Day 47: Sun Room [2nd shift]

Jan 28, 2010 16:57

Cloud knew he should be taking the opportunity to check out the rec field during the day. The fresh air would be a welcome change from the crowded stuffiness the Institute usually provided, and he would have a chance to scope out the area when it wasn't all under the cover of darkness. When offered a choice, however, he remained in the sun room ( Read more... )

kagura, asuka, senna, haine, bella, anise, gumshoe, hanatarou, sam winchester, naminé, allen, renamon, kinomoto sakura, harley, dean winchester, kanji, mello, brainiac 5, grell, nunnally, kairi, usopp, kio, tsukasa, erika, mori, ayumu, chise, cloud, riku, yue, edward cullen, scourge, yukari yakumo

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Comments 257

swornandbroken January 28 2010, 23:26:23 UTC
The other version of himself having been here was turning out to be a mixed blessing. By investigating what he'd tried, Mello had a head start of sorts. But the people who'd known him had already come to their conclusions about him, and those carried over. With Homura, in particular, it would've been nice to have had the option of playing dumb.

"If you'd give me my fucking sunglasses back, I could go outside," he told the nurse as she escorted him from the cafeteria. She was annoyingly impervious to cursing, no matter how much he did it. The doctor had sounded downright cheery during the latest announcement, and Mello was feeling contrary.

"Oh, but the sun room is just as nice, Michael. Very relaxing."

"Yeah, my whole life would be fucking great if I could just relax," he muttered ( ... )


kagurazuki January 29 2010, 00:58:19 UTC
It was still too chilly for Kagura to want to go outside, and since the last few times she'd gone by the halls near the therapy wing, there'd been a mess, the nurses decided it was alright for her to stay inside and make friendly with the other patients.

She was glad to have met Badou at breakfast, and even if she didn't understand entirely why he did or said the things he did, he seemed like a nice person and probably a good friend for someone like Haine. After glancing around, it didn't seem like Haine was here, though she was eager to find him and compliment him on the new look Badou had mentioned. She did, however, catch sight of a familiar face and for once he didn't seem too terribly busy.

"Mello-san?" she asked, approaching the chair he'd decided to lay back in. Maybe she was bothering him. She really hoped not. "Is it alright if I sit with you?"


swornandbroken January 29 2010, 01:58:05 UTC
By this point, any irritation Mello felt when someone he didn't recognize addressed him by name was more reflexive and internalized than outward. In the grand scheme of things here, having to go through the whole 'wrong version' routine a couple of times a day was really nothing more than a blip on the annoyance meter, dwarfed by the actually annoying shit.

This girl seemed harmless enough, if hesitant. Enthusiasm, like Sen had shown, would only have made him suspicious about its causes. He shrugged. "Knock yourself out. But I'm not the Mello you know."


kagurazuki January 29 2010, 02:21:54 UTC
Maybe she really was bothering him. He usually had something important to attend to. She took a few steps closer and sat formally in a nearby chair, smoothing the wrinkles her pants made in her lap before folding her hands carefully on top. Not the Mello she knew? Was it the same as way that Toshiro didn't remember her either?

"I'm sorry," she said after a moment, "that must be frustrating for you."

It wasn't uncommon to be forgotten about in the Sohma family, where their secret was held so dearly it'd torn apart families and relationship, people's very lives. While it stung a little to think that Mello didn't remember her, it wasn't something she was unfamiliar with.

"I u-um... I didn't know Mello-san very well before, but... he was nice. And... I tried to help him when I could because... it seemed like the right thing to do. I'm... I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a bother," she added quietly, eyes cast toward the floor.


byname_bynature January 29 2010, 00:26:11 UTC
The last thing Artemis wanted to do at this moment was run around the Recreational Field. Or at least sit there while he avoided people playing games, running around, fighting...

He didn't even want to be in the Sun Room. The Sun Room meant more people--more noise--to deal with. While it hadn't bothered him very much in the first week of this torture, rounding two weeks was starting to grate on him and ultimately wear him down. He couldn't hear himself think, and his own mantra was sounding like pre-recorded audio that he played over and over again to assure him that he still existed ( ... )


destroyeroftime January 29 2010, 00:41:41 UTC
Allen wished there had been more to eat at breakfast, but he was used to wishing that. He also wished he hadn't slept through the night, though. It was kind of annoying that he had, when he hadn't meant to! Oh well. He'd make sure to stay up tonight.

The nurse led him off to the Sun Room. He didn't like being called by a name that wasn't his, but she wasn't too unfriendly, so he could put up with her company for a couple of minutes. It wasn't like it was a long walk!

She'd suggested the recreational field at first, but he'd asked if there was another option. Now here he was, being led toward a boy that looked like the last thing in the world he wanted was company. These nurses sure had a knack for singling people like that out, didn't they?

