Nightshift 22 - F Block (Women's Toilets)

Mar 14, 2007 13:02

[from here.]

Kaylee needed no further bidding. She pulled Jack through the door into the F Block and then on to the bathrooms, giddy with excitement. This was, quite possibly, a very bad idea, but she wasn't going to let heself think enough to question it. Not when she was so close.

"Ain't exactly the 'Verse's nicest hotel, but it'll do...


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damned_monsters March 14 2007, 19:22:24 UTC
It would do.

Once the roaches had been taken care of. The milled about the floor, diseased and grotesque, scuttling across chipped tile in search of any scraps of meat that might find.

But the meat came to them. As the two patients stepped into the restroom, the swarm turned towards them, eager and hungry....


damned_patients March 14 2007, 19:26:41 UTC
"I'm not too picky, Cowgirl." Jack was being honest. The place was dark and dank and dirty, but that was how the place was at night. It didn't seem to bother the man much at all.

Neither, actually, did the bugs they came upon when they entered the restroom. He made a face, but that was all.

"Looks like we've got to clean up, first," he said, kicking out at the roaches that swarmed towards them. He intended to flip them and crush them. Thankfully, he was wearing a pair of slippers.


just_shiny March 15 2007, 01:13:16 UTC
Kaylee had never liked bugs. They were everywhere! Even on worlds where terraforming had gone horribly, horribly wrong, the bugs remained. Humans brought bugs wherever they went--Serenity had more than a few cobwebs, herself. Still. The fairly innocuous Daddy Long Legs' that the mechanic shared the Engine Room with looked downright cute and fuzzy compared to the roach-esque monstrosities that had begun to swarm around the pair. Biting back a scream, Kaylee tried to get behind Jack.

"What are they?!"


damned_monsters March 15 2007, 01:27:26 UTC
The roaches - though dangerous in their own way - were flipped over easily enough. Though a few scratched and bit at whatever bare skin they could find. Their pincerlike teeth could cut human flesh.


damned_patients March 15 2007, 01:30:39 UTC
"They're cockroaches," Jack said, crushing the flipped ones beneath his foot. "Pretty useless, if you think about it. Sure, they can...ah!...bite, but they go splat pretty easily. These slippers will never be the same." He put back an arm, as though to shield Kaylee, going at the bugs like he was stomping grapes for wine.

"These are some nasty little things, I'll give them that." But really, overall, roaches?


just_shiny March 15 2007, 01:49:25 UTC
Kaylee winced every time a roach met its extremely...loud end. The constant POP, SQUISH, and SQUELCH noises coming from where Jack was doing his funny little dance were making her stomach turn. Turning away, she closed her eyes. She really didn't like bugs.

Soon enough, the noises slowed and stopped and she turned around. "Are they--oh! You're hurt." Jack got hurt for her. Admittedly, they were just bugs...but he'd protected her from them. It was kind

The mechanic sat down on the tile, away from the bug carcasses, and started to rip a strip of cloth off of her shirt. "Lemme see that foot."


damned_patients March 15 2007, 01:54:32 UTC
"Hey, it's just a couple of bug bites." Jack shook his head. "I've had much worse, don't worry about it..." He felt almost... well, almost embarrassed. And in a way, he was.

"Look, they're hardly even bleeding. They just itch like hell. Come on, get up." He reached down a hand to her, dismissing the injuries. Admittedly, that had been the first time he'd gotten hurt here. But... it had been unavoidable.


just_shiny March 15 2007, 04:51:48 UTC
Kaylee grabbed Jack's hand and allowed herself to be hoisted to her feet,
though she was still worried. "You're sure? Don't want you lyin' to me and puttin' on a brave face," she said half seriously. "Get that enough with the Captain."

