Night 46: M21-30 Hallway

Jan 02, 2010 16:11

Shinji hesitated at the threshold and after a moment of horrific indecision and fear he forced himself to take the step out of his room and into dim and darkened hallway. It was all strange again. The people, the appearance of this hallway - so much for hoping that last night might have been a fluke. With a start, he realized he still didn't know ( Read more... )

shinji, kenren, okita, suzaku, badou, peter petrelli, spock, sephiroth, dean winchester, l, sam winchester, roxas

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M24 allroadslead January 3 2010, 07:14:50 UTC
It was Peter's turn to leave first this time. Sam watched him go for a second or two, still contemplating everything his roommate had told him. He wasn't certain if he should find their similarities eerie or...but he had to admit, a part of him thought Peter was lucky to have a brother who didn't quite fit that strict definition of human, either. Someone who actually understood what it was like instead of standing on the outside calling it wrong without really knowingExcept that shouldn't have-he knew he shouldn't be thinking that way. He'd never wish for this demon blood psychic crap to be pushed onto Dean. It was already more than enough that Dean had gotten caught up in it because of him, paid the price more than Sam ever could. But sometimes-there was just a lot he knew Dean would never get, and as selfish as it was, he wanted Dean to know where he was coming from ( ... )


Re: M24 theroadsofar January 3 2010, 08:29:06 UTC
[From here]

Jogging around the corner, Dean spotted the light spilling from M24's opened door. Christ. He'd made it just in time.

He slowed to a walk as he approached the door. Sam stood smack in the middle, his hands reaching up and fiddling with what he assumed was probably the duct tape even though there was really no reason it should've been jostled outta place or the salt line broken. Dean sauntered closer, raising an eyebrow at his brother.

"Dude. It doesn't gotta be perfectly aligned," Dean said. "We're fresh outta T-squares."

He offered Sam a small grin, and while he didn't expect the kid to instantly forgive him for Cold Oak, at least he could try to give off the let's not have a pissing contest over this right here and now vibe and they could just focus on tonight and not getting killed 'cause they were distracted over something over and done with. So long as he could keep on eye on Sam and make sure he wasn't gonna try anything funny, Dean didn't mind some awkward silence or death glares or whatever his brother threw ( ... )


allroadslead January 3 2010, 09:00:35 UTC
Sam jumped. Jesus."Hey." He dropped his hands, silently hoping that Dean hadn't noticed that split second slip. He should've noticed Dean coming from down the hall. At least this sudden awkwardness seemed to override the tension that would've been there otherwise ( ... )


theroadsofar January 3 2010, 13:46:52 UTC
Sam hadn't started everything with a Dean, you dickless sonuvabitch, which that right there? Was pretty promising already. Dean didn't let himself get too relaxed as he followed Sam in and set up shop, leaning his hip against the edge of the desk, arms crossed. If Sam wanted to talk about patterns and weird crap going down, then that was more than okay with him. Dean didn't think for a second his brother had given up on the deal - kid was too stubborn and bull-headed for that - but they were both here in one piece, he could keep an eye on Sam, and do their job at the same time ( ... )


allroadslead January 4 2010, 02:52:47 UTC
The blacking out effect was probably the most troubling of it all, if only because it made everything wholly unpredictable. At least once, it'd been the sole factor for why Sam was alive right now. It had to be supernatural, though. Right? Getting dosed always left you disoriented, and there was nothing that knocked you out instantaneously like that. He would've attributed it to a possible skewed sense of time if not for that night in the shed. No, something had stopped exactly at that instant, or he'd have ended up with a lot more than a fading cut on his throat.

It had to put them out for several hours, too. He hadn't had a night that lasted more than a couple of hours or so, sometimes less, but it was always morning when he awoke. Not to mention, they had to be getting their sleep somehow. Sam never remembered sleeping, but he must've at some point-you couldn't go that long with no sleep and remain functional ( ... )


theroadsofar January 4 2010, 05:19:58 UTC
Not one word breathed on the deal. Dean could feel the awkwardness like a solid thing between them ( ... )


allroadslead January 4 2010, 08:27:33 UTC
Touch and go was one way to put it.

Sam caught the watch and dropped it inside the drawer. He eyed Dean for a moment, wanting to say something. He felt like he should say something, at least. But what was there to say? Everything he had on his mind, Dean either already well suspected or it was a thought Sam couldn't possibly voice.

He was only putting off the inevitable, he knew. Sooner or later, there was going to be an explosion. But not now. Right now, they could pretend to do their jobs, pretend as if Dean wasn't on the fast track to hell, and Sam could pretend that the job mattered even half as much as the deal.

He started for the door. "Can't hurt to try."

[to here]


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