"Sean, this is Marcus. You look like you could use some cheering up! I'm sure you two will get along great."

Without leaving room for argument, she continued off on her merry way, leaving Allen to look at the other boy apologetically.

"I'm...sorry. You look like you'd rather be left alone."


byname_bynature January 29 2010, 01:02:38 UTC
Artemis slowly raised his head when he heard a woman's voice say his fake name. It was disgusting how easily he responded to it, now that he'd spent a day as 'Sean'. Or, more likely, that had only contributed to it, and the prospect of being there for 23 days had ultimately doomed him to respond to a name that was not his ( ... )


destroyeroftime January 29 2010, 16:21:36 UTC
Allen blinked at him. What was he talking about? Had he even heard what he'd said?

"Uh...I'm Allen. I know they call us weird things, so, what's your name?"

He wasn't sure that he could have a conversation with someone who obviously didn't want one, but he was going to give it a valiant effort. Maybe the boy could talk about something that made sense instead bells and graveyards. That was kind of a dreary image to paint, after all.


fuzzy_diablo January 29 2010, 00:43:27 UTC
Kurt had been really worried about Kitty, but now he was wondering if it would have been better to not let her see him like this at all. She was worried, he could tell. And she also probably knew that while Kurt was telling the truth, he hadn't told her everything. Like how he'd totally had his ass handed to him while he tried to explain he was different from her. Or how he didn't really get a very good look at whoever attacked him. Everything had happened so fast, he'd only got a glimpse of her. It hadn't helped that shining her flashlight in his eyes had totally ruined Kurt's nightvision and he'd been unable to see clearly for most of the ensuing fight ( ... )


haplesstracker January 29 2010, 01:51:08 UTC
Just as Scourge was starting to feel slightly secure, someone knocked into him in the hallway and his hand slipped out of Piper's. He made a desperate flail to get him back but the rush of people nudged him away and his wingmate's noises blended into the crowd. He was alone again in a mass of shadowy humans and menacing obstacles.

"Okay. Okay," he said to himself, freezing in place with his hands curled up against his chest. Piper wasn't going to just leave him behind in the darkness. He was out there somewhere doing something and he'd come back for Scourge like he'd promised.

If Scourge had kept his head about him and recalled the pattern of furniture in the Sun Room, he could have easily sidestepped the voices and footsteps of the other inmates and sat down to patiently wait until Piper came to find him. Instead he panicked, stumbled his way across the room, caught his foot on the leg of one of the sofas and nearly fell into Kurt's lap.


fuzzy_diablo January 29 2010, 03:42:02 UTC
Kurt had a rude awakening from his book when someone nearly fell straight into his lap. With a startled yell, Kurt threw the book in the air and scampered up the back of the chair.

He didn't know who had suddenly fallen towards him, he'd been too absorbed in his book. However, he wasn't about to just sit there while someone beat him up again. The book landed next to the chair and Kurt flinched--just then realizing that he'd thrown it. From the back of the chair, Kurt peered at the person who had nearly fallen on him.

Slowly, his eyebrows raised as he got a better look at the person. Kurt remembered him. He came to his... and Kon's... room one night, hadn't he? And he'd asked that strange question about if his body was custom or something like that. His eyebrows came down and he scrutinized the guy, seemingly not bothered that he himself was perched on the back of a chair.


haplesstracker January 29 2010, 04:12:33 UTC
"Sorry!" Scourge quickly rolled over and looked up at the ceiling, back the way he'd come. He really hoped he hadn't fallen over anyone too big or too mean. One hand went out, looking for the floor and finding the leg of the chair instead. He slid his hand up to the armrest and used to lever himself carefully to his feet, his other hand held up in case of anyone trying to run into him.

"Didn't see you there. Sorry," he said to the chair, facing Kurt's general direction but not actually looking at him. That yell sounded sort of familiar. More scared than scary, which was a good sign.


kingdomless January 29 2010, 00:50:46 UTC
Kairi entered the Sun Room lost in thoughts and worries, wondering if Sora was okay or not, wondering if Roxas was okay … Axel, Naminé …

She missed them all quite terribly, she realized. Why did it felt like she hadn’t spoken to them in years instead of only days? Just how long had she been asleep for? She’d have to ask Sora after she found him; and get all of the information out of him, of course. She had to know about everyone else … she just had to.

Other than everyone she knew from home, Kairi was also worried about everyone she had met in Landel’s as well. Especially Rukia, since they had been pretty close roommates … and she had helped her so often. She had never been able to pay her back for the night when that girl had attacked her, after all. Rukia had healed her and used up all of her energy …

Sighing, Kairi plopped down on a nearby chair, hoping the best.

( gumshoeeeee ♥ )


ham_fisted January 29 2010, 04:09:27 UTC
The urge to march over there and tell him what was what was getting stronger by the minute. Without thinking, he was three steps closer to him. Four steps. Five.

