Day 47: Sun Room [2nd shift]

Jan 28, 2010 16:57

Cloud knew he should be taking the opportunity to check out the rec field during the day. The fresh air would be a welcome change from the crowded stuffiness the Institute usually provided, and he would have a chance to scope out the area when it wasn't all under the cover of darkness. When offered a choice, however, he remained in the sun room ( Read more... )

kagura, asuka, senna, haine, bella, anise, gumshoe, hanatarou, sam winchester, naminé, allen, renamon, kinomoto sakura, harley, dean winchester, kanji, mello, brainiac 5, grell, nunnally, kairi, usopp, kio, tsukasa, erika, mori, ayumu, chise, cloud, riku, yue, edward cullen, scourge, yukari yakumo

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witchdetective January 30 2010, 05:41:32 UTC
That session with the boy was certainly informative, and Erika decided the next step would be to confirm this place's location. Of course, she couldn't do that simply by stepping outside and looking around (that would be far too easy), but if she could just get a look at the local plant life, perhaps get a glance at any natural flora, she would be able to pinpoint a location.

Naturally, her plans were a little hindered since the "recreational field" was only for the male patients, though Erika did make quite a case for herself, boasting that a detective such as herself should be allowed access to areas of interest and then muttering something about gender-discrimination when she was hastily whisked away from the entrance. The Sun Room was a compromise then, since she wanted to see this "Bulletin Board" that was mentioned.

The bulletin board was her original destination, yes, but upon entering, Erika found a very familiar figure somewhere near the couches, eyes widening for a moment before a grin spread across her face. Ah, of course! This Fragment was too interesting for it to be a mere holding box for pieces, as she constantly reassured herself!

"M-My Master!" However, when Erika got closer to the girl, there was something... wrong. For one, her Master had donned the same boring gray outfit everyone else was wearing instead of her elegant dress. Another thing wrong was in the physique; that girl whom she mistook for Bernkastel looked much younger, and was lacking in a certain "area".

Erika frowned, looking at this... piece she just mistook for her Master. What... what was she...?



repeatingfate January 30 2010, 06:11:24 UTC
Rika was all too happy to try and rest for a while, and even had a kitten climb up next to her. Said kitten promptly ran for the hills when a loud -- and eerily familiar -- voice rang out across the room, calling her - wait. What? Oh, no. Not this again.

I am going to make a sign and wear it around my neck saying that my name is not Bernkastel.

"You're mistaken," Rika said, sighing a little and scooting over on the couch. Really, she could handle it the first time it had happened. The second time it had happened, it had at least ended well. But twice in a row? She was a patient girl, really she was. But not so patient that she could let mistaken identity go on as long as it had.

"My name is Rika," she said, nodding once. "Furude Rika. If you're looking for a witch, you have the wrong person."


witchdetective January 30 2010, 06:20:42 UTC
No, this girl was not Bernkastel. Erika gave the girl a glance, frowning at how eerily similar she was to her Master. In fact, it seemed very much like... When the girl properly introduced herself, that just added more evidence to Erika's rapidly growing theory about this girl who bore more than a passing resemblance to her Master.

She was clearly familiar with Bernkastel, as she knew that name belonged to a witch. The similarities between their names was too close to deny - This girl, she might have been another piece created by Bernkastel. That was the logical conclusion to reach, but Erika was still a little unsettled. For two reasons: One was that this girl spoke too casually of Bernkastel, with no respect at all. The other was that this girl was acting as if such a mistake wasn't that uncommon to make. Had this happened before?

The detective gave the girl a look of thinly disguised contempt, for misleading her and... Was she a replacement? An old piece that didn't work out for her Master, like that failure Ange? Neither possibility was appealing, so more investigation was needed.

"Furudo Erika," She introduced herself, giving Rika what was unmistakeably a competitive glance. "It seems you are quite familiar with my Master; my apologies for the mistake. I would like to know how exactly you are familiar with my Master, if you have the time."

It sounded like an request, but it was very much a demand. Erika would make time for her if Rika had none.


repeatingfate January 30 2010, 21:39:32 UTC
Rika looked at the other girl, the one who looked far too much like her for her own liking. Except something was - no. More than something. Too much about her was wrong. They might have looked the same at a glance, but...their physical stances. The looks in their eyes, the looks on their faces. Their attitudes, so very opposite...

And their names. That was the most unsettling part about her - the fact that Erika's name was far too close to her own, both given and family names. Was she, then...

She could have been twisted like that, in a different kakera. Instead of giving up all emotion, she could have used it as a driving force, letting the hate fester and then letting it bleed out in the form of that force.

"No offense taken," Rika finally answered. "The story is quite complicated, though. Do you have the time for a long story?"


witchdetective February 4 2010, 03:02:17 UTC
"Of course. I enjoy long, difficult stories," Erika smiled, looking pleased when Rika warned her that it would take awhile to explain it. That was alright, Erika could already reason out that she had an abundance of time to sit and think, so it was best to listen to something interesting. She took a seat near Rika, looking at the girl with expectant eyes.

Perhaps she was the kind that also wouldn't like interruptions. How troublesome, what fun was there in a story if there was nothing to discuss? Still, it was probably better to hear everything out so that she would learn all of the relevant facts.

"I won't interrupt. You may begin."


repeatingfate February 4 2010, 18:14:46 UTC
Rika took a deep breath. This felt different from explaining it all to Hanyuu and Ange last night - that was an explanation, while this felt like an inquisition. Still...she supposed she owed that much.

"There was a game, in my hometown. I was its target. The details differed from time to time, but in the end, they each ended the same way: I was dead, and my entire village died with me. It repeated over and over again, until the pieces fell into place and we broke that Fate. When that Fate was broken, the witch you call your master was born."

She closed her eyes for a moment, thinking a bit more. "She was born from the part of me that only knew pain and cruelty, the part that had abandoned hope."


witchdetective February 7 2010, 03:29:12 UTC
Another game, was it? As usual, Erika was silent and listened as Rika began her short tale. According to Rika, she was the human from which Bernkastel was born. In a way, she was like...

"If you created my Master, then that would make you like a grandmother to me," Erika sounded innocent enough, but she didn't bother hiding the sneer that came to her face. The Witch of Miracles, coming from a little girl like this? In a way, she supposed it made sense if this girl obtained the blessing of a miracle to break from her prison, but Erika found it unlikely. It sounded more like this girl kept trying to solve the puzzle through trial and error rather than put any actual thought and logic into it.

Therefore, she wasn't sure if she could trust this girl's story. It was a shame, if she knew Lambdadelta was here, perhaps she could confirm that. Still, there had to be a clue somewhere in there about the true connection between them. So Erika would have to consider this story, at the very least.

"I see, so that's how it was... Then, you are a separate existence from her." And most importantly, that meant Erika didn't have to pay any attention to her. Good.


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