West Wing, Hall 2-A

Jan 04, 2010 18:22

[[from here]]

At least Raphael managed to keep his trap shut for a whole flight of stairs and part of the hallway before he went shooting his mouth off again.  Seriously?  He thought to ask where they were going now?!  Hadn't he paid any attention at all to the bulletin?  She expected that kind of behavior from Naruto, but this guy was ridiculous.  ( Read more... )

sakura, raphael

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Comments 27

donetakinorders January 5 2010, 01:59:37 UTC
"An' why the hell are we goin' to there for books?" Raphael shot back, endeavouring to make his voice quieter than Pinky's had been. He mightn't be as good at it as Leonardo, but he knew how to be stealthy ( ... )


see_my_back January 5 2010, 15:58:55 UTC
[[to here]]


donetakinorders January 8 2010, 14:01:17 UTC
[back from here]

Once outside, Raph glanced around what he could see of the empty hallway. "Nothin' to worry about so far," he muttered mostly to himself. Directing a look back at Pinky, he contined; "We goin' back the way we came or what?"


see_my_back January 10 2010, 07:20:44 UTC
Did Raphael have to give a running commentary on everything? And the questions that should've been obvious; was she just expecting too much or was he just an idiot? The more she heard, the more she rolled her eyes. It was a good thing she kept from doing it when he looked her way though.

"Back the way we came," she confirmed. "We're going to room F1 to drop these off. After that, there's a patient with some medications I'd like to take a look at."

[[to here]]


quarter_english January 12 2010, 08:55:26 UTC
[From here.]

L began to walk down the corridor.

"When we reach the end of this hall, we go through the doors, then to the left, then through another door on the same wall. I believe we will be outside, briefly, which means that we will be exposed between those two doors. It might be best to move quickly."

He decided to ignore Dr. Jones's paranoia of a few nights earlier, and shot the beam of his torch down the long expanse of flooring to the door in question.


slipperymagic January 13 2010, 01:36:11 UTC
"You're well prepared tonight," Howl observed with feigned surprise, though the note of friendliness was real. He followed the light down the hall with his eyes, which almost glowed alongside his hair, catching and reflecting the manufactured light. Howl had to suppress a sudden shiver. He felt like eyes were on him, although it was only his imagination (or so he hoped). Still, between tall, golden Howl and shorter, ashen Ryuuzaki, it was easy to guess which of them was a more obvious target.

"What manner of exposure are you expecting?" he asked at a low volume as his long legs carried him down the hall. He spared only a short glance at Ryuuzaki, his opposite for all intents and purposes, before returning his attention to the looming darkness.


quarter_english January 13 2010, 04:20:38 UTC
"I studied the map to be sure. As to exposure... I don't know, but it is better to be ready for it -- people have reported encounters with small flying reptiles, and a large snake. Then, there is the matter of the... situation... that shattered the roof of the Sun Room the other night."

He added, at an awkward interval, " -- Something could come out of one of these rooms, too."

This was said with a degree of nonchalance unusual for a man who was walking along past the doors in question; he was alert to any movement, but had decided that it would be better to move as quickly as possible. "I don't think my associate had much difficulty getting to where we are going, but that appears to mean nothing here. Something interesting happened last night, Howell -- "


slipperymagic January 13 2010, 05:53:40 UTC
"I'd say, Daniel," Howl interjected with a slight huff. "Well - I wasn't with you that night, but I'm presuming that you were as out of touch then as you were that morning." Howl was still feeling out of sorts from yesterday. It had passed like a dream, and Howl had not been personally impacted, but everyone around him had seemed stubbornly lost. They all peered at him like he was a madman, and as though he might even be dangerous.

His anxiety, and what might have even been concern, came out only as indignant irritation. It wasn't Ryuuzaki's fault, and Howl couldn't truly hold him responsible, but it had shaken him to the core all the same. He deserved to be at least a bit irritated! In the end, there was no one to blame, except for maybe himself. He took a bit of the shame over his cowardice and added it to the pile of things he'd feel sorry for himself about at a more convenient time.

Nerves aside, he was curious, and so he continued: "Is that what you mean by interesting, or is there some other gem that our new home has presented ( ... )


mind_the_sukima January 14 2010, 05:00:44 UTC
[From here]

Despite being somewhere new, the uniformity of the institute insured that it didn't feel new. This hallways was the same as any of the others, just different doors. Speaking of which, an ajar one warranted a cursory inspection with her flashlight, in case something - or someone - was lurking in wait for them. Pushing the door open with a foot as she passed, it seemed to Yukari that whoever had been in here had already left and there wasn't anything to worry about. Still, she kept an ear out for suspicious sounds as they went.


mizuhomaiden January 14 2010, 05:21:21 UTC
The door Yukari had illuminated and pushed open bore the wounds of having been kicked open by someone strong. The ninja paused just long enough to touch the splintered edges of the door frame around the jamb with the pads of her fingers, tracing the pattern of fragmentation before nodding and continuing on. Two kicks. Either the person who had kicked it didn't know the right place for impact, was sloppy, or just didn't care.

Catching up with Yukari, Sheena stepped past her to reach the door at the far end first. She held up a hand to halt the youkai once she reached the door. Quietly, Sheena listened carefully for a moment.

"We are not the first through this door," she said. "But they're probably heading to the kitchen." She grasped the door, card at the ready in her other hand, and eased the door open.

[to here]


mind_the_sukima January 17 2010, 04:45:04 UTC
[From here]

Yukari stepped into the hallway, hand still on the door so she could shut it once the ninja was inside. The bird looked like it was too big to follow them in, which was part of why its attack was such a concern, but as someone who specialized in slipping through gaps, Yukari was never one to underestimate the capability to squeeze places that shouldn't be possible when the motivation was right.


mizuhomaiden January 17 2010, 05:11:52 UTC
Once Sheena had seen the bird thrown off by her guardian seal and back off and then heard the door open, she certainly didn't want to wait around any longer. She bolted through the door and didn't stop until she was halfway down the hallway. Deciding she was far enough away from the door, the ninja slowed down and then her adrenaline rush tapered off.

The ninja stumbled and clutched the wall with her good hand as she slowed down. Once she stopped, though, she slid down to her knees and leaned over, cradling her left hand protectively. Anyone approaching behind her could see the rips in the back of her yayoi and might even notice the dark stains around the edges. Her back wasn't a concern for Sheena, though, mostly because she didn't notice the shallow gashes from the bird's rake. It was her hand and it really, really hurt.

"Damnit, damnit, damnit..."


stillandstrike January 17 2010, 01:07:18 UTC
[From here.]

Prowl looked at Lockdown again, waiting for directions.

Whatever the outcome of their fight, he supposed he could accept it. If things went bad, well, he'd hopefully be in a better place where... nothing felt bad. Where he could miss people in a much more serene manner. Still. A little more time as a human...that would be nice. Without enemies running around.


ruthless_hunter January 17 2010, 01:46:19 UTC
Once again, Prowl had gone silent. Kid was probably thinking again. Whether that was a good thing or bad had yet to be determined.

The bounty hunter looked at the map again, "Accordin' to this, we gotta go through here," He pointed to the Staff-Only Outdoor Patio Lounging/Eating Area. "Then through the Food Counter and then it's onto the kitchen. Just try to watch it when we get outside. There's usually some real nasties roamin' the place outside." He wondered what his special counciling wouldn've been like if Prowl had been there. Lockdown hadn't been able to stop himself from almost hurting HK, so Prowl probably wouldn't have been much better off.


stillandstrike January 17 2010, 17:25:43 UTC
He nodded and headed to the door.


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