"Mr. Coleman--"

"Aaaah!" Gumshoe almost jumped away from the sudden voice near his shoulder (which could have been on his shoulder if he weren't so tall). "D-Don't sneak up on me like that!" He glanced up at the ceiling, then at the wall, then back again. "What's gotten into you? I liked you better when I knew you were coming." That... didn't sound as rude in his head, though it hadn't been there for long. He thought he heard her giggling (... ?), but he was already on the look-out for Mr. von Karma again ( ... )


kingdomless January 29 2010, 04:20:48 UTC
At the sound of a familiar voice, Kairi was instantly clicked out of her worries, and she turned to see the detective coming over towards her, instantly causing a smile to cross her face. “Mr. Gumshoe!”

So far, so good. At least he looked uninjured on the outside.

As for his comment about her being “in tip top shape,” Kairi smiled and nodded her head, running her fingers through her auburn hair as she looked down a bit, a soft smile crossing her lips. “Yes, I’m okay. … Actually, I just woke up this morning. My nurse said I had been sleeping for … days and days and days.” A pause, and she looked up to the man and smiled. “But I feel great and healthy and everything, so that’s good!” and to show it, she pumped her fist in the air, her smile growing.

“What about you?” she asked, tilting her head to the side as her expression grew curious. “How have you been? You’ve been okay, I hope.”


ham_fisted January 29 2010, 05:52:55 UTC
"Days and days and days?" he echoed, his eyes wandering off to the side for a second. That sounded familiar. "Did they put you in the infirmary?" This girl had needed medical attention, so he couldn't argue with their decision. To be honest, he was surprised they hadn't taken her there immediately. He knew she had been treated beforehand--how could he forget, seeing that many bandages on one kid?--but nothing beat bed rest ( ... )


vitale January 29 2010, 00:53:25 UTC
When Bella entered the Sun Room, she was surprised to see it mostly empty. Not that she minded, really - the silence was calming, and it allowed her to think about what she would do come nightfall.

Unconsciously, her body moved towards the Bulletin Board, looking over the notes written by other patients. It at least gave her something to do for the time being.

Minutes later she was sitting down on one of the empty couches, thinking. She had to plan it out perfectly … perhaps run the second the lights went out, so she could at least make it upstairs and go from there. She’d even be willing to crash into a door to break it down if it came to that.

Once Bella had her mind set on something, there was rarely something that would get her to stop.

(sam and eddiepuss r go.)


allroadslead January 29 2010, 03:10:10 UTC
Plants just...weren't on his to-do list right now, so Sam was kind of glad when that wasn't on the table for him at the moment. He considered finding a book, a distraction he could occupy himself with without looking like the loner in the corner staring at nothing, though he decided against in it the end. He should probably keep talking to people. If he was going to read anything, he wanted to read some actual sources that he could use. Not exactly something that existed in the little library there.

That left the question of who to talk to, but when his gaze settled on a girl by one of the couches, he decided she was as good a choice as any. He'd been lucky so far not to run into anyone particularly antagonistic-no mean feat, he knew, what with high stress levels and close quarters-and she didn't seem like someone who'd break that streak. Additional headaches were also not on his to-do list ( ... )


vitale January 29 2010, 03:25:32 UTC
(hannah said go without her for a little so she can jump in later. ♥. PS OH MY GOD THANK GOD FOR EDIT.)

At the sound of someone’s voice, Bella was ripped from her reverie and looked up to the man that had wandered over to her, nodding her head softly. “Sure, I don’t mind.”

Once the man had sat down, she turned towards him with an amused grin, and she ran her fingers through her hair. “So, you weren’t in the mood to go outside and hang with a bunch of others that are of your gender either, I take it?” she asked, trying to make a joke of the whole separated boys and girls idea. It felt like she was in high school gym class all over again, whenever the boys and girls would play sports.

Except instead of sports they wanted her to go and plant flowers in some humid greenhouse with a bunch of other girls.

For a moment she felt a strange sense of Déjà vu, but it passed with a simple shake of her head.

“I’m Bella.”


allroadslead January 29 2010, 03:59:02 UTC

Sam laughed a little. "No, not really."

The last time he'd set foot in a field, he'd-well, okay, the last time he'd set foot in a recreational field, he'd ended up fighting off his brother and nearly died, but before that, it'd been all the way back at Stanford, back when trivial things like soccer were still on his mind.

Sometimes he thought he should see if he was still any good, but it was probably a bad idea to take a pointless trip down memory lane. Felt kind of silly.

"I'm Sam," he replied. Bella, now that was an unfortunately familiar name. "Have you had a chance to test your green thumb before, though?"

It seemed a less awkward way of seeing whether she was new here or not, than asking outright.


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