Day 47: Greenhouse (2nd Shift)

Jan 28, 2010 19:55

Why couldn't she get it out of her mind? It was a stupid white dress. So what if it was visual evidence that she was a princess? It should not be bothering her this much. It was a just a dress ( Read more... )

anthy, tsubaki, hinamori momo, agatha, yuna, dahlia, beatrice, tifa, utena, yomi, taura, falis, beatrix, ruby, hime, ange

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36_24_35 January 29 2010, 21:45:44 UTC
Tifa was thankful for any chance to leave her breakfast table. Hell, she'd have gladly taken a punch in the face if that was the cost of her salvation. This "reunion" with Loz had been disturbing to say the least and the brunette hadn't learned as much as she'd have liked. All she could do was hope it wasn't only the two of them stuck here. Then she had worry about finding away to contact Marlene and Denzel, especially if Cloud had gotten mixed up in this mess as well. Shiva there was so many loose ends, too many questions and no answers ( ... )


thatmaskedchick January 30 2010, 06:06:59 UTC
Ruby was sure that there was something vaguely offensive in the hospital segregating the genders like this, but she couldn't really bring herself to care. She couldn't care less about the other "patients," of course, but her time in the greenhouse could be useful. While it was seriously doubtful that she'd be lucky enough to encounter any of the more exotic plants needed for spellwork, there was plenty of 'lesser' magic that involved more common herbs that could still pack quite a punch if used correctly.

Oh, if only she could be so lucky.

Before Ruby had time to poke around in the herb garden like she wanted to, the obnoxious woman from before made her way over and started smiling like she wanted something. Which, obviously, she did.

"Rebecca, dear..." she started.

I can snap your neck with a thought and start feasting on your eyeballs before you hit the ground, Ruby wanted to say, but somehow that probably wouldn't go over to well with the whole 'trying not to blow cover' thing. Instead, she replied with a noncommittal ( ... )


36_24_35 January 30 2010, 22:08:03 UTC
Tifa heard more than saw the woman walking up beside her while she was still face first in the flowers. When the footsteps stopped with a very enthusiastic greeting of "... Hi," Tifa leaned back, brushing off her hands, and smiled. Her first thoughts were how striking she appeared, and with her little spade in hand, how ready she looked to use that thing on her nurse rather than the plants.

Apparently the nurses were avid matchmakers.

Great, she thought, but, truthfully, she never minded shooting the shit with strangers. It took more than an aloof personality to turn her off; it seemed white hair and green eyes was a common denominator when it came to her hit list though ( ... )


thatmaskedchick February 2 2010, 06:09:09 UTC
"Sarah," she replied shortly, giving the same alias that she'd given Ronixis her first night. "They keep calling me Rebecca, though. Not really sure why."

Whoever 'Rachel' was, she was obviously a civilian. One that Dean would have fallen over himself to interview, probably, given her almost Playboy-perfect proportions, but definitely a civilian. Maybe being forced to talk to her for the entire shift would have a tiny silver lining and she'd be able to get some more information about this place.

"I got here night before last,, not really." She poked at the flowers with her trowel so that she looked like she was working. Sort of. "What about you? The nurse said you're new."


36_24_35 February 4 2010, 00:07:05 UTC
"Ah..." Tifa hummed gently, her brow coming together in regard as Sarah continued. They? Did she mean the nurses? Well, she didn't let her curiosity mar her expression much longer. A wide grin replaced her pursed lips as she spoke. "Nice to meet you!" The brunette was glad this was going a hell of a lot better than her previous engagement with Loz ( ... )


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