Wrapping her arms around his waist, the mechanic grinned. "Now...where were we?"


damned_patients March 15 2007, 04:59:15 UTC
"I'm not. It's nothing. I've had itchy feet before, and I'll have them again." Jack grinned, hands settling on Kaylee's hips. "Lemme tell you something - if you spend your time worrying about ol'Jack, you're always going to be worried. And it's not worth it - I always come out okay, one way or another."

He winked at her, hands moving back to squeeze her round buttocks. "I think we were somewhere around here." He bent to kiss her, just enjoying the feel of a living, breathing woman in his arms.


just_shiny March 15 2007, 05:17:02 UTC
"Then I don't aim to keep worryin'," Kaylee laughed. "Do that enough on Serenity." She sighed and rested her head in the little hollow where Jack's shoulder met his collarbone. "I'm holding you to that, you hear?"

Jack was a very good kisser. He wasn't trying to stick his tongue down her throat like most guys; he was gentle, almost sweet. Somehow that made her go weak in the knees faster than with other men she'd slept with. Kaylee moaned into his mouth and rubbed against his body, desperate for friction.


damned_patients March 15 2007, 05:30:24 UTC
"You can always hold me to my promises, Cowgirl. Cross my heart." Jack grinned and closed his eyes as his hands moved over her back, wondering how the hell he'd feel about all this tomorrow. He could never tell - live in the moment, that was a big part of his life was about. Grab the moments when they came, because they wouldn't come again. Seize the day, strike the iron while it was hot...

And the iron was quite hot.

And she was also a woman he'd essentially just met. And who could very well have a lot of regrets come morning. Or maybe he was being too soft, being too... too cautious. He knew it wasn't anything psychological - he wasn't trying to protect himself from getting hurt like some great minds would say. He was a very hard man to hurt ( ... )


just_shiny March 16 2007, 04:50:21 UTC
Kaylee could feel Jack hesitate. His body stiffened and he became slightly less responsive to her promptings, which was discouraging. She tried to guide him through it, to convey somehow that she was okay with this, that this was what she wanted.

Whether Jack came to the decision to continue on his own or through her promptings she'd never be able to tell, but he relaxed again and all was good. The mechanic sucked on his neck while he spoke, enjoying the gentle rumble of his voice beneath her and barely taking note of what he was actually saying.



damned_patients March 16 2007, 05:04:45 UTC
"Then let's go." Jack picked her up again, this time in the far more traditional manner, and kicked open the door to the handicapped stall. The bathrooms at night were the same as the rest of the place, dirtier than in the daytime. Cracked and dirty and stained.

"This is going to have to do, I'm afraid." Somehow, he was pretty sure that Kaylee wasn't about to mind. He set her on her feet, against the wall, and leaned into her once more, hands on her hips.

"You'll probably kick me if I ask you again if you're sure about this, huh?"


just_shiny March 16 2007, 06:09:46 UTC
Kaylee just grinned and tangled her hands in the fabric of Jack's top. "Yep. Shirt off, please."


damned_patients March 16 2007, 06:29:03 UTC
"We've got time to take clothes off?" Jack chuckled as he shook his head, then obliged. There were a few scars scattered across his torso - a torso that was more lean and muscular than most would assume. There wasn't an ounce of spare flesh on his body.

"Gonna return the favor, Cowgirl? Or do you just want to get right down to business?" He ducked his head to nip at her lower lip, hands moving up Kaylee's sides.

He was more than ready to skip foreplay and go right to the main act.


just_shiny March 16 2007, 06:45:46 UTC
"Mmm," Kaylee replied, running her mouth along Jack's now-bare chest. She definitely liked what she saw. Her tongue found a particularly interesting scar and the mechanic explored it, making a mental note to ask him some other time how he'd gotten hurt. He wasn't as scarred as the Captain, but he certainly wasn't a stuffed shirt like...Simon. He'd been around.

She fumbled with her own shirt and regarded the extremely ill-fitting and generally un-sexy bra Landel's outfitted all of its female patients with. Kaylee decided to let Jack undo the clasp and held her arms out at her sides for easier access.


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