminated. There was no perfectly seamless position for him to fill anymore, and the only consolation was that he may be able to join Lockon in death. Surely what remained of Celestial Being at that time had more important issues to handle than recovering him. Why was he alive?

Furthermore, for how long had he been in regeneration? The simple act of breathing should have at least caused Tieria extreme pain, and yet he felt almost sickeningly unharmed. It had not been in the Ptolemaios' regeneration chambers, of that he was certain--there would have been no reason to land in its current situation. If that knowledge wasn't enough to snap him out of an unusual half-awake fog, the sudden announcement crackling through an intercom somewhere nearby definitely was.

Even the fabric against his body didn't sit correctly. This was clearly not a medical gown, his flight suit, or even his cardigan. Instead, he'd slowly looked down to see a gray cotton t-shirt with a crude 'smiling face' icon at its center which, if it weren't for downloading basic symbol packs from VEDA years ago, would be completely unrecognizable to him. The expression was far from mutual.

Careful to keep his eyes narrowed into half-slits until he could determine if he was being watched, Tieria shifted on his side to survey the room. It was as the unknown announcer said: a hospital, albeit a somewhat old-fashioned one. Tieria had fully expected to already be in a high-security prison. What other logical explanation could there be, besides his capture?

In all likelihood, this was probably a facility used to treat sick or injured so-called criminals so that they were deemed fit for trial. There was no fear or rage at this news, only Tieria being content with the fact that his questions were neatly answered. Even now, a trace of his old self reprimanded him for making things less convenient by staying alive long enough to be caught, but it droned off into silence. He simply didn't care. He didn't, yet a part of him wanted to get up and examine his surroundings more thoroughly before--


Re: M??? systemtrap February 1 2010, 18:08:04 UTC
As if on cue, the door let out a heavy groan to reveal someone in a commonplace nurse's uniform. Tieria had no time to do anything but dart straight up in his bed, fixing an expectant stare at the woman that would most likely have been a glare if not for the emptiness inside him. She simply smiled; not the way Lockon had, but with a strange hint of condescension underneath. Tieria didn't like it.

"Well, now, it's about time! Don't you worry about a thing, honey. I know this is all new to you, but we'll be right here every step of the way."


"There is no reason to worry. I know why I'm here." Managing to find his voice, for some reason, was initially difficult.

The nurse seemed a bit too encouraged by that remark.

"See that, Mr. Eigen? You're making progress already! If you keep this up, you'll be back with your family in no time."

It was the first thing that caused him real confusion.

"I have no family, and my name is Tieria Erde. Is this hospital normally so lax with their patient records?" He couldn't suppress a light huff, adjusting his glasses to compensate for the way they'd slipped earlier.

"That's just not possible," she replied calmly, "None of our files list anybody named Tieria Erde here with us."

Automatically Tieria moved closer to see the primitive instrument himself, but anyone could have noticed the nurse taking a step backward and preparing to reach for something inside her pocket in response. Just as anyone could have easily guessed what that something could be. In as helpless a state as he was, Tieria knew there would be no point.

"I'm not interested in whatever game you are playing. They can kill me if they must." She must have been briefed on why her patient was sent to this place, and secrecy hardly mattered anymore.

The nurse's enthusiasm faded into disappointment, then. "Alexander, nobody's going to kill you. You do have a family--a family who cares so much about you that they brought you here to Landel's Institute. This is where people get better."

Silence. Tieria's mind began racing through probabilities, trying to isolate one answer that could explain everything flawlessly. The enemy could never have found him guilty of crimes against humankind by reason of insanity. Could it be that Celestial Being truly did rescue him, sending him here under an alias and assumed background due to their lack of resources? In that case, why would they select a mental institution?

Once again, his thoughts were interrupted. "Come on, let's head to lunch. You'll feel more relaxed once we get something in your stomach."

Still not equipped to deal with gentleness and firmness at the same time, Tieria could scarcely protest as he was ushered out. He suspected that interrogating this woman would be futile, anyway. The first thing he had to do was get someone else's thoughts on the matter.


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