Nightshift 46: Main Hallway 2-West

Jan 03, 2010 10:15

[[from here]]

Sakura wasted little time in waiting to see if Raphael could keep up.  This was a mission, which meant something completely different from a simple argument in the cafeteria or outside during a training session.  There was the goal, and reaching it safely and with optimal results was the only thing that mattered.  She'd been teamed up ( Read more... )

von karma, sakura, anthy, guy, venom, tsubaki, the doctor, edgar, jade, the scarecrow, utena, ayumu, taura, harley, cissnei, zack, raphael, mello

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Comments 71

donetakinorders January 5 2010, 00:56:58 UTC
Raph grumbled under his breath - it wasn't his fault his roommate had chosen to be comatose or something during dinner - but followed. He just had to do this stupid book-run and prove he was the better ninja out of the two of them. Which would have been a hell of a lot easier if they'd been doing something other than a book-run. Going to the night equivalent of a library wasn't exactly something to write home about.

He flicked his own flashlight off as he followed Pinky up the staircase, the symbol on the back of her weird outfit (seriously, what kind of ninja wore that much pink?! Black'd make more sense if there was some way to pick clothes.) made it easy enough to see where she was headed and her flashlight gave enough light for the moment. Not to mention the less they gave away their location, the better ( ... )


see_my_back January 5 2010, 01:23:00 UTC
[[to here]]


toxicspiderman January 6 2010, 04:14:19 UTC
[from here]

No way was he letting D.C. barge in there solo. Besides, it gave him something to do other than play Lone Ranger and end up out-wrestled by giant centipedes. Or whatever.

He pointed his flashlight at the hall they wanted. "Almost there."


scalyfishman January 7 2010, 19:27:02 UTC
The last thing Depth Charge had been expecting was approval. You're crazy maybe, or Slow down and think for one second. Any of that patronising slag. But ST- thank Primus for ST- was gone before he even had time to come up with a suitable comeback.

The Maximal made after him like a shot.

"Good. Keep going. Don't stop for anything."

[To here]


roseoverture January 6 2010, 21:11:56 UTC
[From here]

"I just wasn't really sure why you were asking is all," she continued once they reached the top of the stairs. Thankfully, the hallway seemed empty, save for the retreating form of S.T. and his friend. "Seemed like there was more to that question than you were letting on, but I didn't really know what it was. Still don't," she explained, following the steady beam from Himemiya's flashlight.


exbride January 7 2010, 00:58:20 UTC
A couple of other patients rushed past them on the stairs and Anthy flowed with Utena's tug, pressing her back flat against the wall of the stairwell, then continued up while keeping closer. Coaxed by the gentle grip that stayed on her hand, she kept a little closer still even past the stairs. She held the flashlight steady in front of them, but was decidedly more focused on Utena and the words she spoke.

It was foolish to be affected by compliments that were ill-deserved, but she still felt a tinge of warmth at them. That was the problem with Utena; always causing tinges of this or that, inklings of things that were supposed to remain locked away, deep down inside. Or at least, that had been the problem when she was the Rose Bride.

Now, she wasn't sure what to do. Their conversation on the balcony, the final duel, even the truth about her relationship with her own brother -- the person she walked with now knew nothing. She'd deceived Utena long enough, hadn't she? Keeping quiet about the truth felt like still more deceit.


I am the master of 2-Center thread creation and typoes. exbride January 7 2010, 01:05:12 UTC
[to here]


girlsandgadgets January 7 2010, 22:11:06 UTC
[From here.]

Stepping through the doorway after Harley, Edgar looked left and right. He was fairly certain he'd taken a right during his last scavenger hunts; however, as he wasn't in the lead, he felt it more appropriate to ask for their next move.

"Which way now, Miss Quinn?"


jokers_wildcard January 7 2010, 23:30:38 UTC
She blinked twice, slightly surprised again. This guy kept catching her off guard. There weren't too many people who called her that. Mostly the Bat or doctors. It was weird to hear it from a peer of sorts. "You know, you don't gotta be all formal. Just call me Harley, 'kay?"

Harley put a finger to her bottom lip and looked up and down the hallway, too, trying to remember what was where. Which way, which way? Which way to go? They could wander around for a bit and see what things they could find by luck. She kind of wondered what things he might be interested in. What kind of things was she looking for? Ohh... actually. Maybe she did have an idea.

After this moment of silent deliberation, she pointed the iron poker triumphantly into the darkness to their left. "This way! We go this way." She immediately headed off that way, keeping her pace normal so she could walk with Edgar rather than just in front of him. "It's not exactly very nice down here... but there's some good things around."

[to here]


poolcuemurder January 8 2010, 04:21:27 UTC
[Running up from here]

There was no internal victory fanfare or a winner's flourish after the last step was behind him and he was back to quickly pressing himself against the walls and deep into the shadows, only a mixed wave of shame and relief.

The shame was the stronger of the two.

He had already told himself again and again how he shouldn't let any of his emotions get the better of him, especially if they were so drenched in paranoia as this one. Not only was it embarrassing and childish, but it also brought a false sense of security once past that obstacle. It would never get easier. He knew that. He had to know that ( ... )


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